by Nikhila (Nikki) Butani Stuart McKinlay Megan Werger Vishva Shah

Delays in the opening of reception centres for refugees are significantly impacting the health of refugees and wellbeing of local communities.

by Andre Skipper Claire Barber

The passage of Bill C-372 is not merely a matter of legislative reform; it is a moral imperative in the face of escalating climate catastrophe. We must dismantle fossil fuel green washing and disinformation.

by Leigh Chapman

"In the face of Canada’s overdose crisis, I see harm reduction as a fundamental aspect of nursing practice – it is a necessity, in addition to treatment and prevention."

by Timothy Caulfield

Antivaccine rhetoric and beliefs reside most often on the political right. It is essential we confront this reality and devise evidence-informed strategies to counter this trend constructively.

by Alykhan Abdulla

Ontario's government has pursued a "populist" agenda, focusing on privatization, deregulation and profit-driven models. These have had devastating effects on health care and public safety.

by Joe Vipond David Keegan

It is beyond time for our health-care leaders to empower an objective review of our system’s handling of this deadly and disabling airborne pandemic. It’s their duty to ensure a safe environment for patients and workers alike.

by Kathleen Ross

"We are in a watershed moment for our health-care system — this is just the beginning, let’s continue talking about the health care we all want."

by Nichole Sanchez Diaz Sanja Kostov Erin Bearss Milena Forte

Adapting medical education for Gen Z learners isn’t about coddling – it's about evolution.

by Leisha Toory

Public awareness campaigns must be tailored to address the unique menstrual health needs of individuals with disabilities, including the financial burden of menstrual products.

by Alexandra Campbell

With the option of MAiD squarely on the table for so many, is staying alive becoming a path that requires justification?


This series is a deep dive into the lives and working conditions of health-care professionals across Canada. It includes six profiles that explore the challenges, triumphs and priorities not only of our the health-care system as a whole, but of the workers who support it.

Special Series

In partnership with AMS Healthcare, Healthy Debate is publishing a series of solutions-focused articles on emerging technologies and their potential for transformational change in our health-care system.

Special Series

"Togethering" is the term for how we live out our vision of how we care for our families together. "Family" can mean the traditional nuclear family across generations, modern-day chosen families, friends and neighbours. This series explores how modern families are navigating their own version of "Togethering." These three articles are the first instalments of a 10-part series examining the intersection of housing, aging and caregiving.

Special Series

In partnership with AMS Healthcare, Healthy Debate is publishing a series of solutions-focused articles examining gaps in our health-care system.

The Rounds Table Podcast

The Rounds Table is a free regular podcast hosted by Healthy Debate. Its purpose is to provide an informative and irreverent discussion of new research from major medical journals. Each week it explores topics from the latest medical research.