
Thousands of Canadians have lead in their drinking water. Do you?

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  • Susan Aapro says:

    Is there a list of what cities have lead in the water and is Kitchener one of them.

  • Maria says:

    Tap water is too unpredictable for my comfort. We stopped drinking it years ago and switched over to Cedar Springs. Their spring water tastes clean, and I feel so much better when I’m drinking it. I can’t stand the taste of tap anymore, or the thought of potentially drinking traces of lead!

  • Craig Welbourn says:

    The problem in Flint was not caused by lead pipes, but by polluted water. The governor changed the source of their water from Lake Michigan to the corrosively polluted Flint River, which exacerbated the situation further by corroding lead pipes. The problem was solved by when the water source was changed back to Lake Michigan.

  • Laureen Aman says:

    As someone who had undergone a lead replacement in Leslieville, there are ways to speed up the process. We were able to sign an agreement with the contractor to replace both the City side and ours at the same time, which gave us piece of mind. At the end of the day we sucked up the cost as part of home ownership – when your roof leaks, furnace breaks down, or window needs replacing you don’t expect the government to pay for it so why should they pay to fix pipes on my property – it would be great if they did but that’s wishful thinking.

    On a side note, property taxes in Toronto do not go towards the water infrastructure – our water rates do, which is why they’ve skyrocketed the last few years. No City in Canada pays the true cost of water – it’s all subsidized in the end.

  • Maureen Taylor says:

    Thanks for pointing that out Jonathan and another good illustration of why journalism matters!

  • Jonathan Sher says:

    Thank you for writing about a significant risk. But your history is off. It was not the city of London that disclosed high lead levels in drinking water. It was the London Free Press that exposed and reported those risks as well as even worse levels in Hamilton and risks in many other communities, work that drove all the reforms in Ontario. Here’s is a link to the Toronto Star reporting on how The Free Press brought about those changes:

    Sorry to toot my own horn, but the lesson here, and in Flint, is not to wait for public officials to report a problem, because that day may never come unless journalists do the leg work that forces disclosure and points to solutions.


Vanessa Milne


Vanessa is a freelance health journalist and a form staff writer with Healthy Debate

Maureen Taylor


Maureen Taylor is a Physician Assistant who worked as a medical journalist and television reporter for the CBC for two decades.

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