Efforts to “flatten the curve” of COVID-19 must be responsive to the needs of low-income Canadians who are disproportionately impacted by the virus, warn income-security advocates.
“We need to put a lens on the planning process that addresses the perspective of those who are most vulnerable or we are going to end up with a magnified problem,” says Dr. Gary Bloch, a family physician in Toronto and co-founder of the advocacy group Health Providers Against Poverty.
While Canadians adapt to new ways of working, travelling, and socializing in the wake of a global pandemic, many people are struggling to survive — and are at increased risk, says Bloch.
Research shows low income is associated with higher rates of chronic health conditions, including diabetes and heart disease, factors that increase susceptibility to COVID-19.
Canadians are advised to stay home when they are sick, purchase extra food and essential medications, and disinfect surfaces frequently. While these measures are within reach of middle-to-high-income families, they are often insurmountable obstacles for Canadians who live at or below the poverty line.
“The idea that someone relying on welfare or disability supports will have enough money to stock up on two weeks’ worth of food and basic supplies is often just not realistic,” says Laura Cattari, campaign co-ordinator at the Hamilton Roundtable on Poverty.
School closings are amplifying the challenges for families, says Cattari. Families may rely on school lunch programs to supplement their children’s diet. For parents who do not have paid sick leave through their employment, child-care expenses can be prohibitive.
Low-paying jobs in sectors such as retail and hospitality cannot be done remotely, leaving many in a state of financial uncertainty.
Last week, the federal government announced an $82 billion aid package intended to provide Canadians with assistance to weather the COVID-19 storm.
Part of the package includes Emergency Care Benefits, which will provide up to $900 bi-weekly for up to 15 weeks to people who have been impacted by COVID-19 but do not qualify for Employment Insurance (EI), and who don’t have paid sick leave through their employment.
The federal government is also proposing an increase to the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) of $300 per child, beginning next May.
While this is a start, there are crucial gaps that amplify the risk for low-income individuals and families. Advocates are urging provincial and federal governments to consider other policy options to specifically support low-income Canadians.
“All of the weaknesses in our system that we have been warning about — like paid sick and emergency leave, enhanced protection for part-time and precarious status workers— they are coming to the surface with this crisis,” says Deena Ladd, executive director of the Workers’ Action Centre, an advocacy group in Toronto.
Measures aimed at easing eligibility for Employment Insurance still exclude people who are particularly vulnerable to layoffs. Part-time workers may not have sufficient insurable hours to qualify for EI benefits, says Ladd. She wants the federal government to lower the number of insurable hours needed to qualify for benefits.
There are also calls for enhanced supports to help people who may not be eligible because of their immigration status. But the proposed measures would be provided through existing benefit programs, including EI and CCB. People who do not have status in Canada will still not qualify for such benefits. The Income Tax Act mandates immigration status as a qualifying requirement to receive Canada Child Benefits.
“There are a lot of workers who are paid in cash, don’t have status in Canada and they are particularly vulnerable in a time when businesses are letting go of many people,” says Avvy Go, executive director of the Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic in Toronto.
Go says the government should allow those with precarious immigration status to access the Emergency Care Benefit. She is also calling for amendments to EI legislation and the Income Tax Act to provide EI benefits and CCB benefits to all workers, irrespective of immigration status.
Provincially, the Ontario government has announced legislation to permit employees with COVID-19 to take as many job-protected sick days as needed.
But Ladd says this isn’t enough.
“They are talking about job-protected sick leave. There is no mention so far of it being paid and that is a huge gap,” she says.
A report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives found that just 14 per cent of leave taken by workers earning less than $16,000 a year was paid, while employees with the highest income had 74 per cent of leaves covered by employers.
For Ontarians who rely on Ontario Works (OW) and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), the situation is especially precarious, says Kyle Vose, co-chair of the ODSP Action Coalition.
“People on OW or ODSP are suffering right now because they are not getting enough money to survive,” says Vose.
Vose says the provincial government should place a moratorium on any benefit cancellations due to non-reporting of income. Anyone receiving OW or ODSP must report any income earned, which could impact their monthly entitlement.
But many recipients may not have internet or phone access at home, and rely on computers in public libraries to report to the Ministry of Community and Social Services online. Public libraries are now all closed, leaving people with few options. Ministry computer systems automatically withhold payment if income reports are not submitted.
“The system is set up so that if I were on ODSP still and I don’t report, I could lose benefits, my drug and dental card…. There are huge implications,” says Vose.
The administrative hurdles associated with social assistance programs can be onerous for both recipients and government, says Wayne Lewchuk, an economics professor at McMaster University in Hamilton.
Lewchuk studied the impacts of Ontario’s basic income pilot project, which was cancelled by the Ford government last March. He says basic income should be a policy consideration now more than ever.
“It would give [low-income Canadians] a floor below which they cannot fall, so they would have a guarantee of some income, hopefully enough to keep their household functioning,” he says.
Lewchuk says the pandemic reveals the societal costs of not addressing the needs of low-income Canadians.
“If we don’t have protections for a large segment of the working class that allows them to take the right steps to protect themselves and the community, then nobody is protected…. Viruses are not picky. They don’t look at your chequebook,” says Lewchuk.

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What about those who are on Long term disability and because of covid some who lost their doctors were not able to get a new doctor because they were not taking new patients or seeing those in person unless covid criteria was met and absolutely necessary. This happened to me and my insurance provider, RBC LIFE AND HEALTH, just stopped my claim! With no communication telling me or providing guidance at all during covid. They won’t even acknowledge me after emails wrote.
This is a shady game their playing and using covid to dump clients. Without my medication I will die. All because of this little game they are playing.
What a corrupt organization RBC is, the insurance industry in general as well.
See you in the next life.
I need help with my bills ,everything is tough right now I need some assistance with my finances, I fill like I cannot make it here alone,I have had two operations since covic19 began.
never use knowledge to give thru work income keep everyone at one level through MOON MOM SURAJ
I am from Taiwan, my name is Yun Zhen Liang, and I suffer from congenital eye disease. I also received subsidies from the Taiwanese government to live my life, because it was difficult to find a job, and all my money was scammed by my ex-boyfriend.
Because my boyfriend lives in Ottawa, Johnson Morgan called him. He is a doctor. He worked abroad for two years. He returned to Canada on May 7 or May 8. He was arrested for violating COVID-19. He was arrested in a backward country because he knew nothing about COVID-19. The police asked him to find someone to help pay the money before leaving the cell. He has no relatives or friends, only my girlfriend, so he asked me to pay US$3,150. I think the amount is too high and I have encountered difficulties in my own life, so I checked the amount online. Between US$275 and US$1,000. To pay all the money, there are more strange things. My boyfriend must be quarantined for another 14 days. My boyfriend will go to Canada. It has been almost a month and the onset has passed, which means that my boyfriend did not get COVID-19. The self-proclaimed policeman said that after I paid, my boyfriend must be quarantined for another 14 days and undergo a blood test. I asked him why he must isolate and test my boyfriend after staying in Canada for more than 14 days. This means that my boyfriend is not free of COVID-19 virus. Otherwise, all police officers who claim to be police will also be infected with the COVID-19 virus, and he said the boss asked him to do so. I know all the lies, I know he is a subordinate. I will not scold him, and I also want to thank him for taking care of my boyfriend, because he is the only boyfriend who helps me. At first, I suspected that he was a scam. My boyfriend contacted me by phone, calling himself a policeman. I am sure he is my boyfriend. He once helped my boyfriend. I just want to know how much the fine is. Because I am Taiwanese, I have no money. But they must be comforted. They keep threatening me that if I don’t pay, my boyfriend will go to jail. The police have no decision-making power. The imprisonment of my boyfriend is not decided by the court! I’m afraid they will scare my boyfriend and deliberately lie to my boyfriend, or think that I am a foreigner, so they lie to us! The money is as low as US$275 and as high as US$1,000. I just don’t believe them, so I ask for help online, please help
Sorry just read above I was doing talk to text
I had the worst summer ever last summer to covid 19 and I didn’t even catch it I was I could tell my hole story I feel I deserve money too for what I went through it was total torture and I was not even looked at was sick all summer a boom hospital in August till almost September the stuff in between brutal.
Why is Unemployment giving out checks to people who never work but lay around high all day on drugs and ME a single woman working full time for years and now out of work for 6 months due to my back going out and now having to have surgery, Unemployment will not help me so I’m about to be HOMELESS!!!
I was a registered nurse making enough money to survive alone. Abusive relationship after abusive relationship has brought me to my knees. What a joke. A single mother on disability. Its alreadybeen 5 years. I have lost almost everything including my carreer, house, happiness and self worth. I reluctantly applied for odsp on the advice of my family physician. A working $1700 monthly, I can’t even pay rent in a place I’m not worried about leaving my daughter alone at 13 years old. For an hour or two. I dont understand what is happening here. Increasing rent and house prices, increasing the cost of groceries and gas. I could go on forever here… Honestly, what hasn’t gone up drastically in the past 2 years? People have their covid blinders on and this world is getting out of control. What happens to people like me? How can I give my daughter a chance? I want her to have all the opportunities available to a young woman heading out for life but with the economy going the way it is and my health doing nothing but getting worse, how do I provide her with the best this life had to offer? Is she destined to fail and struggle because I got sick? What is the bottom line here? I’m almost out of ideas. I just want my girl to have a happy childhood. With covid once again robbing her of the most basic components of being a teenager how can I give her everything she deserves when I can’t…
BC premier is useless dose nothing.Havent heard anything from him since the end of March.Possibly he should take lessons from prem. Ford and do some thing..Shut down this province get rid of this virus what is wrong with him.Only hear from Dr Henry!!
I am on odsp and cpp disability and my common law wife works for school bus sharp .we get subsidy from the co.op we’re we pay $700 dollars and because my wife got e.I for 2 months she had to take the covit relief found to with was $536 dollars a week and the co.op is putting are rent up saying that the covit is encome and now they want 1,200 dollars a month now there saying that’s encome . Can they do that make COVID 19 relief found xsstra encome?? Help
When is this CCB supposed to be increased? Is it May 2021? Or was that the one they did last May 2020?
I guess I have to apologize for being disabled. I have been doing it all my life.
I’m stunned Ford told people on OW to get a second job, in a pandemic and he says get a second job.
I have worked and claimed every cent, I did work up until Jan, In Oct I was diagnosed with a blood disease and made myself go because I couldn’t lose any money to pay mý bills, never mind buying food.
I’m in the same boat as you ,I worked for 30 years and paid taxes like everyone else ,and can no longer do to a heart condition called severe dilated cardiomyapothy only way to get better is a heart transplant ,it sucks I get 1,053 dollars a month,trudeau said were all in this together people get 2,000 a month to cover there bills with cerb DISSABLED students get 1,750 why cant odsp match the 1,750 for people on odsp or cpp dissability they know how much rent costs yet do nothing about it and push us aside an extra 700 would make a huge difference goodluck to you buddy best wishes
Why do parents get an extra $300 per child ..why isn’t the OAS helping Seniors UNDER the age of 75 ??? We ‘ll b dead before we ever reach 70 !!!! US seniors IN THE 65 TO 70 age group..who are DISABLED NEED financial HELP TOO !!!!! Im in Ontario…I was on ODSP for yrs..now I had to switch to OAS because I turned 65 last yr..now have to pay for my prescriptions..lost my Special diet allowance too…my rents going to b increased.. Our government helps young people and people with kids….us seniors are totally left out..They actually want us gone…Pretty sad for a country like Canada…..Baby Boomers be safe!!!!
Hey… It’s Me again…My deepest sympathy for the Every One painfully left alone…Lost is not even…..MAN…if only I could be able to take away every one’s sadness……
I Love…I Live…i once lived…I am alone now. Let mE tell You, IT HURTS REAL bad..I cry,..alone. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning. I’m planning to hug as menny people that I can. With love. Peace. Regards to hugs. I wish You all A Wonderful day. Chrissie.
I’m 57, my back is worn out severe osteoarthritis I also suffer from PTSD which is a disability I can no longer work at many jobs anymore and all the federal government will give me is $1100 a month to live on I need to thousand dollars a month plus I bit just to pay the bills….. The Cost of living here in British Columbia in the Okanogan it’s very high a one bedroom bachelor apartment not including utilities is 1200 a month I don’t know what to do except not vote for Trudeauever again
Absolutely I have not received any money from june17 im not joking I can not work I live with my mother now ive lost everything And you GOVERNMENT people dont care. I have called many times HONEST i just graduated from college and right after that BAMMMM this pandemic hit so what do i do i cant go back to the salon,,, plus i was in college for 2 years so how can i make 5000 $ you KNOW what i mean I’ve been paying TAXES FOR 30 YEARS AND NOW WHEN I NEED THE GOVERNMENT THEY JUST SHUT YOU DOWN
Well now Wouldn’t it be nice to Live Over There Now…Out side OV Quebec…Sounds like ..so wonderfully to Me….
Let Me introduce myself…Not…Iv already Waisted way to much OV My time getting these messages out…I am ON FUCKEN WELFARE MAN….LOST MY FUCKEN HOME TESTERDAY…I HAVENT RECEIVED A FUCKEN DIME FROM ANY SORT OV GOVERNMENTAL BRANCH
So if you will please excuse My Hastiness..I am on My way out now to scrounge up 380.00 from the frozen ashfault in the City s laberenth OV back alley s……. please…I’m starting to become anoyed OV somes…piss ass whyning..
Chow Chow Now…I’m off to fight for anything that’s still frozen and stuck in the bottom OV anyone’s out door garbage bin’s….
P.S. try to put a bit OV water in your garbage bin’s so that A BIT OF YOUR food may stick to it’s sides Peace.
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My proud mother is a senior She is a hairdresser She did not apply for the cerb. Turns out This duration has lasted much longer than her resources We considered now to apply The latest This is January 2021 However after her expenses she did not make $5,000 I also understand there are many Seniors And people who do not qualify For the same reasons In the initial Emergency response benefit If it wasn’t safe to work Then you did not have to My mother Would always be within 2 feet of a customer This is extremely high risk As she is 70 + I can’t imagine All the people not only being Broke right now Trying to do the right things I’m putting themselves up high risk This is so counterproductive If anybody has any knowledge What the government is going to do about some form of new policy Or anything that they’re working on regarding this I would really appreciate Any Guidance
This blog is extremely cool! How did you make it ?
What I don’t understand is we applied for the Cerb of $2000 & asked certain questions which we answered best to our knowledge. So what I’m getting at is were getting pinalized to answering a government tax workers ??’s Which they **APPROVED** & then once we received monies later on they decide they forgot to mention that we’ll have to pay back so much monthly that just popped out of there head in the amount of “ahh I don’t know that’s fckn out of this world. I’d love to put the shoe on the other foot (THEM) And see how we live and budget. Budget can’t budget fck all left . It’s either supplies or rent . We’re screwed no matter what and I’m disgusted to say I’m a Canadian. Sry to say
I and many others receive the amount of 690 $ per month…. 0 ducking help from the government….I am a private home care worker for the ….. c..c out of work and not a dime extra from the gov…peace.
I have been just advised that My Comment contans “Errors”…please explain.
I AM AND KNOW OTHERS ON WELFAIRE 670 DOLLERS A MONTH…NOT EVEN FUCKEN ENOUGH MONEY TO RENT AN APARTMENT….menny can’t even find a box to cover them selves at night…food banks are shut down….garbage bins which once held a bit of Food in the Back Alley s are gone….soup kitchens Closed….(Unlike all you ((……)) Entitys living the (…) life….1000 bucks after your New fondementaly paid Governemental enriched pampered) what ever the :;””-‘(“Fuck ….);.
We have not received OnE EXTRA FUCKEN DIME from Canada nor Quebec. Thank You…fuck off And Peace My Luves…enjoy your warmth.
Hi yes i do agree ,as the city i live in is growing population .. which are driving food cost, rent, bills and any medical care up . Also people who don’t have great credit struggle to find affordable places that will accept them , as most property owners don’t allow low income, single people on low income/have poor or bad credit . Because it’s bad for business, i work and have had to lose out on pay due to this pandemic, but my work or the government are not covering my loss of hours i am forced to miss during a covid-19 of booking an appointment and waiting on results. Also i have a son who is 18 , has struggles mentally and the ow system has denied his claim which denies him to file for ODSP seeing i work and he lives with me , my credit is poor, my hours have been up and down and no help from the system or my employer, i to have social anxiety a form of a mental health condition, as well as other health conditions that between my work place to allowing forms of bulling and discrimination and theft to occur at my work , along with with pandemic and my own struggles at home and with trying to get my son help mentally, emotionally and financially . The system has made it hard to survive in times like these for people with mental health , disabilities, and other struggles period, as i have found that the system only works out for those who are looking to milk it dry and deny it to those who are honest and are in desperate need of it’s help ,aid’s within the community and it’s full supports as such including those below the poverty line, who cannot afford to pay their rent on time , i live in low income housing and i myself am struggling financially with my son who i am supporting , i count on my full 80’s of pay , but lost time due this pandemic seeing i work with dishonest selfish co-workes who lied and still come and have came to work with covid-19 and put my family and other peoples families health at risk which mentally is unhealthy for my sons and i conditions. i feel like the system should help those without covid-19 and give them the proper supports needed in these difficult times.
Canada Child Benefit increase really? What about raising a 30 year old daughter with a permanent lifelong disability?
I am working part time at 23$ an hour but paying 15$ an hour for a Caregiver. Covid has stopped my daughters evening and weekend programs. Her day program has cut their hours. It is just the 2 of us. Where’s our help?
Absolutely I have been on the phone with my MP today.
Absolutely I have contacted my MP and voiced my concerns the immigrants get everything and yes my Parents were born in Canada and I am Canadian born. Janet
From Hamilton
The charter of rights and freedoms says we all get equal benefit under the law. Equal privilege and protection as well. Then the government writes bills with discriminatory provisions that discriminate against the poor living breathing entity. Mean while the wealthy living breathing entity with multiple cars on their multiple car driveway adjacent to the home that they own are showered with financial benefits. Also the corporations rich and poor all get lavish benefits under these laws and they are not even liable for the debt that is created by these bailouts. Sweet deal for china airlines much less so for the Canadian citizen whom happens to be poor. Disabled, unemployed sorry you don’t count so you can simply go F yourself instead…… It’s time for a civil war.
I’m in.
Gimme a hell ya if u don’t give a fuck about covid anymore !!! I had a traumatic 2018 that left me homeless and in numerous shelters I would rather die I know I’ll die happy and knowing I tried my best being on my joke of a ODSP check during this shitshow it’s kinda fucking hard staying in motels until u get low on cash and saving money when u gotta eat too the police and those damn rent a cops can leave all of us alone I’m not going to break into somehere or out to hurt people loitering is not against the law I am not suicidal but if no one including part time workers receive no help I am not living my life shelter drifting hospital stays or resorting to even staying in detox that is not a life for anyone we all want a home of our own during this shit i am not getting tossed around anymore because of my bullshit government check no one on this lame assistance should not get money taken outta their basic needs to cover most of the rent especially those with physical disabilities this check is going to end up ending my life not catching covid or my failing health I’m sad to see my siblings and friends not themselves anymore we can’t hang out anywhere because of this lockdown at least having coffee at timmies with some of my buddies cheered me up it’s January 1st 2021 and I could care less I don’t think anyone does anymore I’m not the type to watch tv all day these marathons of some sitcoms are getting depressing being on Facebook all the time no hang out spots no more it’s just tv tv tv all day I know this isn’t good for ppl with mental illness like depression homeless shelters are not the answer to a pandemic they make us feel useless and that we are nothing some of them are so dirty and hardly no good food or juice and I don’t feel like sleeping in one room with 6 other women no furniture just a little pathetic night stand the mattresses are dirty full of holes and stink nothing worse then sharing a shitty shelter with total strangers and I don’t appreciate being woken up by those pain in the ass workers at 7am I don’t recommend a shelter to anyone they make u feel like ur a piece of shit but I guess that’s the plan cram all of us into our suicides sharing rooms with women that abuse drugs seeing kids staying in one of those torture chambers really pisses me off they are all depressed and want a home of their own no child or baby deserves to be in a shelter they are hit with so many rules what not to do than their parents ffs I am almost 40 years old and not need to be bossed around by uneducated lazy ass shelter workers I got 6 shelter bans on me I fucking snap on the workers tell them off and what I think of them they are nothing so annoying and I assulted 3 of them and I don’t feel sorry one bit not taking crap from no pathetic piece of shit shelter workers they deserve to get told off and hit they basically leave home to go work at home so fucking lazy just ordering the kids and us adults around be sarcastic towards them rude comments make jokes about them and even steal from those shelters anything u can get ur hands on trust me those workers aren’t too bright and they are too busy on Facebook lol or sleeping on the job on the night shift haha so hard working
Dear Canadian Government we the people in poverty on ODSP AND OW AND ACSD.WE are Suffering we Cannot stockup we can barely buy groceries and pay our rents..Im a Mother of 2 children with disabilities and I Only get 497.for our Rent How can we survive!! The bills are killing us as covid19 has raised all prices But our Below Poverty checks are not letting us keep our heads above the water Please Help Us!! You give single people 2000 per month to live.but yet you keep us well below this money..Do you care how great people are suffering do you know what is like to be on odsp and acsd or ow and Suffering and we still have to look our family in the eyes..and suffer. PLEASE HELP US WE ARE CANADIANS!
This fear-stoking commentary aged terribly. Nostradamus would be proud.
Here is an update to your missing research, lack of intellectual honesty, fear-mongering:
Get your head out
Just a test comment. Do not approve.
Me and my common law partner only bring in 1110.00 my monthly between the two of use our rent alone is 1000,00. We live at 11230 St.Albert Trail and are afraid of being put out on the streets he has been looking for work no luck so far and I am on the wait list for AISH and my CPP. We just moved here from Victoria. We are worried about our bills rent groceries and being put out on the street in the pandemic. We are in need of assistance from immediately. My name is Mary-Jane Saulnier and my partner Christopher Sweeney. Please send me info on how to save us from the streets. My email is saumaryjane46@gmail.com and please tell me the laws Covid and being put on the streets due to are current situation. Sincerely, Mary-Jane Saulnier.
No disrespect to Canadians so please don’t take it that way but why is our federal government the federal government of the United States and seeing how Canada is not part of the United States why is our federal government here in America talking about helping Canadians with the covid-19 money. Thats the biggest problem with our US government, they’ll help anyone from any other country, but damnit if you were born and raised here such as l was, i cant go to a bank and get a $500 loan to fix a damn vehicle… Thanks USA, being sarcastic now
Sadly, low income – below poverty line etc. Means we are used to living like this I think the most affected are the middle class after they sell all their toys next comes their house big disaster for them poor people have already adapted before this. Emergency care benefits – my ass too have to pay part of it back even if you are eligible and they are acting like they’re doing anyone a favor who in canada can pay mortgage/rent eat drive a car and are for children on 2000$ or less a month increase CCB why so as when childrens aid takes our kids their bank account grows none of the re routed CCB goes to the child or the foster homes not sure their purpose in targeting low income families why do they want our children will there be an apology up on their walls next generation like there is towards the natives of this land its all about money for them wherever they are and about classifying those with no money as basically criminals all to feed their system which had been proven to harm not to help time to transcend evolve become self sustaining without them
What i don’t understood is in fact how you are now not actually much more well-preferred
than you might be now. You’re very intelligent. You understand thus considerably with regards
to this matter, produced me individually
believe it from a lot of various angles. Its like
women and men are not involved until it’s something to do with
Girl gaga! Your individual stuffs outstanding. All the time handle it up!
By increase OW and ODSP and Cerb by $300 to show the government support helping people. Say government 30 billions on the of the 82 billions. But three years down the because of that 300 boost people will looking for jobs to because they have been take care good for their return to working labour tax general supplier for the government the will look for cash jobs, medical bills will cut in half, status materialize back to uniform line production, newcomer get train more jobs development, more land will be use different countries invest in Canada for different things, now more and more jobs are taking be foreigners labour force in all the industries by 2024 5 trillions dollars the government will bring in that alot of money. People think is they has so source of wealth majority the work and pay tax, tax all provinces like Ontario and how the province bring in taxes and other source income for the government.
I am disgusted by the government they took 2 years of my taxes just because I owe them money they have all kinds of fucking money and they get a thrill taking from the poor that money could have solved so many problems for me the government is all about power and money they love the fact covid 19 happened I read articles they can’t stand the fact people in isolation are buying alcohol they are in there own fucking homes they love the power trip of being able to shut down liquor stores on us they don’t give a fuck the employees there will be jobless covid 19 is stressful and making people suicidal because of the government’s torture of us we are there pawns they feel no sympathy for the parents that just lost their teens to suicide and don’t fall for their fake ass act of kindness to help u with ur bills or rent because u will just b stuck paying them back stop sending them ur problems are problems are caused by them once u turn 18 u are officially a pawn of the government I am fed up they aren’t helping no one through this they aren’t even helping out charities that are kind to help us we are all going to die if we depend on them our lives during Covid I just got swindled by those crooks they are all Narcissistic jerks I for one am fed up with living in shelters everyone is getting drove into poverty because of there BS so spread the word around Facebook to every fed up Canadian to riot and scare these cocksuckers and take there useless money with them we won’t need money anymore and live in peace no crimes just to make money Canada is a big country I know every Canadian loves our kids I see right through the government right to the other side we are at risk of losing our homes because the government loves the fact they have the power to slap us with a 4000 fine when people working full time only make 1800 we are good people we don’t wanna lose our businesses our homes even our lives lets get them the hell outta our lives we work hard for our next to nothing money we are all starving they won’t even give money to charities to help us out lets live in a peaceful money free world during Covid 19 I am running out of money I’m getting pissed off just cuz I owe them money they fucked me over they have tons of money and they take from low income Canadians I am so sick of never having enough money to eat and money taken outta my basic needs just to cover my rent they love the fact we are so despite for money and the horrible things single moms and families are doing to feed their kids get on Instagram Facebook tell every fucking Canadian relying on the government for help and get these fucking cowards and take their pathetic money with them I for one don’t wanna die at 38 years of age and I sure as hell don’t want my children suffering u will see how much happier and stress will b lifted from us once these evil dipshits fuck off I’m not bullshitting I wanna see my 6 month old grow up spread the word to everyone help save Canadians lives!!!!!
Just blow your useless cheque on booze we cant afford anything anyways then call that stupid Justin Trudeau channel drunk and give him a piece of ur mind lets all piss the government off I’m waiting for the LCBO to open at least I kinda can afford booze on ODSP lol I’m so poor that I dumpster dive my clothes and household items I’m so poor I can’t even barely afford no name food products!!! I’m so fucking poor I buy used underwear and bras at value village I’m so poor when I’m going thru the meat I look for the cheapest one to save 20 cents!!!! Bahaha
Come on what help? We live off the govenment and we expect them to help us and save our lives? I’m going to probably b on the streets tomorrow morning all these bullshit articles are about us face it our lives are in danger we got no one during this pandemic I’m scared to b on the streets but I tried my hardest just think how happy the government will b when one by one people on fixed incomes will die one after another it’s evil and disgusting but I’m only human
Don’t waste ur time reading these articles they always mention the problems but never have a solution Doug Ford’s answer is too throw us all in shelters, jail or mental institutions enjoy ur life with good friends a few glasses of wine I’m pretty sure is not illegal during covid ffs
This article explains stuff people on fixed incomes are already scared of and know I’ve been bounced around so much since March no landlord will rent to someone on ODSP the rent prices are crazy I achieved my esthetician diploma back in 2011 but why should I help out and work during Covid 19?? I’m getting to the point of telling ODSP just to pay for my room and screw my basic needs I’d b much happier with a roof over my head with no money than on the streets with money I applied for 3 subsizied housing programs in Barrie ON just to find out it’s all on hold I was pregnant and was on special priority could of been housed by now I think people on ODSP do not have to work part time just to contribute to society when society always screws us over big time I am not working my ass off at a crappy part time job just for 200 extra dollars than won’t help me with the prices of rent nowadays and if u even make one dollar over they take it on u it’s unfair but that’s how it works for us nobody is getting help during Covid 19 whether it b people on fixed incomes, working part time or even full time I hate to say this but crime is going to increase, suicide, overdoses frauds after frauds and the government has nobody to blame but themselves if that happens
Don’t waste ur time reading these articles they always mention the problems but never have a solution Doug Ford’s answer is too throw us all in shelters, jail or mental institutions enjoy ur life with good friends a few glasses of wine I’m pretty sure is not illegal during covid ffs
This article explains stuff people on fixed incomes are already scared of and know I’ve been bounced around so much since March no landlord will rent to someone on ODSP the rent prices are crazy I achieved my esthetician diploma back in 2011 but why should I help out and work during Covid 19?? I’m getting to the point of telling ODSP just to pay for my room and screw my basic needs I’d b much happier with a roof over my head with no money than on the streets with money I applied for 3 subsizied housing programs in Barrie ON just to find out it’s all on hold I was pregnant and was on special priority could of been housed by now I think people on ODSP do not have to work part time just to contribute to society when society always screws us over big time I am not working my ass off at a crappy part time job just for 200 extra dollars than won’t help me with the prices of rent nowadays and if u even make one dollar over they take it on u it’s unfair but that’s how it works for us nobody is getting help during Covid 19 whether it b people on fixed incomes, working part time or even full time I hate to say this but crime is going to increase, suicide, overdoses frauds after frauds and the government has nobody to blame but themselves if that happens
I delight in, lead to I found just what I was having a look for. You’ve ended my four day long hunt! God Bless you man. Have a great day. Bye
Hmm it seems like your site ate my first comment (it was super long) so I guess I’ll just sum it up what I had written and say, I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog. I too am an aspiring blog blogger but I’m still new to everything. Do you have any recommendations for rookie blog writers? I’d definitely appreciate it.
I came from a Pacific Island nation called Papua New Guinea. My country shares borders with Indonesia, Australia and Solomon Islands..I usual search on Youtube any interesting documentaries. Whilst looking up youtube videos I came across a documentary on people who suffer diabetes and there are real treatment from multivitamincare org. My wife diabetes symptom was diabetic neuropathy. We didn’t know she was diabetic until we went to my doctor complaining about constant foot pain. After a multitude of tests for everything from rheumatoid arthritis to muscular dystrophy, an emergency room physician checked her blood sugar.After reviewing a letter written by my doctor, where I read he had prescribed Celebrex for her due to pain of Arthritis which had really messed her neck, back and knees, I found that one of the side effects of Celebrex is Diabetes, my wife was able to effectively cure herbal condition multivitamincare org It is too much for a patient to endure such as they slowly begin to pass away if the right medication is not taken organic herbal treatment.Having a positive mind is a powerful tool .My prayers goes out to diabetes patients and their care givers.
I am glad to see people of power starting to notice all of us low income and poverty stricken individuals who have been swept under the rug of sociaty for far too long. They say if u want to know what a city is like, just look at its poorest people. And id say we are lookin really bad. We need help, real help or how can we ever hope to experiance life changing possative changes if we can’t even have a roof over our heads and food to eat. I get $866.90 per month as a single female of 38years old with Bipolar 2 disorder. I live room and board with people who I don’t always get along with due to my metal, emotional disorder. I pay 550.00 per month for my room, use of a bathroom n shower, ii also paid 38.00 for a key to a mail box. After rent I pay 38.00 for a monthly phone card, and 100.00 or more for a bus pass to go to the out patient psychologist ward 3 times a week. Then with the tiny amount left I buy food. With the food a lady at my age needs to be healthy being to much, I rely on dollarama and the few dollar trees left. Even then, by getting food from the food bank the 2nd week of each month, I starve the next 2 and a half weeks of every month. Health issues due to Mel nutrition are setting in and have become too week to even collect bottles, which with covid 19 its the worst way to make money sense it evolves touching the mouth of bottles where covid transfers from. I can’t afford to buy more gloves and each pair only lasts so long. 53 days is how long my last pair of rubber gloves lasted. We are getting sick and dieing,. Does that matter at all to anyone???? Sensarily Crystal Lamarche. EDM, AB.
This is Vincent boutilier I have bowel problem I was lecicuteed in 200 thousand and two I just got out of the hospital again I think that I should be getting some help I am behind all off my bills I don’t t think the government is fair with everyone that needs help they just worry about people that works they don’t care about people that can’t work
Would Justin have a Merry Christmas making less than 13000.00 dollars a year for 21 years and feel confident to get a job during the second wave…? He has helped change Canada for the better. I just hope he isn’t finished.
Im a single mother with a 10 years old with major special needs and this year (2020)is my sons first year attending school. I went year after year trying to have my kid attend school, as a result i have to be on welfare and i get 986$ a month and my rent is 850 a month i the 130 left over covers his food for school lunch and thats it ‘ and i am left to stay hungry so that whatever food i do have is left for my kid because i wont be able to him bread. Or anything for that matter as i wont even have 10 cents until baby bonus, i also hate leaving my house as strangers often comment on how skinny i am and little do they know what position im in and now im embaressed because its very embarring that i am forced to live this way
It would seem that low income workers with underlying conditions must work. No provision at all has been made for those people. Perhaps the governments is actively trying to reduce the burden on health care by exposing these people to covid. Health care workers as well as grocery clerks with underlying conditions have died. Very sad. We are reverting to a survival of thd fittest society just to save money?
I’m sorry for the spelling errors. Typed too fast on ‘ phone.
Hello I am an American citizen whom is living in Vancouver as a Canadian Refugee Claimant. I have been in country for almost 4 months now and to this day I still have not received a work permit or a SIN. No monetary assistance. No housing. No anything. I have been begging everyone from the welfare office to Justin Trudeau to help with the situation and for them to acknowledge the serious nature of the delay in providing me a way to survive let alone protect my self from covid. I have been living in Strathcona Park Vancouver for a while now and the IRCC, Majestry, etc. etc. have just been passive aggressively denying me access to a way to live, eat, shelter and protect my self from covid. I have a lot of hard evidence, video, documented emails etc. and I would love for someone to bring my story to light. thanks
need help denied final cerb and now crb self employed i did earn but did not pay mysef due to co loss no income in 45 days review over 4 weeks giled taxes but peraonal income affected by unpaid invoices descriminated against
Wow I am a recipient of ODSP. I’m so blessed to see the support for us on here. We are made to feel like lower class. Due to the fact we are sick. Why are people collecting 2000 when I get much lower amount for my husband and I to survive. It’s pay rent and hydro and phone. We have to have a phone for all our doctors and medical appointments. That leaves next to nothing for food never mind cleaning products. We live in a very sad society today. Our future is very insecure. We we be the next to live in tents. We see a lot of it around here growing population of this. I’m scared.
My spirit is losing the battle with life….I am an ODSP recipient and because of that I am living in dire circumstances…at the moment I have half a bag of milk and a container of margarine…I am literally starving and I am not the only one…through the first six months the struggle seemed unsurmountable…and still is even more so with the cost of everything going up…I am so depressed …and so are so many others also…watching every one getting help they need ..being treated like they are humans while people on the government assistance are not treated the same…you might as well put us in a gas chamber..it would be a much more merciful death than slowly dying being on the assistance…giving money to food banks and other institutions that the government says is to help people on the system is wrong …we do not see….we get expired food and only enough for a day or two….not only that I am almost 60…just months short of being 60 and to go to food banks is pure torture…I do not have a vehicle and getting to these places is horrible and then having to carry the food home is torturous in itself…I have Scleroderma..COPD…rheumatoid arthritis..and a few other ailments..constantly in pain ..unfortunately these ailments have prevented me from keeping jobs for more than a few months..believe me .. I have desperately tried to work and make things better.. but for me it is not working out…feeling very sad…depressed and hopeless….to know that even to the government I do not matter…It is so disconcerting to see that we do not matter..the money should be given directly to people so they can eat properly what they like not what they are given even if they don’t like it or not…to set up programs for people to get work is a joke…some on the system are young and can probably do it..but for others like myself …it is anything but Humane…how are people especially older people with real ailments supposed to get a job when people that work are out of work and cannot get job due to Covid..please stop wasting money on these programs that are a joke ..save these programs for when there is no Covid or until it is under control…an employer would more than likely hire someone with experience and who is younger..stop wasting money .. give people direct help..HELP OTHERS AND MYSELF FEEL LIKE WE MATTER..NOT LIKE A HERD OF CATTLE LINED UP AT FOOD BANKS TO GET A 2 DAY SUPPLY OF EXPIRED FOOD..or like I said above ..gather us up and put us in gas chamber …it really feels like this…I wake up daily crying and hoping that there is a light…but to no avail..there is no light..my soul is dying….there is a lot to say but I don’t have the space to write everything that I and many others are feeling…all I can say is it is criminal to treat disabled people this way…..for now..and eternity….GOD IS THE REAL JUDGE
That would be so helpful to get more financial help again during this covid pandemic, it is very important to have more money in our bank accts, so we can have our basic needs, and thats paying rent food basic needs our children cant go hungry at this time of need thank you
Yrs we need help during this covid apedemic
Is there any update with the payments for ODSP? We were suppose to beg? Know this through Osmosis?
I was told by the worker we had to ask. I was told it was announced on TV and I didn’t listen. I said there is no TV I don’t have one and the phone number was disconnected when I called for a different matter I had to go to the office. The worker was so rude then she hung up on me when we were speaking of another matter because I responded to her how she was talking to me.
Very interesting discussion!! I think that you should write more on this topic, it might not be a taboo subject but generally, people are not enough to speak on such topics. To the next. Cheers.
I love how you make sure to point out how it affects NON-Canadians, but did not mention white Canadians, guess we are not human in your eyes?
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I have a mental disability and can’t work, I am on CPP 545.37and 251.64 Social assistance, I live in a mini home park which raises the lot rent every July 1st, the lot rent is now 278.30, power is 200.00 a month, I pay 53 95 for house ins my home is paid for, but I now can’t afford to stay here, I have to move to NB Housing when one comes available, and now with COVID 19, I have to find ways to get to Doctors appointments. I am really fed up with living this way. things are always going up in price but our checks. it seems like the disabled are totally forgotten about. I am totally disgusted with our government, I would love for them to live in my place for a month and see how they make out with the income I live on, I live in New Brunswick, we all need help, I have friends who are also having a hard time living. we are not getting enough food to get us healthy, fruits and veg are getting quite expensive. PLEASE WE NEED HELP TOO, thank you for your time.
This is a total joke I am 38 years old and just recently had my 2nd child I am in a total pickle trying to secure housing for myself I applied to 3 subsidized housing programs which are all on hold due to this pandemic no one will rent to u as soon as u say u are on odsp it’s like we are labelled as dirty, lazy and will trash the place or not pay the rent it’s not like I can go back to college all classes are online and online courses are not funded by osap I get 1,110 a month approximately and taking 200 outta my basic needs to cover most of the rent leaves u with less money I just wish the government would increase our rent portion I could care less about the basic needs I am not a user of hard drugs and my daughter and I deserve a place to call home if all the subsidized housing programs are on hold!
I am 70 yrs old suffering from COPD & congestive heart problem almost died from lung infection twice few years back I’ve lived in poverty all my life and my youngest of 5 children is 28 yrs old I’ve never had a highschool deploma and best paying job I ever had in 2007 driving deliveries & custody of my youngest two children eldarado co desides to take. My D.L.we lived in placer co and on going case my youngest mother abandon lert her in Nevada long story short they take 166$ mo from my retirement and even then they deduct my whole retirement benefits which includes the $166.00 from my state suplemento income and that’s what’s left for me to live on the first 7 mo they took 320 mo.because I was homeless and now they took my stemulis check said I wasn’t intitle to it because past child support all my children ex wivesand every person I know got a check l need money also I live on less then all of them had I never work a day in my life I would be receiving more benefits amount where is justification in all this never was offered any assistance to help my income h s deploma just badgered & suffered at the descretion of Eldarado DCSS.thank you so much Michael L. Glass dead beat father!!!!!!!!!
A force d’entendre parler de certains prêteurs qui me semblaient sérieux sur les forums et blogs mon choix s’est dirigé vers monsieur eric berthaud il m’a accordé sans soucis un prêt de 10000€ , selon la loi européen en France je vous conseille de faire le bon choix afin de ne pas tomber sur les faux du net. Merci à tous ceux qui témoignent de se monsieur il est une référence. vous pouvez sans crainte le contacter sur son e-mail:
What. About. Supposley. Monies were sent to all reserves. First Nations to. The chief and leaders of the Sliammon. First Nations people No one has received. No one has mentioned. There’s much corruption in the Sliammon. Nation. Government doesn’t investigate with. Monies Also. People are receiving monies that never had a job. And their collecing. Covic19. Monies. To buy more. Drugs Free rent. Free meals. Free laundry. In town. People haven’t worked they collect. Covic monies. People on Penision. Disability. Trying to survive. Saving their house feed their family. Can’t have monies because their husband made to much at work and are retired but only have certain amount to live on. Then you. Have all the drug people collecting. Monies every month. To buy more drugs and a few groceries. What’s fair about that
What. About. Supposley. Monies were sent to all reserves. First Nations to. The chief and leaders of the Sliammon. First Nations people No one has received. No one has mentioned. There’s much corruption in the Sliammon. Nation. Government doesn’t investigate with. Monies
I happen to know 2 people on ODSP. And CERB at same time. One even has a job as a PSW, and a new vehicle. she is NOT suffering. She also has 2 kids and is cashing out on about 1600. Per month for child tax.
I will have to live in the streets very soon. ODSP is NOT enough to live on. The other option is to die.
You think that $1,169 is enough to live on? Not at all! They’re a bunch of stupid morons! The rent are all
$1,000 and more. Food is expensive. And they talk on living a long healthy life. Not me! I’m not interested
in living to 100 on ODSP. Living that long on ODSP would be an unusual torture.
I would like to know if Justin treudu is going to help single people that do not have any children with extra support because even we struggle to get buy when the prices of food keeps going up some of us has to use food banks and we only got the one time payment of 290 dollars which does not go to far but you put up family allowance for people that have children when the prices of food goes up what about us that don’t have any children we can use the help too.
Yes this is not fair I have 3 sons and have been on the housing list since 2008 and got no where I have been waiting too long and I just got a rent increase I need to hear from housing cameronpflanzer0@gmai.com
what a joke how all government employees are at home and getting full pay while pretending to be working from home.
have tried several times to contact government departments federal and provincial, with no response. it took one federal employee 2 and a half months to return my call and her supervisor has yet to return my call. what a Joke this facade is.
Guys like bill morneau should be fired and put in jail but we all know they are never prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
White collar crime is OKAY isn’t it.
They government pick an choose who gets what people on disability get 492 a month for rent that is a joke you can’t even rent a room for that they need to get there head out of the sand an do something for people living 7000 thousand below poverty now.
Robin Seymour
Hello at the present moment I cannot even afford bread…I sit and cry everyday because everyone is getting help and we on ODSP are not….most of us on this system really cannot work or try to work and because of health have to stop…so depressing that government says $2000 is what is required to survive and yet we are living on 1126.00 a month…where in the world can you even rent a room for 496.00 a month..you cannot…therefore basic income is affected…and end result no money left to eat…then during a pandemic Mr.Ford and Federal government think it is ok to herd us to food banks and such…why are we being penalized….we have had to live with these horrible circumstances long before the Covid-19 outbreak…do you want to stop people from killing themselves…do you WANT people to lay down and die…do we deserve to be herded and treated like we are not people…things cost the same for us too..why do we have to live in poor situations because we are not healthy..whether cpp.veteran…odsp…all a form of disabilities..why are we being treated like this..so very inhuman…help us to feel like we are people too..with dignity…do not aid programmes …we do not see …and food banks give us expired food…MR FORD OR MR TRUDEAU WOULD YOU LINE UP FOR HOURS TO GET EXPIRED FOOD?..someone has to hep our situation and desperate and very grim…people on ODSP NEED DIRECT HELP..just like everyone else is getting…very very stressed..not feeling that great..everyday very stressful..PLEASE HELP TO END THIS..GOD HAVE MERCY!!…
I’m reading everyone’s comments here and they are valid, however I have a few ideas that could actually give more and put roofs over the heads of the homeless and at the same time money in they’re pockets without compromising the amount the government is planning to give! We hear a lot about Tiny Houses, in the media lately, well I dunno about you but wouldn’t be a possibility if….. The government would spilt the money to start a program that would do one of two or three things. One the person has a choice they can have a increase in benefits but a small portion would go towards building a tiny home that the client can assist with the building in turn they would be the sole owner of the tiny home, OR they can instead take the full amount offered and wait for their tiny home to be built and pay rent on it when they move in kinda like a rent to own sorta thing. OR.. just take whatever you get and continue on whatever path you’re on! There are so many places/ empty lots ect… That could use some life put back into it and well let’s face it you and I everyone else could benefit in some way shape or form from a tiny home community. We as a Canadian’s should be the first country to seriously impact the End Homelessness in historical way that other countries could learn and follow from. This is just my thoughts and opinion on the Covid-19 issues. I live in Edmonton Alberta I am on income support, I too am impacted by the Covid-19 but together we can start to makes difference for the greater good. Peace and love . Nancy
I tried so hard to make my husband come back to me after he left me for another woman but he didn’t come back but after I contact DR Jacob a love spell caster he did a love spell for me and my husband came back, thank you : Jacobman41@ outlook.com
Trudeau said we get a doubled get in July they voted nays won and now nothing bad they did not go back and find a better solution to help low income people groceries are more delivery transportation meds masks and we are right up there being in a highly susceptible to contract the covid virus it fills the lungss affects the heart which I am a patient and I need same protection as someone sitting at home on cerb which gets 2000 a month to survive wake up Justin its only fair we get a fair shake even though we were last on your list for help we did not receive we helped this country at one time to become beautiful and since my heart attack forgot us completely shame on you
If someone near is suffering and being the guardian you are looking for addiction treatment, we can offer some expert advice in this regard. We spoke to this one professional associated in the capacity director with a top drug rehab center Indianapolis and he explained to us that it varies from patient to patient. It has a lot to do with the severity of the addiction and the patient’s requirements.
Only one time help low income families with kids and baby one get one time help on there child tex not fare not right when employs get it ever mouth to help there sing self or there family the family shud be getting more help not one time
Vaughn how do I pay my rent if ODSP takes all the money to pay for cerb which the government said I was allowed when I call the,800 number
I remember when smoking was permitted in hospitals. It was not known then how dangerous cigarettes were for us, and it seemed everybody smoked but i was able to get rid of my COPD lung condition through the help of total cure herbal foundation my husband bought, Multivitamin Herbal Care has the right herbal formula to help you get rid and repair your lungs and cure you totally with their natural organic herbs. I wish anybody who starts smoking at a young age would realize what will eventually happen to their bodies if they continue that vile habit throughout their life,it advisable to always try natural herbs at first because multivitamincare.org neutralize my COPD which surprise everyone at home.
Something really needs to be done about the government in their actions something really needs to be done about the police , Like people are out of jobs living off of that government but the government is still asking for more! Something needs to change.
The Government is terrible .. especially around a time like this like I am too young for this I did not sign up for this I’m on this planet all by myself I have no help now I’m out of a job because of this COVID-19 situation and collection agencies want to come at me right now for things that happened like three years ago that weren’t even my fault but now it’s being resolved like this.. I can’t keep doing this like I can’t even pay for food..And they want money from me.
Are people on odsp going to recieve extra,finicial help seniors who are receiving rent deductions why are they recieving extra help they are supers and not declaring deductions in rent NOT FAIR FOR THOSE THAT ARE HURTING
Don’t understand why people living on income assistance dont recieve any extra financial aid at this time
Living under the providy of welfare and no work,
I want to use this opportunity to thank this great holy man called Great Mutaba for what he has done for me and my family. This great man has brought happiness and joy back again to me and my family. Great Mutaba has used his great power to help me bring back my husband within the period of 48 hours and also helped me in getting pregnant with his powerful prayers and after 7 days of applying his herbs.This is more than words can say, at first i didn’t believe it but today it is so true and all thanks goes to him. i will advice every one out there that has a similar issue, and also any one who is willing to get his or her lover back and any one who wants to get pregnant quick to contact this wonderful man today and forever remain happy in life. email: greatmutaba@ yahoo .com
All the people complaining here are apparently Canadian WHITE (Caucasian)
Nancys, Robs, Bobs, Mikes, Bonnies, Dougs…
Don’t forget to thank the mayor and the PM for the position you are in
Cheap labour, bring it on. Bring in more Syrians and other migrants. Never mind these people…
This country is going to shit.
The act that enabled the gov’t to provide CERB benefits was worded to include ALL citizens….apparently, if you are disabled or poor, then you are not even considered to be in this group! This becomes ‘painfully obvious’ when the gov’t set the amount for CERB payments at $2000 because that’s what they said an average Canadian needs to survive each month…disabled and poor Canadians don’t count I guess, because we’ve been forced to exist on much less for a long time now. It is obvious to me, as a disabled person on ODSP, that nobody really cares if we exist…and If the gov’t DID care, then even just a few of those billions of dollars of aid money would have trickled down to the poor, the disabled, and the seniors…you know, the ones that actually need the help the most? Perpetual poverty, higher risk of suicide, depression, and despair is all we have to look forward to.
What really gets me fuming is how the gov’t can pass out CERB money like candy and extend it at will, pay students to stay at home, change gun laws without any debate…yet now says they had to cancel a one-time $600 payment to disabled people (which, in most cases, even combined with their regular disability benefits, wouldn’t even add up to the amount being given as a single CERB payment) just because the opposition party wouldn’t pass the bill!!!!
This is just heartbreaking for everyone experiencing the hardships of Covid-19 related expenses, when they were already struggling just to exist below the poverty line, even before all of this.
I’m on odsp I’m broke two after the first of the month not enough money I get 1169 a month well below poverty and it seems neither federal or provincial gov. care Year after year nothing Ford took a billion dollars from the odsp last year .Nobody seems to care please help I’m starving
How can we help you? I can bring food.
inequality = violence
Don’t blame immigrants because our government and our allies drop regime change focused bombs, and drive them out of their own countries. We asked for it.
Don’t blame immigrants because our monetary system is a ponzi scheme based fraud, and the debt is eating most of our wealth. You should look at the inequality of wealth, and look to the real culprits for your privations.
racism is a distraction from the real discrimination on this planet. That being inequality.
Think before you hate. You have no money, because the rich have it all. Not the immigrants.|
money = debt = slavery
Perhaps you should have become a banker. Or a lawyer.
Its really sad that every one got financial help except OW and odsp. Ow only gives single people just over $600. Mmm pay rent and buy food, it doesn’t work. You have to chose what to do. No wonder we have so many people living on the streets. Its so sad our government does not care. You can’t get an apartment for that never mind eat.
Good day how do I get contact for disabled support $600.00, along with I needed get wheel chair since other one is having issues.
That $600 was cancelled because the opposition wouldn’t sign the bill…
No help is coming for the disabled, i’m afraid.
Total BS live in Manitoba so the government here says we are giving a one time $200 payment to people with disabilities I’m like ok great this might get some groceries help out a little you know not much but a little.
So I call to ask are people who depend on there monthly low CPPD payment eligible to get the one time $200 payment the person on the other end said NO it’s for people who are on E.I. or Welfare only I’m like I only get under $870 a month a lot of these other people getting this extra $200 already get more than I do and most likely others depending on there CPPD monthly payments.
To make a long story short I’m discussted and feel discriminated now even further,it’s not right something has to be done it seems 15/16 year old kids who worked a part time job makes over double the amount that I do and I’ve worked over half my life and payed my taxes and just because I got I’ll I get left out this has to stop.
I have a wife that is very sick too, so this extra little bit of money we should of been entitled would of helped a little I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.
We shouldn’t have to beg for extra funding in a country like Canada
I hear you, right across to BC! There needs to be establishment of a standardized, regional (because the cost of living varies, even between rural and urban jurisdictions) Basic Living Income for all Canadians. The extent to which certain federal and provincial elected leaders have ignored this fact for so long, just as they have avoided honestly dealing with disparity (for some other day???) in Federal-Provincial Health Accord meetings is atrocious- needs to be remedied- now or never in light of the Covid19 pandemic! Everyone who ever had a heart needs to hold them to account, both provincially and federally now, and at election time!
Mark im on disability and my wife is also on it now with this covid everyone gets subity from the goverment for 2000 a month well we do not get anything but r dosability well we dont get 1000 a month for both me and her and now the food bill is undoable not even a pound of hamberger is 10 dollars a jar of cheese whiz is 12.50 how a
R we going to eat for a month when prices r that inflated
It’s total bs Mark we have been thrown to the wolves
I live on ODSP and a one time extra payment of 100 when everything has gone up is totally not fair. I support Ontario’s basic income pilot project. It would have help me a lot as a disabled person living on a small town and not in low income housing, most of my money goes to rent during the COVID 19 outbreak I can’t even afford food as prices have gone up so much. I am struggling and nobody cares.
As an ODSP recipient, eligibility for CERB has highlighted the obvious bias even our government has against my disabled.
CERB is available to everyone except, Senior Citizens and recipients of OW or ODSP. So my own country acknowledges that I’m disabled but allows me only $672.00 a month to live on but others are allotted $2,000.00 monthly, to live on.
Also, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, section 15, states in part:
Under The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, section 15, it states, in part:
Equal benefit of the law ensures that benefits imposed by law will be proportionate.
Equality under the law is equality in the substance of the law, where the content of the law is equal and fair to everyone so that everyone experiences the same result.
Denying each Canadian the CERB payments is an obvious violation of their rights.
Do you have any comments on this matter? I’d like to hear your opinion on this matter.
Thanks, Diana
Dianna someone has to listen maybe Avis Favaro don’t think that’s how you spell her last name but maybe we all should email her and maybe just maybe they might do a story about all of us who need extra help and need to be heard.
I’ve written all three parties of government only the leader of the NDP really felt the need to try to speak up for us I don’t know any more.
The ultimate discrimination comes from our own government . Disabled people in ontario are deemed less worthy of financial aid and have not recieved anything extra but a small one time $100 big deal actually got to eat for a week with that extra $100 after my rent i have $350 left for the month i have to pay bills and eat with that. It is impossible….why am i as a canadian citizen worth less than others i didnt choose this disability it choose me . I would much prefer to be working but that is not an option right now . Why are we not getting $2000 per month . The is outrages and immoral wtf is wrong with our country ….signed STARVING !!! THANKS CANADA WHY DONT YOU GIVE BILLIONS MORE TO OTHERS AND LET YOUR OWN SUFFER AND STARVE POLITICIANS ARE SCUM IF THEY CANT SEE HOW UNFAIR THIS IS !!!!
It is inhumane that me Canadian Born Citizen that worked for.many years and paid taxes i am now on ODSP due to cronic pain from a spinal deformity. Why is the cert Standard for a Canadian Citizen $2000 but for a former tax paying disabled 46 year old man is only worth $1200 . This is a major discrimination i would rather be working than disabled why am i being financially punished for having a disability????? Very unfair and immoral . What is being done about this ??
What happens ?
The rich approve of their burgeoning wealth. The politicians play faux politics for the rich. The people are rubes in a monetary ponzi scheme.
The status quo is what is being done.
Yeah no kidding I recently became a new mom at 37 I am only receiving single rate ODSP for rent I had to put my daughter in temporary native CAS care I am from Sault Ste Marie ON left for Barrie ON to look at apprenticeship courses or a online course I am under severe stress that I applied for native housing, Lucy’s place and did my spadat where the county of Simcoe will take 650 dollars off my rent for a year but it’s on hold due to the virus I cannot even afford a room I don’t deserve to pay 950 for a bachelor when a huge portion of my basic needs will cover most of my rent I need to save as much money as I can I need pretty much everything for my daughter and I need a place with free internet so I can take my online course I have alot to pay off and purchase during this crisis it’s taking a toll on me all I want is a affordable home to work on my goals of achieving a college career I wanna give my daughter the best life I can and it’s sad when I’m doing this alone I feel like I don’t need ODSP it’s not enough money to live on I would feel alot better if I could be in a home that is within my budget and this virus didn’t happen it’s not fair that I’m trying to deal with my mental health, secure some type of apartment that is affordable for the time being and attend school I feel like giving up sometimes I got so much to purchase, stuff for my daughter, and making sure I have enough food, it’s hard to rent on ODSP some landlords won’t deal with u or they want someone working or in school I am trying to stay positive thru this for my daughter it’s just hard on me
Thank you for listening
It is just not fair I’m not entitled to cerb but yet I cant save the money to get big enough housing to get him as hes autistic the system screwed me yrs ago and I csnt find out how to get this to court cause I lost my 4 kids for something i was found not guilty they never returned my kids n legal aid couldnt help me cause it was a permanent descision they were placed under crown ward after I won them Oct 2003. So this is my only way to pay f/l and move and get ready for my challenges ahead. I hope I can be found to be of no ignorance but I need it.
I agree that the government should treat is all equally the cerb payment only helps people on odsp actually live at home while quarantined we don’t deserve to lose $900 of our cheques now like what was the point of giving it to us ??? Just so we can pay it all back now like my whole cheque goes on rent !! I can’t afford internet groceries dog food ect .. like really the cerb payment has helped so many low income people but now it’s just stupid we are gonna looze are cheques now somewhere someone should have told us about this I’m fucking pissed like a government should treat people equally no matter there status in life money is evil !!!@@@
U got that right when this suppose to happen
That they start taking money off ur check
CERB is only for those that lost their jobs due to Covid…ODSP and OW don’t qualify for it to begin with, that’s why you have to pay it back. There is no such help for the poor and disabled.
I am not good at debates but I am on ODSP and hardley make it every month , we are the ones also on proverty level and yet we have not been addressed $100 dollars 1 time does nothing with prices going up. We should be getting more any ways.
Rent is so expensive not to mention everything else.I am not happy how this is going for ODSP not to mention OW. We all know that we are all in it for the long hull, this Pandemic will not go away anytime soon WE ALL NEED HELP HERE we are all just trying to survive and be good Canadians.
Why some people In Ottawa on ODSP
Never received one Time stimulus payment of 100$?
Was that meant for every Canadian Citizen on Ontario Work and ODSP?
You had to ask for it. They won’t give it to you unless you ask. Some worker won’t even give it out. They make us beg for that little extra.. Its terrible.. We are treated so bad just because we are disabled.
Hellow i would like to ask how come on all of these reports the diasability payment wasnt addressed and for those of us on this pesion payment are left unsure of qualifying for the cerb when we should be the first ones considered does the canadian goverment forget us, there so busy worring about people retuurning to work.I would like to ask them exactly upon returning to work if are low income and peole on disability arent an important part for a good portion of are revenue in Canada These canadians are the ones that generate most of our health care revenue and emloyment in canada.If we are left unconsidered who in fact would have a job to return to. in fact I believe this is an oppurtunity for the canadian goverment to take some resonsponsibility for leaving canadians in a position of poverty .Remember this ,without the poor man there is no reason for .health care employment such as ambulance .hospital .police.and fire and rescue. .and so .under legislation equality for every canadian is are mandate and proposing any retrubution for those that dont qualify is ridiculous because the rules keep chaging for us canadians we vote our goverment in thinking they are educated and prepared for such emergency does any of goverment have to pay for there mistake in allowing a pendemic of this nature exist in our country causing many families alot more to worrie about than if they can return to work .Equality and responsibility should be in place of all our respective goverment because for those of us that are struck by poverty Are we not aloud to survive in comfortablle standings .Why should these peaple be put under any more distress than other canadian if there is any fault in unqualifying canadians for the cerb it should be on canadian goverment for not allowing those that would be truly affected by this disease.
Many seniors living rurally do not have access to any of the programs set up to help seniors in urban centres. Many of us are on oas/gis and live below the poverty line as it is. I paid taxes for years before I became too disabled to work. I live in BC, where the Provincial government, once I was on disability, made me apply for early retirement then took the income away from me. I have multiple disabilities. A one time top up is not enough. And why do marginalized seniors have to wait until age 75 for a raise in oas/gis rates? Base it on need, by all means. Most politicians live in such a rarified atmosphere. Do they ever need to choose between eating and paying rent? I choose to pay rent, so go hungry and I am not alone
As an ODSP recipient, I only get $672.00 per month and when I see that everyone else is allowed $2,000.00 per month to live on, I have to ask myself, “What is the difference?”.
The only difference here is that disabled people are given SOOO much less per month than everyone else. THIS IS CALLED DISCRIMINATION!!
Also, in THE CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS , Section 15, it states in part:
Equal benefit of the law ensures that benefits imposed by law will be proportionate.
Equality under the law is equality in the substance of the law, where the content of the law is equal and fair to everyone so that everyone experiences the same result.
Thirdly, since OW and OSDP recipients must report CERB payments to their workers,these payments will be deducted from our ODSP cheques AND the federal government will also take back the CERB payments from the ODSP or OW recipients, meaning that ODSP and OW recipients will not be paid AT ALL , for several months in a row!!
Discrimination, Breach of Civil Rights and simple refusal to pay the poorest people in our country.
Which of these three things would our federal government choose to be in violation of??
Neither one is acceptable in Canada!!
So which ones will they change??
Yes my name is Frank lupo and lve had 2 major open heart surgery and for the last few years l have not worked l only have ,a13 hundred a month wcbs pension, l have a daughter that lived with me in a base ment apartment ,l barely make ends meet ,and the worst part l don’t qualify for emergency care benefits ,why cant they help me,
Excellent and compassionate and, unfortunately too “real” of an article! Bravo! I pray America can look away from Wall Street for 5 minutes and give our kids(30-50) 600 per week for six months!
Trading life on wall street. My daughter was given a report at her restaurant by a trainee from LabCorp which showed
detection of COVID-19. When my daughter’s supervisor handed it to her, he whispered in her ear–“Don’t tell the big boss!”
I’m looking for help.
Thank you.
ps. many don’t realize how 30-40 year olds may be affected by COVID-19, or how many are compromised.
My daughter, through no fault of her own, is a heart failure patient, the top of the list for bad outcomes of the virus.
Tamara L. Murphy
Houston, Texas
My brother vinh ngoc Nguyen he didn’t get money come Mr a Trums giving to help people yet
Disabled people and people who are seniors purchasing 2 weeks of house hold supplies and food is not realistick at the best of times. I myself just eat Monday Wednesday and Friday. Most support agencies are closed . When I go with a small list I find hourders have already stockpiled the items so the shelves are almost empty. So there must be thousand of Canadians slipping threw the cracks. I resently heard a lady forced to move from the tent city saying I don’t want a room I want a home. So the rich get richer real estate continues to sell to people who don’t even live here but Canadians have nothing. Stocks are low so it’s a buyers market so I say again the rich get richer while the poor get less and suffer more. I used to be a proud Canadian who worked the same job for 24 years . Then beyond my control a failed spinal surgery ended one life and started a new. I slept in holes I dug in the snow. I slept in a snow suit and bits with no heat or running water try living like that when your young it’s tought but 60 plus with a spinal injury I hoped I would not wait up.
Thanks to the politicians who never felt adversity and come in from very wealthy families we are the forgotten. Politicians should have to work in the real world before they get to be in the big house with even bigger wages. Think people think. Again the rich are getting richer and the we are forgotten. Unless it’s a election year . Then so many false promises are made but nothing changes. This is only my thoughts if this is not true leave a message
Very well said Tony!
It is terrible that use dont come up whey exact money for cpp disabilty we have the same bill is every one else these people do not get enough money use need to look into it more careful it a slap in the face that the goverment is help other you have a child why should these people alway get look at you have a child that is your own problem nobody else
I just don’t understand why people who live on Canada disability like myself don’t matter to anyone its so hurtful I was a hard working lady for many years I payed taxes but at age 50 I took sick could not work anymore I live on 800 a month less then seniors why are we not important anymore you get a cheque at the end of each month to pay bills and get food well most months we cant get food because after we pay heat lights rent phone its all gone and god bless the food banks they try to help with a box with a few can food butter can milk pasts 1 roll of toilet paper and you cant get anymore help for a month the price of food as gone up so much its unreal why are we left out why don’t we matter to anyone and they say we are not alone ? well it sure feels that way when you go to bed with a empty belly and wake up to the same sadness each day I cant walk much anymore going blind but like the minister always says we are not alone thank god for that please stay safe god bless
I am I on O DS P ithought When they said $2000 I was I was homeless I for 5 months I had no idea where I was gonna be I have my cat was aused and With that money I got to pay my last month’s rent It rent is so much money People lending money so I could eat I was living basic I couldn’t afford things I need it I was in a car accident My i think he was fighting for them Will im in big trouble a friend told me to it’s OK you can go for that also desperate in scared because didn’t know I next meal ticket was gonna come from money to stay in a motel I can have a bath Now I owe the government and on this check making 16000 a year is not enough I used to work until I got hurt in and I started doing odd jobs but it Wasn’t enough it was cash job The rent is so high did I don’t have enough to to pay any bills despite this is really taking a toll on everybody I’m so lost if I did stay at someone place it cost me more then I had sometime I didn’t eat for days I’m so scared now I don’t no where to turn
It’s difficult both emotionally and physically being disabled and relying on Disability Payments. Although I am thankful for any support. During this Pandemic…. not driving and unable to get enough groceries, vitamins and other essentials I’m doing without for up to two weeks or more at a time. Each time I do need something I’m not sure how to get anything else. I cannot afford cabs or to stock up. I’m isolating to keep safe but admit it’s getting more difficult as time passes and worried more about how I’ll get through the coming weeks or even the next few days. Just getting the basic things…..I’m completely exhausted.
The last time a wage increase went to $14.00 in Ontario those making the minimum wage lost more after the increase in pay because Chicken that sold for $2.49 a pound before the increase after the increase was $3.49 a pound, Baloney went to $5.00 a pound and the tax on your new income put more in the income tax so once again the worker is still the looser at the low end of the scale. Any more bright idea’s.
Yes, absolutely agree. What can we do to make it happen?
It is extremely disappointing that our federal government is ignoring our senior citizens living on cpp and old age pension, as well as those of us that are disabled and living on cpp disability. Week after week more money is made available for everyone else but none seems to be there for our extremely low income seniors and disabled. Just this week, Trudeau announced a permanent extra $300 per month per child to families with children whether those families had working parents or parents living on OW. Yes, it benefits those who have not worked and are living off of the system. So that means families with 5 children are receiving close to $5000.00 per month whether they have contributed to society by working or not?? And still our seniors and cpp disability recipients are expected to survive off of $1000.00 per month? There is something seriously wrong with this picture. Those of us who have worked our entire lives are forced to live in poverty while many of those on OW have never worked a day in their life. I absolutely do not believe that anyone who hasn’t worked at all, and just sitting back and letting the government support them, should qualify for ANY extra money. Everyday I watch the updates from our federal government for an announcement that we forgotten people will get something permanent to make our quality of life better but it never comes. Hopefully someone will wake up and fight for us!!!
Why is it if you have kids here’s more money but if your on long term disability no extra ? Their Bill’s go up too !! My wife is on Ltd no help from Trudeau I guess that is only 1 vote not millions I just work and pay the bill !! Time to give up quit work let Trudeau pay me pride is worth much anymore might well live off others no back pain sore muscles just sit on my ass and collect money for nothing
Trudeau groceries has gone up quite a lot and the social security payments have not. The $300 one time payment is good but that doe not stop the price of the groceries going up. Be fair Trudeau. I am a woman with heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis. Help us old people please
Odsp should match the cerb it’s not adequate amount of money you receive it’s well under the poverty line this is discrimination in the highest form when others are getting what they need from the federal government to survive why is that we matter to we are the most vulnerable
Hi I am a Canadian, I live on welfare in Alberta. 744. A month. That is the government’s basic emergency assistance income support. Its designed to discourage me from getting comfortable on a welfare check? I get it. Although at 61 jobs were already scarce for people my age before covid19. We are capable of doing the job, not desirable to look at in a retail setting or in any setting? Expendable CANADIAN . Add abandoned by husband, divorce now stalled , surgery’s health issues to that equation ? Now what? Who do I turn to? Student loan , retraining? Who at my age.. no investment portfolio or asset, husband took those closed joint accounts. Can pay back a student loan..and what guarantee, god for bid I dont just drop dead in school at my age. These are the realities I live with . Justin Trudeau is a Canadian welfare client? he is on Canadian welfare assistance. He has the highest paid welfare client entitlement for his family. He is not ashamed to get his monthly entitlement? And he doesn’t struggle or stress about the cost of food rent, insurance . I do . I am ashamed to collect 744. A month to survive on . Use the the food bank. Which actually only feeds you for a few days. children consume alot when it not healthy choices there is no choices . It’s not a groceries store ? Its decided for you what you will eat. . It’s not the food banks fault they need to ration. justin is not concerned about the Canadian welfare clients. He is giving us our basic emergency assistance. He knows if he increased that amount he cant claw it back. we can’t pay it back. But students ..that cant apply for summer jobs ? Can pay that back . Cerb payments can be clawed back? I get it. I am being paid a (basic emergency payment. ) it could be increased to ease the stress and strain temporarily…for the people that can eventually find jobs .the question must be how many of us are concietered unemployable? Is there that many of us accross canada?
I hear ya all its tough I’m on odsp I’m 52 I got around 45 I was sick wen I was 42 had surgery supposed to get better back to work sick again I had my own buisness blew through all my sayings in couple year took 9 years to get that fixed finally but I went on wellies first around 44 I been workin since I was a kid paper routes like 3of them worked after school since was 11 worked f time since I was 14 made stupid cash like 26000 in one day my body paid the price for stupidity wen I was young but knees are shot rotator cuffs gone I used medication drank used went in coma field came back its rough that was my fault I was 48 I was ucherd after that tried getting my shit together just dying to get back to work odsp paid my rent because I had roommate thank god because I was screwed without odsp I got it right away I walked in half dead got it I dont suggest doing that I might have some dates mixed up but surgery finally went good seen young doc in Hamilton gave me part of my life back I tried going back to work but I was done broken bad was getting my teeth fixed I quit the drugs cold Turkey by the way that was 3 weeks of hell so getting teeth fixed looked terrible I’m about halfway through drops drilling my mouth I got him by the through so got out of dodge try get new dentist wen I noticed he zipped that drill across t and bottom f my teeth started to wrought outside in said screw year later yanked them got fakes well doesn’t my hole body go septic I died in parking lot got zapped got me inside to emerged punching me full of holes I had 4 belly buttons÷know I have a heart attack died again git me back spent 6mnths in hospital3 ofit in a coma woke up paralyzed and pissed off I have a whole new respect for crippled people it’s the most frustrating thing I ever went through I been in quarantine since last june I’m waking now taught myself how to in three hours band e physio room stole a walker lapped hospital all night hurt like….. but I did it I had to get out of there or I still be there got strong will I got a bit more money from odsp up to1400 my rents 1250 but I was screwed if they didnt go to bat for me it’s for a special diet and by the way ensure drinks are not a meal for 2 weeks back in hospital for 2 weeks my room mate got screwed I paid all the rent till he got his money but it’s still hard especially me I was used to making at least 2000 a week plus but I worked my ass off learned my trade was one of the best at it now I need the door handle to get off the floor but I definitely agree with alot of you it should be more because rents are skyrocketing and u dont wanna go through wat I did to get few hundred more a well it is wat it is it should be better because I no alot of you are in a real tough situation thank god my mom and my friends are great they all helped me big time I feel abit greedy because I managed to get through this with help from family and friends and I feel for you that are just barely gettin there it’s tough I no first hand an extra 100 bucks a month right now is not going to help any of these guys and I hate hearing wen people slagin there ass because there on odsp I’ll tell ya one you wouldnt want to be in mine or any of these people just see how u would feel if the shoe was on the other foot cheers odspeers good luck I’mean it ronnie
I’m a painter, I’ve been on O.D.S.P for the past 38 years. I’am actually an artistic Genius. But my house is in ruins. They see me and reinvent themselves, throw my endless giving. i remain unknown an individual. One thing i have learned is, in this world the shape of thoughts are round, and you must stay neutral it’s a wast of time to spin with the double standards. Believe half of what you hear, and even less of what you know. And yes my house is still in ruins.
Im on odsp and im getting the cerb money .and im am not goig to tell my worker for her ro claw 9 hundred dollars that the fed has given me .
How did you get CERB while on ODSP? (We don’t qualify) and believe me, ODSP WILL find out (through your income tax etc.), and the ramifications will be much worse when they do find out.
WHat happens to folks that are living on 25% of what is considered poverty income. This meager amount comes from income supports for independence. The individual in question lives with significant health difficulty, dietary restrictions and does not have the income for transportation, lives in an isolated community so that she can have a roof over her head, making her dependent on others good will to get her shopping etc. This is the best of times.. during COVID, her options have dried up. Is there a level of emergency support for this level of individuals?
I myself am on ODSP… with mental health issues, bipolar, epilepsy, brain atrophy…and am 58 yrs old today. I’ve been barely managing before pandemic, but now I am testing positive to covid-19… I have no help, family in Vancouver, no kids, single. I have been isolated for almost 2 months, last two weeks in bed with covid-19 virus. I have a senior doggie who needs meds, food and supplies like myself… I am not allowed to drive do to epilepsy… no friends here in Toronto to help me get supplies, … No grocery stores, banks near walking distance… I have no choice but order and delivery… can’t afford anymore… need some assistance… have rent, credit cards and bills… please… help ?
Hi, in 2019 I was in an accident on my way to drop off my samples. I am a health professional, and up until February 19th, 2019, I was working. I was cut off from another car, I was taken to the hospital and a cast was put on my left wrist. Needless to say I was in excruciating pain , from my back and arm, wrist. My company closed their door on me. I had to go on OW , I was living with 1200.00 per month. I was going to physiotherapy and could no longer work. On June 16th, fathers day my dad drove me to pick up a cake, since I needed help getting around, we were in the back of the can putting things away, when the van hit me and I fell into the back of my van
This was over kill, I haven’t been able to go back to work. It agreviated my injuries even more. My income replacement kicked in and with my OW, my total income is 1086.00 per month. I have a mentally challenged son that’s is on odsp. My daughter trying to finish high school. With this all going on she isnt doing well emotionally. I feel that the government has failed me, it hurts so bad, I’m having a hard time to stock up so I dont need to leave my son. With the little money I have I find myself going out more and exposing myself in bringing covid-19 home to my high risk son. Please help me, please someone listen to me.
We are the most venerable ones, on ODSP, but totally over looked or cast out of receiving any real covid 19 help. Pretty said when a perfectly healthy 16 year old, or students having $2000.00 a month given to them, there needs to be someone looking out and standing up for us who are disabled and can’t work. Not fair.
I still didn’t find the answer to my question.
Can A person who is receiving just social assistant apply for any of these benefits?Please let me know.Sincerly
I am on CPP disability but don’t qualify for the 500 gift that seniors will be getting. This is rather discriminatory. People with disabilities fall through the cracks again.
I’m with you there Scott but I’m at least a little happy that the elderly are getting an extra $500 it’s not much but something.
I’ve worked most of my life got hurt through work I’m getting under $900 a month on CPPD and I’m 58 I just can’t understand why mostly everyone else is receiving monies and it seems we are left out.
I didn’t get the $300 like Heather as she lives in BC and I don’t, and I don’t think that’s to fair either it’s good for the people who lives in BC maybe there they care a little more for people having to rely on CPPD.
Ohh and for Rebecca unfortunately your in the same boat if you worked within the year yes I think you do qualify.
I’m hearing 16 year olds are home getting paid way more than I am and I’m trying to pay the bills mortgage food etc etc etc with my low income and my wife’s income.
It is clear that Canadians need a basic, living income. Period. There are too many contradictions to the provincial disability program disbursements across Canada. Eligibility requirements to receive disability support payments (monthly payments AND dental coverage in BC) do exceed the CPPD, but require a separate medical assessment and meeting specific eligibility criteria to be deemed a ‘BC Person With Disabilities’. The assessment criteria are inconsistent with the CPPD eligibility criteria, so until BC eliminated Health Care Premiums and if you moved from one province to another you may find yourself ineligible for the provincial assistance. The disparate Health Care and Provincial assistance programs available to Canadians across Canada are still dependant upon meeting unique, provincial administrative criteria which can even change between or with provincial elections and the party in power. A lot of people don’t ‘get’ that when whey go to vote. Administration of Health Care is Constitutionally a provincial matter. It essentially prevents and excludes any uniformity to eligibility criteria and to the benefits available in any one province. I don’t recall when Provincial Premiers got together to come to the newest Health Services Accord, if to standardize what basic coverage and eligibility requirements means. ‘Heather’ received the 300 dollar per month disbursement not because she lives in BC, but because she must have met the criteria to be deemed a BC Person With Disabilities. So no, everyone and certainly not everyone receiving CPPD in BC ever received the federal 300 dollar payment- as administered by the BC Govt., since it was not paid out directly by the federal government in the same way monthly CPPD payments are disbursed. Craziness for a sovereign, nation of confederated provinces in this day and age, let alone in the time or seriously rising basic cost of living.
People on disability should be getting the 1200 no matter what & automatically. I barely got by with my disability check. There are times I couldn’t even buy any groceries at all. I never seen no 1200 in my account & I see a lot of people getting this but me. We should get it without applying for it. & why is it we left out & why were we last the $300 wasn’t enough. Sad but true. I would like to receive the 1200 as well please thank you kindly. I’m in BC.
This is crazy, something MUST BE DONE!!!!
I try to be supportive but this government continues to test me. I was in social worker and saw this coming from the get go! Just nothing for CPPD I was being patient but it’s not looking good at this point. Many of these recipients have done FRONT LINE WORK and are in their predicament for that reason precisely! Shameful really!
I am not Canadian but I still wanna thank you for pointing this out as someone on disability fixed income in the US. I find a lot of barriers for one big one grocery stores refuse to accept EBT cards (formerly food stamps) online even though they are designed exactly like a debit card so should be usable in that manner even gov. Workers like my states senator has no clue why they don’t or how they even are not prohibited by law from doing so. Then you have the major issue facing poorer folks safety we tend not to have any credit or debit cards and forced to live cash only lifestyles do to fees and interests we can’t ever afford. This becomes a huge hindrance on surviving for anyone who becomes infected with covid-19 as we now have no way to pay and get food needed to survive. Myself I’m terrified of that cause I am a diabetic i have to eat minimal 3 meals per day no exceptions or i could end up in diabetic coma or worse. The solutions put in place only helpful to middle class and up but completely ignore poverty or disabled (not always physically limited some have severe mental health as well) incomed people having severely limited pay options. Thankfully i live in state where refusing cash payment is felony hate crime against poor. However for lower income individuals or families bank cards be it credit or debit plain and simple is something we can not do cause can not afford the extra added costs. Any fees or interest automatically puts person on fixed income in place we can no longer afford to survive as we barely can get by on what government gives out on reality. These factors need to be but are not taken into consideration
What about people who are on disability?
Nobody cares about us, if they (gov’t) did, we would have been included with the ‘citizens of Canada’ that got the CERB payments, which is how much the gov’t feels is necessary to survive on. Disabled been forced to live on much less for years.
Yes I am on Ont.Disability and also CPP Disability , which combined, I get a little over 1,200 dollars .
I hurt my back – chronic lumbar strain- & tail bone injury ..working as a Health Care Aide,-HomeSupport Worker, at a Work place, Nursing Home ,here in Ontario.In which then too
was always under- staffed..Later in life , I found out, and not knowing
I found out thru Physians, I have post – traumatic Stress ,social anxiety disorder ,and new to me, a (personality disorder ) due to a traumatic event causing death. Also a personal violation by Police Officers, ..
Now I know I’m unfit to work, physically & mentally ..(now)..
But family is different, and Ont.Disability wants me to say I’m working..
Well now, my Mom has been in quarantine, shes in her middle 70’s .She has Diabetes really bad,
And it takes , all of her family to look out for her. That’s 3 of us.My brother does not do much as he has a job still and has personal issues of his own.So my 1 sister , has her plate full , as she drives and I only have limited availability in summer months , or bus service..To attend my mom and her health n.eeds.As for my sister who is also on Disability due to her health..
She cares for my sister, who passed , her son who has a death sentence, He has Atonic 1 ..Muscular Distrophy Disease,with a learning Disability, and difibulator placed inside him, due to misdiagnosed due to a (Physicans malpractice,) which we have to just accept it..
Now even with my sister and I limitations, we work together for our immediate family .. The labor of love, we wont get a reciet for..
Now where are all this help from United Way, there is no help for Disabled Children now adult, or for my mother for that matter..So let Trudeau give ,our town money ,but only those so called agencies that say they help line there own pockets..
Seniors who survived this ,Man Made , Political Virus, should be getting $500 monthly , for Surviving this “Uncontionalble Known ‘, released Covid-19, that took our/greatest and first thanked historians , we made this Country what it is..So yes What About The Poor But Proud , low income families who are on ONT.DISABILITY / OR INADEQUATE PENSIONS..
And here you are separating , people who did work, now disabled, From all entirety, and young adults who are medically defined as Disabled with definate death coming.Shame on you Government is still , a political pig , and for itself, Taxible income on Cerb, when this is on You , this Virus..
Hey ,We Are Not In This Together..
We low income families can match your , quality control,
And are faced with going without , because we cant afford to stay safe now, when we spend all our savongs,savings ..Trudeau PM..you said you will (help the ones strapped to Disability or OW… in coming days 2 months now..
Shame on you ..
I live on cpp pension 1100$ amonth for me and my wife but the gov is giving 2000$ amonth cause thats what they figure people need to live on why dont we qualify. I worked for 35yrs till i got disable this is bullshit
Do some research on local facilities that offer these services and make sure your loved one will have access to their information.
I am 62 I worked 23 years now I am spinal injured. I lost my home 10 years ago. I slept in the snow banks I held my beloved dog for warmth. I have lost my most loyal friend my dog. My spinal surgery failed I now live in 24/7 pain. Drugs do not kill my pain just my spirit. I spend the winters often with no heat running water . I was once a man who was a tax paying Canadian and proud. Now I am broken wish I would die then perhaps I could be warm again. So we are the forgotten as money goes to many from covid 19. But we are hungry and cold with no food and getting weeker every day. The government took my tax money and society has now forgotten as there is nobody who cares. There is no for money the people like me. I stare at my application for MAID federal bill14. Perhaps a provintial health system will end my life. Then I can be warm again . I stager but I am not drunk just week and cold. Soon it won’t matter nobody cares. Take my tax money they did I only wanted to retire in piece. But now I wait hoping to die before I get hungry and cold again.
Ok that helps people out in Ontario but what about the rest of us like Alberta or British Columbia and Saskatchewan?;I live in Alberta am in a wheelchair and I didn’t receive any kind of package or apply for one
Crazy what about the 28percent that are alone and vulnerable they need the extra money dont hear any co concervative government trying to help shame on them..
We are the back bone of this city
What about seniors who contributed to CPP? And worked for what little money they get we are the forgotten
Trudeau lied he said no Canadian will be forgotten, he for got about us the seniors, I have CPP disability of $580.14 a month to live on how fare is that I would like to see all members of government try and live on this amount good luck I now know why people sink so low and commit suicide it’s because of situations like this there is no light at the end of the tunnel and many take there lives to end it, how fare is that to push people to sink that low, will I be next to live on the street with a shopping cart or will I become just another statistic in an unmarked grave buried by the city if things dont change and I cant get the help I need maybe better off atleast I wouldnt have to worry about food, rent, bills , etc, WAKE UP AND HELP STOP THE LIES
I do agree with those who supporting the OW and ODSP recipient given extra benefits in such cortical times. The food and more essentials, rent and some therapies are cut off for them and they need the certain therapies like Message, Physio and other essential Medicare.
Not a word said about seniors that have actually worked all their lives. Not just sat around and had everything given to them!!
Yes you right 100%
This is a old story its now may 3 20 /20 I’ve paid my rent which is 550 dollars and i still have to pay hydro food and car insurance to be able to by food insurance is 77 amonth hydro is 143 this month which works out two770 a month I only 733 dollars and I haven’t even got groceries yet I was actively looking for work now theirs no work at all my landlord didn’t give me a break there only so many ways to eat potatoes this is just not fair that this government is telling everyone there there to help well if there helping I would sure love to know how there help us that are in this position I personally have no family to fall back on I’m pretty much screwed thanks Ford and Justin im vlad your there for all your help during this time in need BAHAHA HAHA
How is it fair for someone who recently dealt with a break in enter lost identification, has a handicap cap and had to reorder Identification all over again and is still waiting now for pic id to catch up on taxes to be able to apply…… most don’t deal with this issue but I’m seriously struggling…. . My landlord is on verge of eviction, we need to have a faster method because these things do happen .
I got the $100 for just me. An it’s a one time thing. There saying this VIRUS will be around for about 18 months. An that $100 over 18 months is $5.55 a month or 18 cents a day to help someone on ODSP an others. This is an insult. This made me cry my eyes out. What can u buy with $5.55? I bought 2 masks from my local drug store an that was $7.00. I don’t get the option to shop around I don’t drive. An my $5.55 I got for May 2 boxes of tissue. Can’t find hand sanitizer any were.
The government will never help us poor. I/we have no value to them & I feel like dirt they sweep under the rug so know one sees. I know they have a media ban on ODSP an other social services.
A one time supplement is not realistic for seniors on old age pensions. Credit cards have for the most part have become the means of payment for almost every purchase made even at pharmacies. Pension recipients should be getting a supplemental each month. How does the one time payment cover all following months during the pandemic.
It is quite simple what people on ODSP need to do. Just as you have been abandoned by the provincial government in Ontario and the federal government, you too need to abandon these governments.
Next federal election, do NOT vote liberal !
Next provincial election do NOT vote conservatives !
As long as people on disability accept the policies of these governments, they will remain unrepresented !!
I am on ODSP. The cheapest 1 bedroom I could find was $1149.00. My ODSP that I receive is $1188.00 /mth. If I didn’t have family to helpwith food, I would probably be on the streets. Besides rent and food l also have to pay hydro, cable, laundry which I am 2-3 mths behind on all. I am a Millwright by tradeand was making close to $100,000 a year until a back injury caused me to have my back (spine) fused. It doesn’t look like I’ll work as a Millwright again which was my passion. Obviously ł would rather work at my trade as my income went from $100,000/yr – $13,000/yr. overnight. If there is some type of help out there it would be muchh
appreciated. Thank you in advance. Wayne G. Moffett.
I am 62 years old and was in a life long relationship and he died last year. Although my mortgage is paid and I havent worked . I have severe copd now and cannot work. I live alone and just was just told by my Social assistance worker I wiln be receiving 430.00 a month. Out of this I have to pay my 210.00 hydro and ware 160 quarterly. This leaves me no money for food a phone or tv service . I cannot feed my pets also. I’m crying I don’t know what to do.
You’ll have to get creative if you want to live. You’ll also have to be prepared to break the law. If you don’t there is a very real probability that you’ll simply die, which is what they want. I have electric heat, so I couldn’t afford to turn on the heat this winter. I barricaded myself in a single room and kept the door shut, burned candles when I could afford them, and wrapped myself in a blanket when the temperature dropped low enough.
Find out where the nearest body of water with fish is. Go out at night, under cover of darkness, and set some lines with bait in the water, tied to branches. Come back before the sun rises and check your lines. If you put out enough you should have at least one or two fish. Even if you can’t eat them, your pets can.
Walk around your neighbourhood and make a note of which restaurants have accessible dumpsters. Every night, go out with boxcutters, gloves, and boots, and start cutting bags to find food. I lived next to a Subway and every night they’d throw out a whole garbage bag full of sub rolls. I also got frozen 5 pound bags of cold cuts, five pound bags of lettuce and hot peppers, and entire boxloads of apple slices, all just a day past the best-before. Hotels are also a good place to source food from dumpsters; after events like weddings or conferences, the catered food gets tossed. If you’re lucky you can find entire pizzas still in boxes.
If you are old or sick or disabled, no one cares whether you live or die. In fact people like Doug Ford would prefer that you die. If you want to survive you’re going to have to change the way you think. You are no longer living in the same world as “normal” people. Learn to scavenge and make do, or you’ll just die. No one is going to help you except you.
hi sorry but i have no idea who to ask for help but im a single woman with one child on ontario works and i was cut off because my ex never changed his address on his cell phone she did a reverse number search and seen his number was at my address and cut me off my benefits during covid because she thinks we live together she tells me this 2 days before im to get my cheque who should i talk to i have .18 cents in my bank account if anyone knows who i could talk to please let me know thank u so much all
Appeal immediately. First appeal to the worker. Then appeal to the supervisor. If they both turn you down, you’ll have to file a formal appeal and go before the tribunal. But as soon as you appeal, they are forced according to their rules to continue to give you welfare until the appeal has been processed. That should keep you going in the short term, and the appeals process is probably log-jammed so it’ll take a while to go through.
You should also try to find an advocate. You don’t say where you’re located so I can’t suggest an organization, but check with local churches, food banks, and drop-in centres to see where you might be able to find someone to advocate for you. Social services’ own rules say you are allowed to have an advocate present for all interactions, and the presence of an advocate forces them to follow the rules. Without an advocate they can and will make up their own rules to screw you over. As soon as there’s an advocate, even if she or he does nothing but quietly watch, the way they treat you will change completely.
Hi I feel so bad for you. I’m very ill an I won’t get better ever. I find a lot of workers shouldn’t have there jobs. They make me so nervous an then I’m sick for days. That worker should no cut you off without evidence-based on this. That’s total bull shit. She could make calls e.g. his landlord, work place ECT. The sad part is they just don’t care.
why is it that with all the help that is being given to several groups people that collect cpp disability did not receive anything extra to try and cope with covid 19 ?
Hi Kelly, I posted a couple below you, and happened to read yours. I feel for you, as I believe my post is just the longer version of yours. I would appreciate to know if you rattled any chains. And likewise.. GOOD LUCK!
What are you talking about there receiving 2000 per month plus there benefits..
Fucking gov’t is got potatoes up their ass they never help who needs it middsle finger for idiots in high places..
Canada and USA come on now is this for real?
Fact is …the numbers isnt correct. All people that have crossed over gets 1200 plus each child 500. How many familys ate getting mega bucks and i a hard damn worker only living on less than 12,000 a year paid and busted my ass for this and only end up with 1200.oo and not received that but have no children to claim at 500 each dont we think this unfair , lk ast to get but we older people have paid our dues and paid the price for being where we are now….busted ass and broke our backs to be where we are now…thats d ou sab lk ed!We arent going to allow nothing to to you ake ys down and wipe us out,,dont you think our goverment shoukd allow us disabled and veterans that strived and gave to to our state and country and us the benefits that they are handing out now? We will continue to stuggle until the eyes are open,perhaps they think we wont pull this…but damn it sucks handing out big weekly checks to those to dont deserve a red dime925 per week x 4 would you work ,this is 4x what disabled gets plus they get food stamps and all where does piverty level stand?
i am confused about this so called help from the government.my husband is on federal cpp due to his health.i am on provincal cpp due to ms . we do not recieve a top up cheque from social services aka welfare due to bot disability cheques together is just over 1300.00 a month..we were told by a couple of employees from our office that when i first was had to sign on to disability that we would receive more funds on our cheques and receive more help.why is that.if im wrong please say something because im thinking cause we are married we are both cpp and we are both under 65.im 48 and he is 52 .
What is the government planning on doing for we canadian on CPP Disability? I have heard of nothing to help me, I receive 962.28 a month. There has been no increase for me. Can you please explain why we have been forgotten about please?
I’m a care aide and my back surgery was cancelled due to covid, and now the pain is to much to work, can I apply for cerb?
If you worked in 2019 I think you can
I am on ODSP with an income of 1235 rent of 1150 which my daughter helps pay, Plus we pay heat and hydro we have to use the food bank to eat and often go without medications as all medication is not covered on ODSP after being in 2 car accidents and have other preexisting issues I am unable to work with a 2000.00 hydro bill hanging over my head as soon as Trudeau lifts the ban on hydro being cut for non payment trust me they are coming for me. They offered me a payment plan of 500 dollars a month. If I had 500 a month for hydro I would never have gotten into this position. And yes I have tried to find a cheaper place everything is so expensive. I am not sure I will live long enough to wait the ten years to get a one room senior subsidized unit
had a good job thanks to a drunk driver I know must live on 1000.00 a month thank you very much
alot been done for low income with kids what about low income odsp for single people not enough food as food banks closed
The Canada Government sucks. People on welfare and ODSP ( welfare with head problems) get paid extra 300$ a month for Covid19 but people on Canada Disability get squat. So, my welfare neighbour is buying crack with her 300$ bonus, and my mother, gets to sit inside her house with nothing. Unbelievable.
First, people on OW and ODSP are getting nothing. The extra $300 a month you’re referring to is in BC only, not Ontario. Second, expressing hatred and contempt for people just as poor and desperate as you are is not helpful. We’re all in the same boat. If you’re going to be hateful, at least point it at the people responsible, like Doug Ford.
Thank you for addressing this issue with ODSP!
It is a shame that most Canadians got more help than those most at risk here.
It is a slap in the face that we were only offered a one time payment of $100 when 7.5 million Canadians got instant help and more help than those get when not in a crisis. It’s not right. A student that has a disability now gets more assistance too than those already in the program.
They also only offer $497 for rental funds and you can barely find anything for that price in this country anymore
i am 48 yrs old on CPP disability and was receiving spousal support until my ex who is a union carpenter was out of work, I havent received my support payment for april and FRO said they will apply for a government garnishee if he is receiving EI but if her is receiving CERB they cannot garnish that..the government garnishee FRO is applying for will not go through until sometime in june, so until then my income from CPP disability is only around $800 a month, my rent is $1025 plus hydro..I do not qualify for CERB, so I get no help, was told I could apply for ODSB which might give me max $400 a month but will have to be paid back once my spousal starts coming back in…why is it the government is not considering people in my situation that depend either on child or spousal support?my spousal support is for life due to the length of my relationship and my disability..I dont know what to do at this point, I may end up losing my place..also once the garnishment goes thru I will not get the full payments owed but will gradually get it in small installments monthly…fml i dont know where to turn?
I’m on ODSP with two children. I need help. What and or where do I go or do?
I agree that all people should be treated equally, especially those living under the poverty line. We should look after the most disenfranchised first because they are the most vulnerable.
I really do hope the government’s do something about what’s happening to the poor…?! The forgotten… people in a circle at a bank down town trying to keep warm! Is this right to be happening? To what people around the world think of CANADA… We are not so.
Sign petition and forward link to everyone you know
Don’t waste your time. They won’t help. Doug Ford and his cronies *hate* the poor and disabled. They see this as an opportunity to let them die. Both the government and the media are quietly turning a blind eye to the suffering, hunger, and desperation of the poor because their agenda is eliminating what the Nazis once referred to as the “useless eaters,” ie/ you and me.
Use your effort to figure out how to steal or scavenge what you need to survive, because the government is trying to kill you. They certainly aren’t going to be moved by a petition.
I am a disabled person who was an over achiever from age 12 onward my life was super successful and I had a six figure job a dozen years back.
*** I am a fully disabled person for several years now. *** This covid financial help from government is a HUGE LIE. they have given zero help to disabled people. The money we were told was given odsp authorities who in turn made only 100 dollars available to each disabled person. This $100 is only available once from odsp and that’s it. I’m disgusted with the government and odsp staff authorities for the way I’m being treated because I’m disabled people have been treated placed in danger as a direct result of no financial help YET for covid costs (which in my case left me flat broke a week ago barely past half way through the month. I barely ever make it through a month and only ever buy food when on sale. The items I honestly use in my lifestayle are sold out in every grocery store due to covid
The people who are not disbaled have been given thousands and thousands of dollars while I’m made to wait 21 days fr a one time help of $100 that doesn’t even cover one single medicka cost I have now due to covid protocols AND safety. ***Even seniors have received more in each and evry single.month of payments yet they even have been given double GAINS and that’s ongoing monthly not just once payment mile me because in disabled
*** Seniors to receive double EVERY MONTH FOR NEXT 6 TO 12 months of examPle 88 per month now 166 per month. Yet all people like me who’ve been to sick to work long term or to mentally challenged to get work have been dramatically kicked down in real life time of need for safety during a virus that’s killing people. Does the government think my life is worth less then everyone else’s becuase I’m sick often so much I cant hold a job and face brutal hate challenges all year long a d yet they give me squat to help me live safely during this virus outbreak. To make it even worse the government is is patting itself on the back saying it helped odsp yet it ***they have not help, odsp authorities have sickeningly cheated us down to a single one time one payment of $100 available tk me NEXT MKMTH ??? WOW :( :( :( :( It wont be given to me until the 1st of next month by then so much food shortage massive stresses already and can’t afford masks or to get to my weekly mandatory in person dr appointments safely due to transit.
Whoever screwed over the poor-health disabled people like myself is gonna have some answers to give spiritually speaking since no one else cares and I can’t exactly send an email to our leadership Ontario or Canada saying please don’t put me in danger anymore and pay us what we need to be safe each month for next 4 months same as everyone else. Even if they gave is each $500 which would be almost appropriate each month for 4 months I’d still have less $$ then my best friend a senior in Her 70’s. What does my life matter so little or less then everyone’s else? Am I not a human also? This virus doesn’t care who a person is or what my income social status is or isn’t.
My monthly income is several hundred less then my closet friend who is a senior. I dont even now who to send this too for the government to treat me the same as everyone else and for the powers that be at odsp to be stopped from how they took all the government’s covid funds but going to give us a tiny fraction of what was given to them for us.
No, you aren’t human. That’s the reality of it. The federal government decided that the minimum amount a human being needs to survive in Canada is $2000 a month. This means a person on ODSP is only worth half of a human, and a person on OW even less. You are untermensch, a term the Nazis used to refer to the less-than-human, like the disabled. The government wants you to die. They regard you as a “useless eater,” another phrase used by the Nazis.
This pandemic allows the government to quietly allow a disease to do their dirty work for them, racing through the sick and old and killing them. They don’t need death camps when they can allow COVID-19 to do all the killing and then sit back and wash their hands like Pontius Pilate.
The government has to decide the people who matter and the people who don’t matter. People who matter get CERB. People who don’t matter get 1,000 per month or less. Then Trudeau and Doug Ford refuse to explain, the only thing Doug has to spew is “the best social program is a job”. What a fool.
Has Canada forgotten the people on odsp and social assistance? Everybody got the extra gst cheque in April and everybody so far the government seems to be taking care of but people with disabilities or people on welfare have recieved nothing really! ODSP offering a one time emergency benefit of $100 for single people but where’s Trudeau? What’s he offering? I haven’t found anything really, everywhere I look it’s for the working class people, but the lower class nothing! Thanks a lot Trudeau, for forgetting us!
Seniors are hurting, everything has gone up especially food. Where is the help for us!!!
Disabled people need a raise and so do Seniors we are living below the poverty level!
When is the raise coming for us !!
The Federal Government will be giving would be graduating students $1250/month and disabled or students caring for someone $1750/month. These amounts are $100 & $600 more than the maximum a disabled adult on ODSP can receive.
These amounts have been increased to $2250/month graduating students and $2000/month for disabled or caring for someone effective May 1 to end of August.
It’s pretty sad I have been living the last 4 yrs on a low CPP disability of $924 per month and get no help, now seeing all these people receiving all kinds of money with money, I believe it’s time for our Government to look at us people that work and ended up with a disability that put us out of work and need help !!!
C.p.p disability in canada this should be with the seniors the first this government should be helping , but nothing I mean nothing,….. 537.00 a month wow pick rent ,good,bills or street. 231.00 this month and next open the courts why 17 year long battle of stealing my g.s.to and income i made under the amout the law states but still took it and still is . Over 14 months now in courts.. this went down to 231.00 and again this government don’t care.,,all about business this is not canada, we care about the weaker. I’m told until the court opens this is were i am at .. 17 years now canada fix this extra pain you are giving me every day of my life, lose family lost friends lost everything, why ill tell you I had nothing for me or to offer , everyone else was shopping i was alone, thanks for picking at me for 17 years now. How many others have to done this to .