by Ontario Public Health Association’s Reproductive Health Working Group

As Canada turns toward pandemic recovery plans, we must ensure that these plans, and any mitigation strategies in response to future COVID-19 waves, address reproductive health for all of Canada.

Posted: Mar 8, 2022

Women’s Health

International Women's Day is both a celebration of how far we've come and a reminder of how far we have to go when it comes to women's health. Displayed here are a few pieces from the archives that highlight issues women face today regarding their health.

by Janice Du Mont Joseph Friedman Burley Sheila Macdonald

There is an epidemic that is often overlooked that has gotten worse during COVID-19 – the abuse and neglect of older adults, particularly older women.

by Anne Borden King

Columnist Anne Borden King combines meticulous research with moving reflections about living with breast cancer to expose an overlooked form of medical paternalism and explore the thought-provoking relationship between one’s body and most intimate self-image.

by Surbhi Kalia Paula Rochon

Longer lives are one of the greatest achievements in medicine. Yet we see a diminished quality of life for many older adults, especially women, due to inequities institutionalized in health care. So how do we de-institutionalize these inequities?

by Stephanie Ragganandan Karen Lawford

Improving health care must begin by recognizing the interconnected webs of colonization woven into all health-care systems in Canada. A good place to start would be at the beginning – with maternity care and birth.

A Focus on Food Insecurity

More than 4.4 million Canadians experience some kind of food insecurity – a lack of physical and economic access to nutritious and culturally safe food. We highlight a few of the pieces we’ve written on this topic over the pandemic.

by Anthony Fong

Food insecurity in Nunavut has been called “among the longest-lasting public health crises faced by a Canadian population.”

by Tim Li

A recent study broke down how race is connected to factors that lead to food insecurity. The findings point to anti-Black racism as the underlying reason for the disparity in food insecurity between Black and white Canadians.

by Mollie Sivaram Katie Dorman Melinda Glassford

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted most facets of daily life, including what we eat. Long grocery store lineups, the anxious masked faces of essential staff at checkouts, the elderly carrying heavy bags to avoid public transit and empty non-perishable aisles have become common sights.

The Rounds Table Podcast - new episode!

The Rounds Table is a free regular podcast hosted by Healthy Debate. Its purpose is to provide an informative and irreverent discussion of new research from major medical journals. Each week it explores topics from the latest medical research.

ICYMI - Editor's Monthly Reads

Our editorial team highlights our essential reading for the month.

by Colleen Fuller

History matters – a century after insulin’s discovery, we’re going backwards

by Andrew McRae

Living with endemic SARS-CoV-2 isn’t the same as ‘back to normal’


Enough with the harassment: How to deal with anti-vax cults

by Catherine Varner

As anti-vaxx protests continue in front of hospitals across Canada, emergency physicians are saying enough is enough and leaving their profession behind.

by Catherine Varner

Representatives of Toronto Women in Emergency Medicine, a group of emergency physicians working in hospitals in the Greater Toronto Area, were asked to reflect on their experiences of the most recent wave and what health-care systems can do to survive the next one.

Special Series Highlights

Special Series

In partnership with AMS Healthcare, Healthy Debate is publishing a series of seven articles that explores the relationship between technology and compassion in the field of health care today, and especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Special Series

Pillars of the Pandemic is a new series honouring outstanding individuals who have made huge contributions to our fight against the pandemic.