
PrEP could potentially eradicate HIV. But in Ontario, only about a 10th of the people it could help are taking it.

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  • Adam Smith says:

    HIV infection rates have not declined in Ontario (while other jurisdictions have seen significant decreases). it’s time we held public health units and HIV prevention services to account: they get millions of dollars a year to conduct prevention services and they are FAILING. They need a radical overhaul. They are a waste of money.

    We could easily take all of that money, close down those organizations/programs, and use the money to fund PREP.

    I expect the entrenched self-interest of those organizations and employees to now whine about that being a cut in services. No, it’s not a cut. It’s about doing something in the interests of people, not the self-interest of those organizations.

    • Scott says:

      I second what Adam said.

      The AIDS Service Organizations employ a lot of people. Don’t do much, as the stats show.

  • Phil says:

    You should have interviewed Dr Michael Fanous, an incredible community pharmacist who has done so much advocacy work on this.

    Please, Healthy Debate, consider amplifying the voices of regulated health professionals who are highly qualified, but just happen to not be physicians. How you manage to write an article about a medication, without including the perspective of a pharmacist boggles my mind in 2019.


Thomas Dashwood


Thomas Dashwood is a third-year internal medicine resident at the University of Toronto. He has a special interest in the intersection of infectious diseases and social determinants of health.

Zeeshan Ansari


Zeeshan has an MBA degree in marketing and a Bachelor degree in commerce and works in the areas of compliance and business. As a patient caregiver, he has experienced various aspects of the healthcare system and is eager to contribute toward its betterment.

Drew Cumpson


Drew is the founder and CEO of Aksesib Consulting Inc. and is a disability advocate focusing on creating change in the world.
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