The Personal Health Navigator is available to all Canadian patients. Questions about your doctor, hospital or how to navigate the health care system can be sent to
The Question: My wife had arthroscopic surgery for a rotator cuff injury more than two years ago. Unfortunately, the surgery did not help because my wife is still experiencing severe pain intermittently. She did physiotherapy and lately she did shock wave therapy. Basically, we did everything. We want to get another opinion. Please help us on how to start.
The Answer: I sense you are exasperated and justifiably so – it is difficult to know where to turn, especially when you feel you have gone through every available avenue to address your wife’s medical issue. According to Robin Richards, Sunnybrook’s surgeon-in-chief emeritus, in about 15 to 20 per cent of cases, symptoms persist after rotator cuff surgery. “Nothing we do is 100 per cent successful,” notes Dr. Richards, an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in shoulders. “There is a significant percentage who don’t get better.”
The rotator cuff is a thick tendon that surrounds the upper end of your arm bone, medically referred to as the humerus. Its job is to initiate movements of the shoulder and to hold the ball in the socket of your shoulder, allowing you to use the big muscles in your arms. It can be damaged through repetitive use, age-related changes and in rare cases, trauma. When damaged, patients feel pain from the swollen, inflamed tendon, which can be particularly intense at night or when lifting overhead.
The most common need for surgery is to decompress painful chronic rotator cuff tendonopathy, a wear and tear process or to repair a tear of the cuff. “The tendon can become thin and develop a tear,” said Dr. Richards. “When a patient doesn’t get better after surgery you have to ask: ‘Did the repair fall apart?’”
When surgery is unsuccessful, the surgeon will look first for complications such as infection and then try to determine if the surgery was done for the correct diagnosis, if the decompression of the cuff was adequate and if the cuff repair healed. The surgeon will do a physical examination, take a medical history and order investigational procedures such as an MRI and X-rays. From there, the surgeon will form a diagnosis and determine whether a revision surgery is likely to work.
“If the MRI shows a re-tear, the repair had failed, then we would think about surgery again,” according to Richard Holtby, an orthopedic and shoulder surgeon at Holland Orthopaedic & Arthritic Centre. “Usually the MRI accurately diagnoses a retear but it is not perfect and sometimes the only way to know if a repair failed is to look at it again surgically.”
Typically, surgeons will do a revision if it is medically indicated.
“If it was a small rotator cuff tear, and the surgeon felt he had a good repair and expected a good result but the patient did not get a good result, we would think about doing another surgery,” said Dr. Holtby.
If it’s a big tear, however, and the surgeon knew it was never going to be perfect but did the best job possible, due to the limited amount of tissue, a second surgery is unlikely to be more successful, said Dr. Holtby.
Something to be mindful of: in revision surgery for rotator cuff problems, 70 to 75 per cent of patients will rate the operation as good or excellent, compared to 80 to 85 per cent who undergo a primary rotator cuff decompression and/or repair. Complication rates also increase with revisions, with 5 per cent of patients experiencing at least one, such as an infection, bleeding, nerve damage or stiffness. That compares to the 2 per cent of cases that typically experience one of those complications the first time around.
The good news is that the rotator cuff doesn’t have to be perfect to have a good result. It’s rare that surgeons can’t find a way to fix it. If the repair didn’t work the first time, the surgeon might reinforce the cuff with other biological material, transfer a muscle from nearby to replace the damaged cuff muscle or replace the shoulder.
Dr. Holtby suggests you ask for a second opinion. “No one should hesitate to ask their surgeon for a second opinion,” said Dr. Holtby.
If your wife is still experiencing pain, she should go to the surgeon. She might want to say that she knows the doctor did her or his best and she knows that shoulder surgery is complicated. She could also say that she’s not sure why she’s having the symptoms but would like to find out. She should then ask if she could get a second opinion or if there is someone else she could talk to. She should thank the surgeon for the care.
Once you have that appointment, she needs to get all the reports together, preferably on a CD. She needs MRI scans, X-rays, copies of the operation record and consultation reports. She should physically carry these with her to the appointment with the new surgeon – she should not rely on her surgeon to send these reports because it may not get there in time.
“Whenever there is failed surgery,” said Dr. Holtby, “It is probably reasonable to get a second opinion.”
Lisa Priest is Sunnybrook’s Manager of Community Engagement & Patient Navigation. Her blog Personal Health Navigator provides advice and answers questions from patients and their families, relying heavily on medical and health experts. Her blog is reprinted on with the kind permission of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Send questions to

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I have had surgery on my left shoulder and still having problems with my shoulder and dropping things when I pick up so I’m trying to see what’s going on.
I had a shoulder replacement 4/23/21. they broke my arm putting in the prosthesis. I didn’t start therapy until 6/20/21. I have been in a lot of pain! I don’t know what to do. Will this pain go away?
My surgeon performed a regular shoulder arthroplasty but I signed release for a reverse shoulder. Is that allowed? A Dr switching procedures like that? My new surgeon who is helping me with joint infection & pain told me that I was supposed to get a reverse shoulder done by the VA surgeon but he did a regular shoulder arthroplasty.. He said based on my problems before surgery… a reverse shoulder was indicated. Could this hve been a mistake or do surgeons sometimes change the procedures based on what they see when they get in to the joint during surgery?
thanks Curt :)
I had a total shoulder replacement 4 months ago. I am having major weakness in my bicep area. It feels like it has a blood pressure cuff and is tighten as tight as it can go. The surgeon keeps saying it will go away. I don’t know what to do.
Marie, I was told by my Dr that they do not always reattach the bicep. If they dont…then it would just slowly go away. I guess it takes an extra hour & older people may not need it. Check to make sure that your surgeon did reattach your bicep. If he DID…then there might be a problem,. curt c.
Doctor,after my dislocated shoulder surgery.Now when I rest my shoulder there is still a sound and discomfort.what’s the reason behind it doctor….
how priest manuka was able to get my husband back with his powerful reunion love spell. that rebuild my broken marriage. All my hope has been fully restored and am happy to share my experience to everyone. Do feel free to Contact manuka via email if having any challenge with marriage or relationship at: ( lovesolutiontemple1@ gmail. com ) I so much believe he can also help out with his powers.
Can someone help please
Doctor,after my dislocated shoulder surgery.Now when I rest my shoulder there is still a sound and discomfort.what’s the reason behind it doctor….
I’ve had a Bristow. Partial and two reversal complete shoulder replacement. The most recent was 14 months ago also with a broken humorous bone. At presently my wrist feels like it is broken. I’ve just now able to manipulate or help my hand to come up to my mouth I’m in frequently severe pain and their is a certain spot or motion that seems to almost come out of joint for a instant. I can’t get anyone to help or believe me. My dr. Acts like nothing is wrong like that’s normal and thinks I’m exaggerating. Oh yeah I had hand pawsy for many months
And also my my dr won’t see me again because I didn’t and still don’t have insurance
Why are you yelling?
I had surgery on my left shoulder due to accident Dr brown told me it would be fine in time well I had to go back cause one of the tendons came undone he said it WD be simple presiture he d connect it bk good to go I got him on tape rec d it I woke up too 38 screws in my arm connected to my shoulder fr life I can’t raise my arm never anything I can do he never told me he was gonna do this aare I wdnt have done it
I had total shoulder replacement 16 months ago. It was very successful until about a month ago. At night I can’t lay on that side for more than a few minutes because if pain. I am also getting muscle spasms in my shoulder during the day but no pain. I have no problem using that arm either. Just the pain at night when I lay on it. Thank you for any insight you can provide.
I did call my Dr. ‘s assistant and she replied that my doctor didn’t know what it could be and to wait a few weeks to see it it resolved itself. It has not.
I also had surgery done on my left shoulder due to the rotor cuff tendons being torn and this was done in 2015 and I’m still in constant pain from my shoulder and complete arm.
Please advise way forward since I’m no longer on medical aid.
Help! I had TSR a year and a half ago. I was doing great, pain free and incredible mobility , until about 7 months after surgery. I started experiencing localized pain from about mid-incision down and my mobility has diminished. The pain is almost more than I can take after a busy day at the salon, I am a hairdresser. I have had a ct scan and ultrasound and it shows nothing that would explain the pain. I recently had a joint aspiration and am waiting for the results. I really think that I have an infection in the joint. Amy thoughts?
I had a bad fall in 2008 and blew my whole rotator cuff (Pulverized) I had 21 dislocations after the first time they re-set it because there was nothing to hold it in. I finally had surgery in 2012 and he found 1 tendon to attach and it dropped that night. So I was back in surgery 2:00Am and the Dr packed my arm ball into the cavity with all the blood and guts in my arm & I was in a sling for 12 weeks. That worked well until now. Now it is so painful I have no muscle in that arm all the tendons and nerves are encased in the calcification. They do not know what I can do. They would never be able to attach those nerves and tendons/. So they are feeling bunched up around my shoulder. I can barely move my arm or use my hand & my upper arm bone has obvious arthritis. So I understand your pains. They can put artificial hips in but not shoulders. I rotate between Advil gels-Tylenol Extra strong or T3s and cyclobenzaprine. Not all at the same times because they should not be used together. I am glad I found this blog because I was feeling like I was the only one going thru this.
I recently had the same thing happen. Very curious how you are doing now!
Hello Katie
Im Aaron i had labrum surgery with bicep tendonesis 11/12/2020 now 2/2/2021 in severe pain shooting down my arm hurts like hell to raise my arm pain is all day and night have an appointment coming up with ortho doc you think maybe nerve damage you describe ? Im a Carpenter and this trade about over for me im 49 my sdi about to run out wonder if I could get ssdi for this?
So sorry for your friend, Marlene :( How awful! I hope she has made a full recovery now. I am 4 months post shoulder & bicep surgery and having severe shooting pain where one of my screws/anchors is. I am wondering what your friends’ symptoms were that led them to discover that her screws were too large. Do you happen to know?
He said that the shoulder may have to be replaced,,and replaced with what??,, I’ve never heard of anything like that,, what about this can I get a lawyer and do I have a case??.
He said that the shoulder may have to be replaced,,and replaced with what??,, I’ve never heard of anything like that,, what about this can I get a lawyer and do I have a case??.
Hi, I had total shoulder replacement July of 2019. My recovery was going great until January or February the following year. At that point, the pain and stiffness that I was still experiencing, started getting worse. I am a hairdresser and the motions that I do while working are extremely painful, almost to the point now that I’m struggling to make it to the end of the day. I have had an ultrasound and ct scan of the shoulder but unfortunately, the doctor can’t find anything wrong. We have discussed the possibility of an infection of the joint but he doesn’t want to explore it any further than just having the conversation about it. In September of this year I was experiencing severe pain in my neck and found that I have some vertebrae issues as well. He now believes all my pain is coming from my neck and has basically washed his hands of there being an issue with my shoulder. I know that there’s issues with my neck but I’m experiencing two very different kinds of pain. Please help me.
Hi, I had total shoulder replacement July of 2019. My recovery was going great until January or February the following year. At that point, the pain and stiffness that I was still experiencing, started getting worse. I am a hairdresser and the motions that I do while working are extremely painful, almost to the point now that I’m struggling to make it to the end of the day. I have had an ultrasound and ct scan of the shoulder but unfortunately, the doctor can’t find anything wrong. We have discussed the possibility of an infection of the joint but he doesn’t want to explore it any further than just having the conversation about it. In September of this year I was experiencing severe pain in my neck and found that I have some vertebrae issues as well. He now believes all my pain is coming from my neck and has basically washed his hands of there being an issue with my shoulder. I know that there’s issues with my neck but I’m experiencing two very different kinds of pain. Please help me.
I had a rotator cuff surgery in 2015 that has gone south! I am in intense pain upper left shoulder and arm! I also happen to be left handed! To compound the situation had a knee replacement that also went south, staff infection! A year and a half later and four knee operations and on massive doses of cypro I have the infection markers in the good! Lastly I am high risk because of my heart history! Surgeon will not operate! What are my options?
I had a rotator cuff surgery in 2015 that has gone south! I am in intense pain upper left shoulder and arm! I also happen to be left handed! To compound the situation had a knee replacement that also went south, staff infection! A year and a half later and four knee operations and on massive doses of cypro I have the infection markers in the good! Lastly I am high risk because of my heart history! Surgeon will not operate! What are my options?
I had a shoulder injury 2-3-16 at work. since then I have had 3 rotator cuff surgeries which have all failed. I recently found out last week 5 months after my last surgery from an mri that my supraspinatus tendon is torn again with fiber retracted 17 mm from footprint is what the mri says. I have not been able to do any normal every day things in my life.l, I even had to cut my hair short because I couldn’t even brush or wash it by myself. This has been a huge hardship on me. 3 surgeries and many months of physical therapy and 4 years later I feel like I’m back at square one. I’m not sure what I should do now. I’m 57 years old and hopefully have a long life ahead of me but I can not live with the pain and can’t live without being able to lift my arm for that many years.
Hi! I am also 57 years old and had rotator cuff surgery for a complete tear on my right shoulder. I didn’t injure it, time did a number on me over the years. We were military and I packed a lot of stuff myself and I know that is what did it. I had the surgery on Oct 14, 2019 and my surgery lasted an hour longer that they anticipated. My surgeon told me that my bone crumbled when he tried putting the anchors in, and he said that he was able to put a needle right through my bone. I was put on very high does of prescription vitamin D for two weeks. I had to see a specialist about my bone density and it was fine. Lately I have been having a pain in my shoulder where the anchors are and it sometimes stops me during certain movements and causes me severe pain. I am very worried that the operation didn’t take. I did call my doctors office a few weeks ago and they said it was normal under the circumstances of my surgery, but if it continues I will need to see my surgeon. I was also told that I would never be more than 80% after having this surgery. I really worry about it because I can’t imagine living with this horrible pain in my elder years. Sometimes I can’t even move it because the pain is quite severe. I will avoid another surgery at all costs! I just don’t understand the pain and why I am feeling it even more than I did right after my surgery.
I had a shoulder injury 2-3-16 at work. since then I have had 3 rotator cuff surgeries which have all failed. I recently found out last week 5 months after my last surgery from an mri that my supraspinatus tendon is torn again with fiber retracted 17 mm from footprint is what the mri says. I have not been able to do any normal every day things in my life.l, I even had to cut my hair short because I couldn’t even brush or wash it by myself. This has been a huge hardship on me. 3 surgeries and many months of physical therapy and 4 years later I feel like I’m back at square one. I’m not sure what I should do now. I’m 57 years old and hopefully have a long life ahead of me but I can not live with the pain and can’t live without being able to lift my arm for that many years.
I had rotator cuff surgery 1 year & 4 months ago. I had a partial tear and another part was a complete tear. It still hard to sleep at night and my arm will not go behind my back and I get a burning sensation in the arm also. I’ve had plenty of therapy for my shoulder. Is there a reason why ny arm will not go behind by back and have the burning. Thank you
I don’t know if my problem is the rotator cuff or not, but I had total reverse shoulder arthroplasty July 29/2020. I have attended all my physio appointments & have done the exercises at home. Last visit to my Surgeon was Oct. 16 & I told him at that point I was experiencing pain when I moved a certain way. The pain really hits me if I move my left shoulder slightly inward. I thought I had sustained an injury when I bumped my shoulder 3 days prior to the fracture clinic, but the xray showed the prothesis to be intact. The surgeon said..”oh it’s likely soft tissue”. The pain is really bad, & I’m not sure what to do. Call his office, or ask my GP about it.
I m on my second shoulder surgery and I need help
I had surgery on my left shoulder in Aug 6, 2020 and now in Oct. 19, 2020 I had a serve muscle spasms on my left side rib and back is it related?
Sylvia…muscle spasms or nerve pain. I had a nerve block when being prepped for my shoulder replacement, & I do have nerve pain as well as other pain.
Very bad I had two shoulder surgery and one failed and know my spine is shaking
I continue to have achiness and pain 12 weeks post rtc repair and biceps tenodesis… I am told this is normal and to just go slow. Can take a year to get good range of motion and complete healing.
The medication that has saved me from the Achiness and allowed me to sleep at night especially is called GABAPENTIN 300 mg 2 to 3 times a day. I take it w 2 extra strength Tylenol twice daily and it is remarkably helpful! We give that same combo here at the surgery center I work at to help with post op pain. It is used off label for nerve pain and is very commonly used for neuropathy pain. It is a non narcotic. Lifesaver. Good luck everyone!
As I said in an earlier post…be careful about the amount of Tylenol you take each day. From what you said, you’re taking 2 grams of Tylenol. Each extra strength Tylenol is 500mg…therefore two of those equals 1 gram. Ask your Dr. about your kidneys/liver; especially since you’re taking this amount of Tylenol every day.
I’ve had a shoulder replacement on my left side due to a car accident in ‘03 In my accident the ball was pushed out of socket and then crushed. Now after 17 years I woke up this morning and can’t reach forward without severe pain. I can’t think of anything I’ve done to cause it. Any suggestions?
I had shoulder replacment surgery on May 20 I have had PT for 2 months I had rotator cuff surgery before this surgery, I still cannot lift my arm I do exercise every day and it feels like the muscle is slipping around when I try to lift it. What could the problem be.
My right shoulder surgery went well until the PT insisted that I lift weights a month before I should have. That reversed the repair and I am now left with a shoulder I can hardly use. My surgeron says a second repair is not feasible and my insurace will not cover a replacement. I filed a complaint against the PT with the state board of healing arts but nothing was ever done. My attorney says a litigation would probably not have a positive outcome. So, I am stuck with lousy medical care and wish I could have afforded to have it done in Europe or elsewhere.
I went u the same thing with my surgery same way I went in I came out. In pain and weakness told doctor about it but he still put me to work and refused to see me any further. Is this malpractice
It has been years since I had mine done the dr. Has passed away and I suffer from time to time with it because I was on Medicare at the time and was young they councled my insurance he would not see me or could I have therapy and left a stitch in my arm will the stitch had green stuff coming out of it and the hospital took it out so now I have little faith in doctors.
In 2005 I have arthroscopic surgery on my left shoulder to repair an almost complete tear on my rotator cuff. Now I
I have severe intermittent pain on my left side shoulder blade area. Is this a symptom of the rotator cuff being re-injured?
I don’t know what to do.
I wanted to know if its possible to have some secondary injury, after a shoulder surgery? My main muscle was not reattached. I was told beforehand he would do a second surgery if he was not able to do it with the smaller incision. However the recovery was hell for me. As I could not deal with being trapped in the shoulder sling. My injury was through workmans comp. So they did send me for a nerve test. I was told I had carpal tunnel. I just find it hard to believe. As I am left handed and its my right wrist. I told them this and they tested the other side and said that it was more damaged than my right. So why would my right hand at the thumb hurt so badly?
Hi, in 2012 I separated my right (dominant arm) AC joint (grade 3) and I went to see an orthopedic surgeon who was highly recommended by a close family friend of mine. I played water polo in college and, at the time, I was training to play AVP volleyball. The surgeon said that if I ever wanted to play overhead sports again, I would need to have my shoulder reconstructed via a “Modified Weaver Dunn” surgery to “restabilize” my shoulder. I really didn’t know anything about my injury or the severity of the surgery, but I knew that I wanted to play sports and be active for many years to come. I agreed to the surgery and within 5 days of the injury, I was naively on the operating table. Unfortunately, this surgery did not fix my problem and I was never able to return to volleyball, weight training and many more activities I enjoyed prior to the injury/surgery. After talking to many other specialists and doing countless hours of research on my own, I discovered that I probably would have healed up just fine without the surgery, with the exception of having somewhat of a bump on my shoulder due to the torn AC and CC ligaments that hold your clavicle down and to your acromion. Through my research, I also discovered that the “modified weaver dunn” procedure is very antiquated and generally only used for higher grade shoulder separations (grades 4,5,6) and chronic grade 3’s that are still painful after several months or years or conservative management. In addition, there are many other superior reconstructions that can restore your shoulder anatomically and repair the native ligaments during the acute phase of the injury (<3 weeks of injury), which I was eligible for (I.e. anatomical reconstruction with a donor tendon graft) and that existed at the time of my surgery. Unfortunately, the surgeon I went to didn’t tell me about any other options other than the “modified weaver dunn” and didn’t even recommend that I try physical therapy before committing to such a serious surgery. Apparently physical therapy works well for around 80% of patients who suffer from a grade 3 separation (a statistic I did not know at the time). Being the athlete that I was and the muscle mass, memory and dedication I possessed, I strongly feel I would have been part of that 80%). For those of you who are not familiar with the modified weaver dunn procedure, it involves cutting off the end of your clavicle, shaving down your acromion and transferring a healthy ligament from one part of your injured shoulder to another part of your injured shoulder to replace some (not all) of the torn ligaments. The problem, which I now know, but didn’t know then, is that the ligament that is transferred (coracoacromial ligament) is only about 30% as strong as the native ligament that it’s trying to replace. The coracoacromial (CA) ligament also helps to stabilize your ac joint and shoulder when intact and releasing it leads to glenohumeral laxity (the body doesn’t come with spare parts!). In addition, the clavicle resection that was performed is generally only done on older patients (45yrs or older) or patients who already have arthritis in the joint. I was 23 at the time and extremely healthy, other than having an acute shoulder separation. Fast forward… I am now 31 and have a multitude of shoulder problems. I have arthritis in my ac joint (well what’s left of my ac joint). I have chronic pain in my sternoclavicular joint due to the fact that my clavicle has been in a non anatomical position for nearly 8 years. I have bone ossification between my clavicle and coracoid, which causes me severe shoulder stiffness. I have partial atrophy in the muscles surrounding my shoulder (deltoid, trap, pec, shoulder blade) and little to no control of my scapula, which has caused severe scapular winging. I experience pain with overhead motions, military press, push ups, pull-ups, and usually when I’m not doing anything at all. My shoulder is extremely unstable and I just found out via a recent MRI that I have a tear in my superior shoulder labrum and another tear in my anterior shoulder labrum, as well as tendinosis in my supraspinatus, infranspinatus and subscapularis, most likely caused by the severe instability of my “modified” shoulder. Although I will most likely need another surgery to repair my torn labrum tears, they are currently the least of my problems in that shoulder, the “modified” AC joint being my main concern. And now for my question… given my medical history, is there anyway to reconstruct my AC joint with a tendon graft and put my CA ligament back in its anatomical position or rebuild me a new CA ligament either out of a donor tendon or other soft tissue. Ideally, I would like to fix the tears in my labrum at the same time as this revision surgery. I know my shoulder will never be what it was, but my hope is that I can restore it to a state where I can play sports again, do body-weight exercises and horse around with my kid (I’m expecting a child in September – my first). I know this was an extremely long post, but any feedback you have for me is very much appreciated :)
Thank you for your time,
Hi, I just had shoulder surgery two and a half weeks ago. I’m worried about underneath a huge baseball size bruise I had on for arm why it hurts so bad underneath still? The color has returned to better and yellow now. It’s underneath I’m having a weird pain I hate. It’s like an arm band around the area tightened real hard and won’t stop. I can’t figure what is causing it to hurt so bad. I just wonder if anyone else has had this happen near the end of the bruise on the surface coloring? I think it’s a hematobin. They had to cancel dr appt for the virus deal. But he talked to me on the phone. It seems worse today. He told me to use heat and did seem to help some. I just worry should I tell them I need the dr after all? It is still early time I know. Just didn’t expect this to happen this way. And told it could last a few months. Not sure I like that. Takes away one pain and gets another. But I had 5 bone spurs and two big ones, one ligament that was frayed. So he grinded it down a lot. He did good job on that ac joint. I just wonder why this other is such a pain for me. Thanks so much for any help.
I had total reverse shoulder arthroplasty on July 29/2020. I too had a swollen upper arm…AND a lot of bruising. Never ever would I advise anyone to use heat on a bruise. I’m sure the area you describe is hard to the touch. You can bet that’s because of swelling. Swelling should be treated with cold, not heat.
I accidentally bumped my shoulder this morning. At the time, it didn’t hurt much except for the initial bump..but several hours later, when I moved a certain way..the pain is excruciating. I have physio tomorrow & will tell my therapist. Also, I have an appt. with the Surgeon on Friday morning. Prior to seeing him at the fracture clinic, I’ll be having an xray. Hopefully something will show on that xray so the Surgeon will have a better understanding of what has happened. The pain I’m having (only upon certain movement) is so intense, it upsets my stomach..& I have a high pain tolerance.
A week ago i had shoulder surgery to repair rips. One being in the tendon to the biceps where they used cow tendon to repair. I am at work at my desk and got up and started to lose my balance. I caught myself with my hand on side of that i had surgery. Could I have caused any damage to the repairs?
I’m currently 4 weeks post surgery for my labrum on the left side of my shoulder. I had an anterior and posterior tear that was repaired. A few days ago I fell at a friends house. I was in the middle of a conversation when I was bumped and accidentally fell forward onto the person i was talking to landing forward with my arm in the sling. Luckily i was wearing my sling as well as the immobilizer. After i fell i felt some pain , but nothing major. It has been three days now since i fell. I’m not in excruciating pain, but my shoulder feels really achy on my trap as well as i have some pressure on my anterior incision sights. my shoulder feels really irritated. What should i do? Dose it sound like i re injured something?
Hello I had two operations on the same shoulder for my rotator cuff I am finding that it get tired,why?
My Dr said my rotorcuff tore out three times and had to screw it into the bone and the bone isn’t good that was about three years ago and my arm still swell up and hurt real bad after using it to vacuum
What should I do
The surgeon has yet retired
Thank you Hazel
I’m not a dr but had a shoulder surgery 2 and a half weeks ago. Wanted to say I’d try a new dr now. If last one retired. That sounds painful. I sympathize with all here in pain. I hope dr can help you more. Good luck. I keep trying to get help with foot pain. I just try a new one. I’m determined to get more help no matter what they say. We know what our bodies have in pain level.
Have your GP refer you to an Orthopaedic Surgeon who SPECIALIZES in shoulders.
I had rotator cuff/biceps repair surgery 2 weeks s ago. Just a few days later my cat jumped on the joint of that shoulder from about 8 feet above it. The pain went right back to where it was the day of surgery. On top of that, I was accidentally shut into a closing bus door today and my pain has increased. I am scared the surgery may fail now. How likely is that to happen?
Thank you before having the corpal tunnel surgery that is on the same side as the failed rotor cuff surgery should i get that second opinion first?
The unfortunate reality of orthopedic surgery: Most of it doesn’t work. The problem with orthopedic surgery is multi-faceted: 1.) the procedures don’t get thoroughly tested before being performed on live patients (the nature of this field prevents adequate testing), 2.) the ‘mechanical/machine’ foundation from which these surgical procedures derive is limited and is not wholly reflective of how the human body functions, 3.) surgeons are heavily incentivized to perform said procedures; to the point that they’re willing to mislead patients to book more surgeries, 4.) the off-chance that a surgery ‘works’ for a patient prevents surgeons from critically assessing the work they do (i.e. 1/5 success rate is just as valid as 4/5 success rate in their eyes.)
Unfortunately, we’re all on the wrong side of time and have been negatively affected by these problems. However, research is finally catching up with the real world. Robust research and testing are exposing many of these procedures to be nothing more than worthless, dangerous, profit-generators for unscrupulous surgeons. Perhaps our posterity will learn from our mistakes and will be more judicious in perusing their options for orthopedic care.
My story (ill keep it brief): traumatic right shoulder injury in early 20’s led to shoulder problems (despite conservative treatment). In early 30s, underwent two (2) unsuccessful shoulder surgeries (two different surgeons, one year apart). Both surgeons blamed me for the failed surgery (despite following every direction they advised) and discarded me like a piece of garbage. Later learned that one of the procedures both surgeons performed was determined to be no better than sham surgery and they failed to inform me of this fact. Tried to pursue legal action; all attorneys told me my complaint was ‘stale’ and not pursuable. Shoulder is in shambles; can’t throw, can’t push, can’t lift, can’t stretch. Lost all trust in orthopedic surgeons. Resigned to life with limited use of right arm (only mid 30’s now.)
Austin, I’m really sorry to hear about your experience. I had a similar experience in my early 20s and have had problems ever since. My issue was also with my right (dominant) shoulder. I’m now 31 and have lost my ability to do many things I used to enjoy. I completely agree with your views regarding orthopedic surgery and truly can relate to your story. My story is posted below just in case you’re curious what happened to me. I hope someone can help you one day and that things eventually get better for you. God bless you and try to stay positive. I know it’s hard. Believe me.
Take care and stay strong,
I had shoulder surgery about 6 months ago. I have gone through PT rehab but I am finding that the pain with certain motion, (hand behind back, behind head, reaching up, throwing etc) has become excruciating. Its a thousand times worse now that what it was when I went in for surgery. What should I do?
I should also add that I have considerable numbness in my forarm which started as intense nerve pain about 5 days after the surgery…. I have an apointment scheduled with a nurologist in a month from now.
As I am reading through all comments, I identify with the people who have been given poor answers or avoided answers about their post-surgical concerns. I am a 57 year young woman, who had a rotator cuff repair, none spur removal, arthritis removal, surgery. This was done 3/13/2018. After surgery, at my bicep, there was a very large deep purple bruis e and then when it faded my veins were in the beginnings of varicosing. I asked the surgeon about it and he said it happens. I have also had a large hard and very painful lump in my bicep where the bruising was. He said that It was just a hematom as and would go away. It is now 6/30/2019 and I still have a large, hard and visible lump still that is very painful and makes my arm go very weak and wakes me up from a dead sleep. I am wondering if anyone else has also had this issue with the bicep post r.c. surgery. I know it is not a hematoma because it would be gone by now. I have been kicked by a horse and that hematoma went away after my entire leg was done bruising. Please, I am so tired of my questions about this being avoided by the surgeon and need my arm for paintint, adl, and being active. I cannot use nsaids due to liver cirrhosis from hep c. Side note, that dragon is slayed. Any input would be welcomed. Thank you
Hi Paula,
I’m 66 years old, Had alot of left shoulder pain and weakness for a few years. I don’t have a trauma that I know of that caused this; I think just a culmination of little injuries in my life that just caused enough distress, weakness, pain, that caused me to see a Dr. to find out what the heck is going on?. I know I have C3-4 and C7-T1 arthritis in my neck, bone spurs, and some impingement from that. Is the shoulder pain from my neck? Or is is my neck in pain due to my shoulder crap? Went to a neurosurgeon; told him my story; had MRI’s of my c-spine, my left shoulder; xray of left shoulder and neck.
When he gave me the results of all of my MRI’s, he said, well you have alot of neck issues, but right now, you need to go to an orthopedist. Your shoulder pain may be the cause. You have a completely torn left rotator cuff, and 4 other significant tears in your shoulder, and your bicep needs to be repaired and attached. I’m thinking “WTF?” I had not expected that! So, blah blah, went to my shoulder Dr. Had Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Surgery, and reatachment of the bicep, and repair of other tears. I did well, got good range of motion and movement, minimal pain with the first 6 weeks and physical therapy. Now I’m doing Active Range of motion with my PT. I can do it well, but my left shoulder is crunching and popping with certain movements. That really makes me upset, since I was the “poster child” for rotator cuff surgery until today.! And, I think my bicep is detached? And it looks really buffed, but that is not the normal look for it. I just thought it had swelling. So stay tuned. And I also have had Hep C since 1980, in remission for 30 years.
I had 9 shoulder surgeries on my left shoulder the last one was a total replacement,I feel it still isn’t right, now qhat
I had rotator cuff repair in june 2018 had a manilipation in march 2019 the past 3 weeks i cant sleep feels like the tear is still there i am having a nerve test tomorrow because i have numbness in fingers if it shows to be ok what could be wrong
I have a small rotator cuff tear cause from spurs Dr removed the spurs but didn’t feel the need to repair cuff since it was so small
I have been in PT for 4 weeks but the mov ability in my shoulder is not improving my dr says my shoulder is freezing is that possible since I do PT and I do the exercises also at home 2xday and 3xweek with A pt the pain is terrible and can’t sleep at nite I still can’t lay flat down in bed
Hi, I have had rotator cuff surgery 18 months ago and still in pain especially if I use my shoulder. My surgeon has ordered MRI, had 2 steroid injections and he said there is nothing he can do further. The injections hav had little effect. My shoulder use is now down to 40% and I am in daily pain. Is there anything I can do thanks Eden.
I had shoulder surgery 2 times 20 years ago and my shoulder was 100 percent till an accident in August. A 2500lb beem dropped with me holding on to it,causing 2 traumatic my orthopedic surgeon went into repair it!after surgery I experienced more pain than before surgery as I explained to him. He said he had released a nerve which it’s a new procedure only he does.after 4 months of physical therapy and pain and no progress he decided to do another surgery on January 3 2019 and this procedure did nothing for my pain or movement. My shoulder aches constantly and pops in and out when I move it.i cannot find a doctor that will give me a second opinion, what do I do ?and could the nerve he cut be causing this aching pain?
I had Left shoulder surgery almost 2 years ago, and I still have a great deal of pain in my Left shoulder. The pain actually seems to be in a different spot. I’m very curious about a procedure I briefly read about involving stem cell therapy. How dow I know if I’m a good candidate for this type of procedure?
Another surgery would be a crushing blow to me and could possibly end my career as a Firefighter .
Hi Steven
I am sorry to hear your story and hear that your shoulder surgery has left you in a great deal of pain.
I think it maybe worth looking into Stem cell therapy. Research it first and see if you can find people who have had success after using it for shoulder pain.
After a fall at work I have been strongly recommended to have Rotator Cuff Surgery however after reading all these horror stories on the net it is the last thing I feel like doing right now!
I think I will go with my gut feeling & not do it.
I feel ok and if I have the surgery I could end up a lot worse off than what I am now!!
The only thing is I may lose my job ( I work in a hospital in Theatre!) if I don’t end up having it.
I hope you don’t end up losing your job and wish you the very best of luck for your health now & for the future.
Kind regards
I am in the process of that today. I have gathered my records which include everything…they had pre and post op MRI. Doctor simply told me he was sorry that I am not happy with the results and never suggested a 2nd opinion. He is a 2 year or less so I understand that maybe. I was told I couldn’t have any more steroid injections as this was taking care of it for the past few years…now post op and not doing well, he wants to give me another one. I declined and here I am looking for a second opinion. I am having pain I never had and literally cannot sleep a night thru or lay on my arm that had surgery 4 months later without pain and having nerve issues down my arm. Torn labrum and torn rotator debridement did not resolve my pain issues, it has caused them to be worsened. I would not only suggest getting a 2nd opinion to others, but also to reconsider the surgery to begin with. It is no game, I’ve had a blown disc surgery and 2 knee surgeries. This is the worse than all 3 together.
I had frozen shoulder surgery on June 25,2018 I did therapy for 18 days and I still have bad pain everyday constantly pain I don’t know what to do.
I had shoulder surgery, tendinitis, bursitis, arthritis, and rotor cuff tear. What do you think about total replacement surgery.
My husband has had both shoulders operated on for rotator cuff problems. About 5 years ago he had a complete replacement but now he feels it has failed. Is it possible that a doctor who put in metal reinforcement would replace it again?
I just had 2 rotator cuff tear surgeries.(2 tendons we’re ripped off the bone );Had two different doctors , do the surgery ,and both FAILED.. Now what. I need someone who knows it can be repaired.
I had repair 7 weeks ago.
The pain is worse than before surgery.
Severe elbow pain and my hand feels like a knife stuck in it.
Physical therapy 2 times a week and my elbow pops when arm is lifted.
Also on occasion have twinges and neck pain during physical therapy.
Any ideas or suggestions.
This was Very Helpful I thought I was crazy! I have been experiencing severe pain and my shoulder is popping like it was before the surgery! Again Very Helpful!
Hi. My name is Jamie Ward. I hurt my shoulder in December of last year. I ended up having surgery on it in February. I had a hole in my rotator cuff and my bicep was torn too. They fix my bicep and fix my rotator cuff too. I did Physical Therapy for two months and my pain didn’t stop it got worst. My Dr decide too do another MRI on my shoulder with dye. The MRI showed that my rotator cuff was completely torn again. Everything they did to it came apart again. The Dr said that my tissue in my rotator cuff is really bad. So I had a second surgery on my shoulder in July of this year. They went in and redid everything they did the first time and this time they put a patch over my rotator cuff too help keep it from tearing again. My Dr said I don’t have much tissue left too work with. I’m thinking that the second surgery didn’t fix it ether. I’m have a lot of pain in the same area I did before. I can’t sleep still because I’m hurting. I haven’t started doing Physical Therapy yet. I’m not sure what I should do? I’m thinking about going too see another Surgeon on it? I don’t know if I’m going too need a shoulder replacement too fix my shoulder r not? But I been dealing with this for 8 months now with two surgery’s in that time. My question is do u think I need too go see another surgeon on it? And do u think I need a shoulder replacement too fix it? The surgeon said that my tissue is really bad and I don’t have much left. That’s why they use a patch too try too help it not tear again. But I think it’s has already. What should I do? Thank u. Jamie
Husband had rotator cuff decompression and bicep repair unfortunately the surgery didn’t work and now he suffers in severe pain it’s really heart breaking to see how much pain he is in please help
I tore my rotator cuff 07/11/2017. I had surgery 11/08/2017. I was starting to feel better til I saw the workmans comp Dr in May 2018. He whipped my arm around like a rag doll. ive had sharp stabbing pain and popping between my shoulder and neck since the injury. Since I saw the workers comp Dr it is worse and my arm is swollen from my bicep to the back of my neck. Could it be reinjured?
I am a caregiver and my client had surgery. She has had major pain since this surgery. When she tried to make an appointment to see the surgeon she wad told he was in surgery anf could not be seen cor a month. She is in enough pain to make her cry out and we are at a stanf still. Can we see another doctor or how can we hanfle this situation? Thank you
I had rotoculf Surgery 2015 hurt at work tore bicep mussel down also .hurt all the time had second Sergey 2018 cleaned it up got the trash out he said .still hurts Dr told me not to lift anything over my head and nothing over 30 pounds. I am a male 60 .need help
my father in law get femar bone broken surgery 6 month ago but he has some problem he cannot stand and another problem is he got one hole beside the surgery place and some water and tiny muscle coming out that hole what should we do.please answer in deatail.
My name is Steven had three rotator cuff surgerys bone spurs collar bone shaved and after three surgeries no luck cannot use my arm extreme pain when I try to lift it cannot sleep on it. Now. I have 11 anchors in it and just took another MRI with dye all torn up seeing Dr. This Thrusday see what he says. Do I have a case. Cannot work facing loosing my home still trying to work not doing very well. Help fpr advice .
Was injured at work August 2016, had surgery December 2016 everything seemed to be going okay, by June 2017 still in pt, I began having a great deal of pain especially after pt, pain got worse and worse. By July 2017, got a second opinion shoulder is completely frozen again have very little ROM, and am in consent pain. After an ultra sound, bloodwork, and another MRI, plus 2 injections. Nothing has changed, and Dr. says he doesn’t know what’s going on, suggests going in for a biopsy to check for infections, and at the same time try a manipulation. I am terrified to have another surgery, everything I have read each surgery seems to get worse, and I am in so much pain now I couldn’t even begin to think if this went wrong. Dr. wants to do biopsy to look for Pacne infection, but the biopsy sounds very invasive, is artroscopy the only way to do biopsy. Please help I don’t know what to do, and neither does the doctor????
I had rotator cuff, subscapularis over 50% repaired, plus bicept repair. After six weeks the sling was removed and I noticed a popping noise that got worse. I am now seven months post surgery and had an mri that was negative. The arm is still popping all the time and the doctor says he isn’t concerned but I am. What can I do, it is making me anxious and fearful that there is something wrong.
414 322 6947 jeff i had shoundwr surgery
I had my repair in 2014 and now I am experiencing pain upon sleeping ( wakes me up every night). My dr. Wants me to have a MRI to see how severe my condition is. I do not want surgery again as it do not have help taking care of me. Please give me your suggestions.
Hi Joann
I just read your comment which was posted almost 2 years ago.
I hope you are going ok and that you didn’t have any further surgery.
Kind regards
I had a MRI IN July 16…preop was left shoulder impingement, rotator cuff tendinitis ( at 40% tear) and A.C. joint arthrosis…after failed steroid injections surgery was scheduled Feb 2017….well I had a incident where my shoulder was kicked several times in september….i let surgeon know to expect more than MRI showed …..well I had my surgery but not a rotator cuff surgery…POST OP i had a type 2 slap tear …AC JOINT arthrosis, and left shoulder. Subacromial bursitis..
WELL My pain never left and I had a fall at 6 weeks which stretched arm…well at 10 weeks I asked for another MRI. Which reveled the rotator cuff had tore an additional 15% and micro tears in labral and tendonitis was back…..shouldnt the surgeon have repaired my rotator cuff because now I’m looking at an additional 4- 6 months off work for 2nd surgery to fix what he didn’t the first time. Do I have a law suit
I had rotator cuff surgery 5 months ago had a tear of the supraspinatus tendon and a bicep reattched. Have been in physical therapy and work strengthening since. In November I started telling the Pa something didnt feel right i was having pain again and was unable to lift my arm. I finalky had an Mri last week and it shows another tear of the supraspinatus and a tear in the infraspinatus plus severe tendonitis and tendodesis and a cyst. Should i have another surgery to fix it.
Did you have another surgery?
I have had a re tear in my right shoulder. I have massive full thickness tears and my humeral head turned to fat. Bicepts tendon retracted beyond view, and a labral tear or detachment. Only thing can be done is a Debridement. I have pain #8 but 100 % rom.
I had Rotator Cuff Surgery in 2010 for full thickness tears, and torn Biceps tendon. Well I re tore it and due to all the damage a reattachment is not feasible . I have full thickness tears of the supraspinatus, and infraspinatus, and atrophy of the Teres Minor. Full thickness tear of the tendon of the long head of the biceps with retraction beyond field of view. Suspected anterior and anterosuperior labral tear and or detachment. Area of low signal intensity within the joint space as well as fluid superior to the humeral head and underlying the acromion suggesting debris, synovitis etc. Mild arthritic changes of the right glenhumeral joint, possible cartilage fissuring or flap along the inferior one third of glenoid. Seeing a Surgeon next week although the referring shoulder specialist said the only thing would be debridement. I have pain but great ROM. Any comments would be appreciated.
thank you so much for posting this! this article made me feel a lot better about consulting my surgeon and doctors about my surgery.
Question: I had arthroscopic surgery due dislocate of shoulder ball twice .after surgery my shoulder ball was dislocate after one year then its again located at same it was repeated it raises to count 8 and what treatment for that
I wanted to know if its possible to have some secondary injury, after a shoulder surgery? My main muscle was not reattached. I was told beforehand he would do a second surgery if he was not able to do it with the smaller incision. However the recovery was hell for me. As I could not deal with being trapped in the shoulder sling. My injury was through workmans comp. So they did send me for a nerve test. I was told I had carpal tunnel. I just find it hard to believe. As I am left handed and its my right wrist. I told them this and they tested the other side and said that it was more damaged than my right. So why would my right hand at the thumb hurt so badly?
I had clavial bone surgery 6mts ago the swelling is massive and pain is unbearable and if feels it is tearing every time I use it help plz
I had just recently had a Rotator Cuff Surgery that fail, my anchors and screws that was put in me came out of my bone and caused another tear in my shoulder! Would this be a medical malpractice, or negligent case?
I had surgery 16 years ago im now 40 . I struggle to lift my arm now i lost my job due to a dangerous position. Im looking to get a second surgery. What should i expect? Why did my arm fail and is this the surgeon fault. Im healthy and in great shape i did not push my limit on my arm.
2010 had shoulder replacement found out and inplant was put in in properly by Dr. x-rays prove it after having revision bacteria got inside me now entire joint has to come out must live without shoulder for six weeks to kill the infection Do I have a legal matter
“found out and inplant was put in properly”…this is what you typed. I’m confused!! You also went on to say x-rays prove it. So is it safe to say that the implant was NOT put in properly???
You’d have to consult a lawyer to find out if you have a legal matter.
Question: 1/20/2016 rc surgery, 7 months out and I’m in more pain now then b4. Surgeon wants to sign off because he doesn’t know why my bicep muscles hurts so bad. This is a work comp injury, how do I go about to get a 2nd opinion.
Shawn Leszczynski Thanks
Just wondered if you are still in pain.. I am now 7 months post op and the pain is terrible..just wondered if there is light at the end of the pain tunnel? Thanks for any info you could give me
Hi I have had 5 shoulder surgeries starting in 1987 ,all on the same shoulder the problem all started in July of 2015 ,I have had 2 rotator cuff repairs in the last 7 months the last one about 2 weeks after the surgery my shoulder was feeling better than it ever had the Dr. told me he didnt want me to move it at all for 6 weeks at the post op check up ,so I was surprised when at my 4 week post op check up he ordered me to go to therapy ….well the first thing that happen at therapy was he grabbed my arm and pulled it over my head and it hurt soooo bad about 2 hours after the therapy session my shoulder was so swollen and the pain was unbearable , anyway i bit the bullet and made it 2 days and finally went and seen my surgeon he did an exray and said there was a piece of bone floating around in my houlder he ordered a MRI so I got the MRI and went to see my surgeon today 4\18\2016 and his exact words were my surgery was a “devastating failure” and that my rotator cuff was all torn again and that there was no way to fix it again because he barley had eneough tissue to fix it the last time hat the only thing he could think of to do was to bone fusion my shoulder because I was to young for a replacement that they fail in a 10 year period. he told me he wanted me to find another shoulder dr. and see them to make sure he wasnt missing something. I am really devastated I went from feeling better than i have in 20 years to my dr. saying he didnt know what or how to fix it…I really need some help please i have been off work for 2 years getting this thing fixed and im a single father of 7 and 8 year old kids with no help from anyone .they have been awesome through all of this they have given up so much it was a big blow hearing it had failed and he didnt know what to do ,please please try and help me or point me in the right direction .Thank you so much God Bless
Danny, here’s a response from Paul Taylor:
I can certainly understand why you feel devastated but don’t give up hope yet.
In your email you write that your surgeon … “told me he wanted me to find another shoulder dr. and see them to make sure he wasn’t missing something”
That’s not necessarily a bad thing. He is acknowledging that he doesn’t know what more he can do for you and he is suggesting you should seek a second opinion. That’s good medical practice. Someone else may be able to help.
But it’s not easy for patients to find specialist on their own. You should ask your surgeon to refer you to one of his colleagues. (You can also ask your family doctor for a referral.) Ask to see a doctor who has lot of experience treating your specific injury.
I have had two rotor cuff repairs in one year and it is tore again, what are my options.
hi please tell me what you found out. I have two rotator cuff repairs and both arms are killing me.
Prayers for you I as well had 2 rotator cuff surgeries in the last 10 months and still no relief today my therapist told me to ask dr what to do for all this pain I been taking hydrocodone and no relief wishing you the best of luck all of you
Hydrocodone for pain. Hmmm…that’s a ‘sister’ to morphine. How long have you been taking this??? It IS an opioid, I hope you know.
Thanks I have one last year and still having problems with it. So what shall I do.have surgery again.
I also had this surgery, and it did not do right. I’m not at all able to use it for house hold choes, sweeping; mopping, getting cloths out of the washer, even washing dishes. Is there anyway I can get help, or know what to do, where to go to Not to get the runaround.
I am54 years of age and had a injury at work in April. I dealt with the pain which seemed to get worse day by day. Went to doctor and was given physical therapy for two weeks, which I did not agree with and pain then was severe . I had a MRI and it showed muscle and cuff tears. Had surgery and I was not a great patient by that I mean I fell once and out of reflex Made a strong movement with my shoulder. My pain has been unbearable and this is with pain medicine on board. Had first surgery on the 29th of June and had my second surgery on September 30th. First time I had tendon relocation and collar bone trimmed , was told that tear was 1/4 inch and rebuild was not needed,they did some trimming. second surgery was done. pictures showed an extraordinary amount of scar tissue and adhesions. My pain is in the same place back of my shoulder and is still severe do not know what to do I have done everything that I have been told
Where do you stand now with your shoulder situation??and the pain??
I had shoulder arthroscopic surgery about 3 1/2 months ago. It was done to shave a bone spur, reduce impingement and then the doctor found some frozen shoulder while in there and removed it. I have done physical therapy, steroid shots, anti-inflammatory meds and I am still in pain. I went to get a second opinion about a week ago and he has sent me back to physical therapy 3 times a week for a month and then back to see him. I am so frustrated with this situation and the pain that I sometimes think that this is how it will be for the rest of my life which I don’t wish to deal with this forever. I am not young – 71 year old female, but longevity is in my genes. My Mom lived to be 91 and Dad was 87. There has to be some help out there. What do you suggest
hi Linda I hope you’ve found some help by now. I know how bad the pain is. I’ve got the same thing in both arms.
Please write and tell me how you’re doing.
I truly do feel your pain.
Hi Linda,
I’m in the same boat as you. I had surgery in August 2016 and have been sent to pt three separate times for three times a week for six weeks. Also have had multiple injections and multiple MRI and arthogram MRI. Basically the works. Still have a ton of pain and can’t sleep. I have two daughters 12 & 5 and am a single mom. I feel like I have no where to turn for help.
hi my Fred Dallas have same rotator cuff reconstruction surgery a year ago still in pain do not know what to do plus my doc quit me for seeking sec opinion ok
I had rotator cuff surgery on May 9th 2019 I did everything the Doctor said . I’ve been in therapy for 5 months 2 days a week for a hour and half each week. I had to stop I’m in so much pain after each time I went they had to put ice on for 15 minutes. I stop going because it made me worse. I’m unable to lift my right shoulder my arm will not go over my head, I’m still in a lot of pain
I had the therapist to put an app on my phone for at home exercise, I try my best the pain gets unbearable, I have sleep on my back every sense I had surgery, I’ve not been back to see the Doctor I know that I should I’m going too make an appointment on Monday
I didn’t think to much of him because after surgery he would not give me anything for the pain, but he did talk about pain medication for about 30 minutes… about what could happen if he gave me some
I’m NOT a person that has ever taken pain medication,
But I really needed it. For some comfort. That’s one reason why I haven’t been back to see him
I’m unable to use my right shoulder at all . What would you recommend for me to do
I’m so sorry you’re experiencing the same thing to to I am only thing is that I am on pain medication prior to my shoulder surgery because I had a slip and fall on Ice many years ago and had two Hip surgeries and 5 spine surgeries. Back in March of 2019 and I was stopped at a red light and was hit by drunk driver immediately the pain that shoot through my shoulder because I was sideways to my right talking to my sister-in-law when we were hit my whole body jerks and hit the door. I have done physical therapy before my surgery I have done injection with trigger spots ,nerve blocks, epidural and nothing helped preop . I’m so sorry you’re experiencing the same thing only difference I am o on pain medication prior to my shoulder surgery because I had to slip and fall on black ice requiring two Hip surgeries and five lower back surgeries. On October 30th 2019 I went actress copy surgery to fix a tear my labrum once the doctor was in there it was worse than what the MRI showed I had a complete detached labrum that he had to reattach the top of the rotatorcuff had a small tear, he had to remove the bursa oh, he had to cut a piece of my clavicle bone down and bring it up, and he had to shave down the AC joint because there was no space in there. About 2 weeks later steri strips came off and the middle of my incision had a stitch popping out which was red and irritated he claimed that my skin must have rejected it from the inside and it will dissolve on its own will my therapist was very concerned as I was and eventually a week later I got an infection right next to it was a big bubble of pus I had to go on antibiotics for that now I’m having secondary pain from the infection. I follow up a week after and he just wants me to dress them to everything he tells me which I’m not because I am legit and extreme pain I have so much pain in my bicep that I never have prior to surgery and the middle of my incision how to stitch popping out which was red and every day did he claimed that my skin must have rejected it from the inside and it would this all on its own when my therapist was very concerned as I was and eventually a week later I got an infection right next to it was a big bubble up us so I had to go on antibiotics for that now I’m having secondary pain from the infection. I follow up a week after and he just wants me to yes him to everything he tells me which I’m not because I am legit in extreme pain I have so much pain in my bicep that I never have prior to surgery the front of my shoulder hurts so bad. This has taken such a mental and physical Take On Me that I find myself just cry my eyes out all the time there’s days that I don’t even want to shower. And all he keeps telling me is that the shoulder is a complicating procedure and that I’m going to be in great amount of pain for 3 months. My physical therapy would you try to blame her saying she’s not doing her job which is not true I go there three times a week they got me in with a doctor to see you next week for a second opinion which my attorney agrees with me that I should do. Last night the pain was so bad I end up going to the emergency room they discharged me at 6 a.m. this morning they did absolutely nothing but an x-ray and they told me they couldn’t call in a orthopedic to see me because no Ortho is going to touch somebody else job I know he keeps telling me is that the shoulder is a complicating procedure and that I’m going to be in great amount of pain for 3 months. My physical therapy would you try to blame her saying she’s not doing her job which is not true I go there 3 times a week they got me and what a doctor to see next week for second opinion which my attorney agrees with me that I should do. Last night the pain was so bad I end up going to the emergency room be discharged me at 6 a.m. this morning they did absolutely nothing but an x-ray and they told me they couldn’t call an Orthopedic to see me because no is going to touch somebody else job. So he I am bed right now and so much pain and no answer.
I am in same shape my shoulder is messed up and in horrible pain and months of Thearpy before I demanded mris which proved I’m was complete tears now. New Dr doesn’t want to do surgery on me. I guess they just going to leave me effed up for life. I go to pain management and it sounds like that is what you should do to help control your pain.
Had rotator cuff surgery 9 weeks ago about 10 days when getting up I feel I must have jerked my neck and the pain was so unbearable and is still sore when I move my neck cough and especially sneeze all I can do is cry. Please help me with some suggestions.
Thanks Freida
Please try gabapentin for the pain. It has saved me. Non narcotic. Take with 2 EXtra strength Tylenol. I am surprised to hear that people aren’t taking this for nerve pain.
What is your outcome now? Hub going through such pain I honestly don’t know how or what to do. Meds not working, had guided shot into shoulder, neck, 2 rounds physical therapy, accupuncture, he’s beside himself me too. He is 68 took a fall, so, went bad from there. What did you do? Any solutions to share?
I’m very curious as to how they removed some frozen shoulder?
I had surgery in 2013 on my rotter cuff and now I’m in as much pain as I was be for the surgery. My shoulder keep popping out of place and I have carpal tunnel now too. What do I need to do?
Sylvia, Did you ever get a resolve on your issue.My husband had surgery rotator cup almost 6 years now.I have watched the shoulder come out of place and him grabbing the side of bed to pop it back in.A trip to ER says he has arthritis. I know his shoulder is coming out of place.
I fell last May and had surgery in June, but in then on September 5th, my 73rd birthday, it failed. I told my doctor I did not want to throw good money after bad and opted not to have surgery again. Pain persists as his final prescription for Norco has run out. I found Norco masked maybe 20% of the pain, but had undesirable side effects such as difficulty managing anger and evil thoughts and unpleasant visions when I closed my eyes. What works for others does not work for me as the ingredient acetaminophen which Tylenol has acetaminophen does nothing for me. Besides I’ve read too many negative things about acetaminophen.
I appreciate this article, but wonder what pain medication has worked for those who find Norco doesn’t help them either? Constant low to medium pain seems to be the order of the day for now. Sleeping has been bothersome with pain ranging from waking me up or preventing me from getting to sleep.
Hello Jospeh
I am sorry to learn that your shoulder surgery failed. You mention that you don’t want to take acetaminophen because you’ve read too many negative things about it. I wonder if you saw my article on acetaminophen. It may put some of those concerns to rest.
Here is the link….
Joseph.. I have left a couple of other comments.. but please ask your doctor about GABAPENTIN. It is prescribed for nerve pain. It has saved me!! Non narcotic. Can cause a little drowsiness. Took me a week to get used to no drowsiness at all. I take it with 2 extra strength Tylenol twice daily . Good luck!
Be careful about taking so much Tylenol. You said you’re taking 2 extra strength Tylenol 2x daily. Consult your doctor about this. I’m concerned about your kidneys or liver.
I had shoulder surgery, suffered an impingement, went to an ime doctor and dr claims that I didn’t need the surgery and that the surgeon cut too much bone, I really don’t know what to do
This is same thing that happened to me! Did you ever get it fixed? Did you sue the Dr? I left a comment by Tracey from NC on June 3, 2016
Did you have grounds to sue? And did you? I’m having the same problem
What did u do
My Dr said to me 8 months after the surgery I was born with a deformed shoulder, and does not have much to work with . Because the first surgery did not work. Why did he not say this with the first MRI. Said he can do a surgery again , but, not much to work with. Should I trust him. Why did he not tell me this with the first MRI ?
Also, I’m worse then before I had the surgery.
I had R dominate arm rotar cuff surgery to repair 2 small tears. What I’m left with now is two complete tears suprascapula nerve impingement and muscle loss. 8 months of PT and horrible pain. The dr pushed me off to another doctor who says I’m not a surgical candidate. I haveTendons so retracted theyWould have to use grafts t deer seems to be afraid to do surgery. Can they really just leave me this way? I live in daily pain can’t sleep. PT tapes my shoulder to help give me support which helps a tiny bit. I filed for SSDI, I was denied! I can barely get a fork to my mouth and takes hours to go from bath or the door. Nobody had a clue the life I now live with this constant pain and depression and lack of interest in things I use to love. I recently have developed shakes and tremors. Anyone else got this and how much worse will it get? I’m 9 months post op and left screwed up.
I also had right dominant rotator cuff surgery in May 2019-I had a 2nd surgery in September 2019 to remove scar tissue and a 3 rd surgery January 7th to remove more scar tissue…almost 1 year post op and over 57 occupational therapy appointments and I can’t lift my arm past my chest area,wipe myself,pick anything up and I’m in constant pain also!!! Has anyone retained a lawyer?
Hi Kelly Ive been where you are, 3 full tears and 1right shoulder tendon removed after fighting my insurance company for 3 years to repair it, but it had fully torn now and unable to stretch it so he sewed me up, sorry to long awaiting repair, in 2013 i said i could repair it but not now.., the original injury effected my back, neck and shoulder leaving scapular winging and drooped shoulder, Ive tried many pills to stop pain but in 2012 referred to a pain specialist he suggested RadioFrequence heat injections that burn the nerves stopping pain to the brain, I had it again in 2018 and in March 2020 my 3rd lot and i find they work well, the shoulder does not pain nor the thoracic spine or neck, but now carpel tunnel has surfaced in both hands and its pain is like a torn shoulder all over again..I now on the right shoulder have a new full thickness tear but have no pain and near full use of my right arm again until the nerves regrow and pain returns..Good luck but check out the radiotherapy injections..
My surgery was June 2019
Same here I had revision shoulder surgery and the pain is worse now than it was before I had surgery
I am a 60 yr old female I have had 2 R rotator cuff surgery, both failed. I was told today can’t be repaired again. Not enough tissue to hold a replaced joint in place. I find this very interesting does it work to take muscle & tendons to help rebuild cuff? What about the theory of keeping the joint immobilized for to 6 weeks post surgery? I am use to day after surgery a very active therapy machine. I also 2-3 wks post last surgery had developed a very severe bone infection in my spine fr prior surgery so severve it took 5 surgeries over the last years. This could have played a significant role in why my cuff surgery failed. I had also been on very strong immune suppresser 3 different ones. The last year and a half these have been d’cd so could I be considered a candidate for one more surgery. I know this is a complicated case but I love being active with my grandkids, gardening & painting I need my shoulder.
Hi Melinda:
Shoulder problems are very common – and they can be complicated to treat. I will reach out to our Sunnybrook doctors and ask them about your case. But please keep in mind that it may take some time to get back to you with an answer. The doctors tend to be quite busy.
Paul Taylor
I had shoulder surg about 5 yrs ago. My dr injured my nerve, but wouldnt tell me.Now all this time has passed and I am damaged for life! My ability to do anything is reminded to me each day, by pain and loss of the use of my arm!I was told to see my dr’s partner, who sent me to his dr friend that was a college buddy. He did surgery on me to cover ALL involved, in my nerve damage! After learning all this, I could not believe that someone I thought was looking out for me, could turn his head,and release me……….To walk through this life with the damage he did, and not tell me nor have any idea WHAT would come of the damage or the life that I try each day to live.I pray each day that Gods Grace will lead me, But the hurt that I feel in my heart, about this whole thing, kills my soul! I have often wanted to ask him, Why could you not be honest? I thought you cared? What must I do now, that my life has changed in such a way! It has taken EVERYTHING, in my life and turned it upside down! God says he wont put anymore on you than you can handle, Well again, What must I do?
Jan. 18th 2018 ´midnight´ EST Montreal, QC. Canada. Not only do I resonate to your dilemma & interminable pain; I would like to share the following ´nightmare´ with you. Almost 2 months ago, I was walking downtown Montreal, with a good friend, same age..66 years old. She had a stroke 1 year ago, so her gait is very slow. She was holding my arm, then suddenly she FELL! She broke her collar bone, arm, elbow, wrist. In a cumbersome type of upper body brace for almost 2 months. She is not wont to complain, a paralegal, brilliant woman. Last week, the Surgeon who performed the surgery told her ´we need to redo the surgery, the screws are too large´!! My friend is terribly disconcerted..depressed..this Dr. at the new CHUM hospital in Montreal, saw her xrays 1 month ago. WHY in GOD´S NAME..did she not suggest surgery ´then´! My poor friend has been on morphine constantly. Look, I am basically a computer luddite..just stumbled on this site..please email me ( or call my friend Marilyn 514 489 2766
Tomorrow, the 18th Jan. she will undergo a 2nd remove the screws & insert smaller ones. GOD BLESS YOU..I WILL PRAY FOR YOU..please email me at the above address.
No, your life is not ruined. I wouldn’t wish shoulder, back, or knee issues (I’ve had seven shoulder, eight knee (with a replacement) and two four disk lumbar fusions). But I have a family member with ALS. It’s impossible to feel sorry for myself when I witness this horrible disease every day.
Attitude is everything.
I’m so sorry to learn of your dilemma. Some surgeons “think” they’re God..they can do no wrong; they’re always right. Instead of investigating into what possibly could have gone wrong, there’s the inference that the patient didn’t do or did something they should have/shouldn’t have done.
You could write a letter expressing how you feel. The person who has all but ruined your life needs to know what you’re living with day in & day out. “Do no harm”..Hyppocratic oath.
Paul Naylor are you there?
These comments from people who have had so many failed surgeries makes me feel so angry at the way these people’s lives have been changed forever!
I had a fall at work & have a full thickness tear in my shoulder.
I am on Workers Compensation & have been strongly advised to have Arthroscopic Surgery but I really don’t want to have it. I am getting a second opinion but when you read all these horror stories is it any wonder I am refusing it!! I say listen to your intuition and that’s what I am doing!
My sympathies go out to all those people who have undergone probably needless surgery and have to endure the consequences
Hello I had Left Arm Rotator Cuff Surgery 8/22/19 My arm swollen and still very sore I can’t straighten it completely out or lift anything over 5lbs. I was diagnosed with Extreme Low Bone Mass Am I a candidate for a Manipulation surgery?
I had revision shoulder surgery march 17th 2020 now its july and I still have no strength in my shoulder and hurts really bad when I try lift it. I have good range of motion when i let the therapist move it why I’m relaxed. The pain is bad theres no way I can go back to work like this I have know idea what the problem is.
Hi. I have had two surgeries on the same shoulder cuff repair. Last one in August 2013 I am still in so much pain. I really do not know what to do now. I had to take 8 months off work during 2013. I can’t do that again.
I need help
Ive had 3 right shoulder surgeries and 3 neck surgeries all within 5yrs. Last shoulder was the rotator cuff but im in more pain now then ive ever been and now my whole arm esp around my elbow hurts like crazy. Swells up all the time and goes numb and cold. I cnt lay on couch hold my phone with arms bent for 2-3 min without me having to straighten my arm out from the pain and it feeling like its so tight the skin is going to tear. I knw its not but idk whats causing all of this. Is it my shoulder or my neck or both. Neck doc says its shoulder. Shoulder doc says its the neck. I just want to knw what to do im tired of being in pain and not getting any answers and i don’t want another surgery. Feeling hopeless
Another thing last shoulder surgery doc cut my peck muscle idk if that would cuz anything but i also had the bicep muscles cut twice and reattached so idk whats going on. I have plate and screws in neck they supposedly fixed pinched nerve on left side of neck but all this all did was put me in more pain than ever. I don’t take any pain meds at all except ibuprofen and im too the point where i really need something stronger but really dnt want to go that route any kind of help or suggestions would be appreciated
Same with hub here. Jus5 was told he’s ok…not. Stabbing shoulder pain but shoulder dr says surger6 was success….I don’t think so. Sent to neck Dr. told might get 50% betterif discs in neck soldered together. So defeated….
Thank you for this information. I had a large tear and had surgery a year ago. Recently, I also have been experiencing pain in my surgical area. I can also hear a popping of my muscle in the area when I try to stretch my arm.
I had left shoulder debrevment 7 months ago. I never got rid of the pain. I did get a injection last month, it helped with the burning. I now have a hard knot on top of my shoulder. I was told it’s a muscle. I don’t think it is because it’s as hard as a rock. Anyone else experience this?
possible blood clot get it checked quickly
I had total reverse shoulder arthroplasty July 29/2020. All has been going well…up ’til today.
The surgery itself went well, & was discharged from hospital the following morning, then began
my physio 1-2 weeks later. I’m now 10 weeks post-op. This morning, I accidentally bumped my shoulder on a door frame. It didn’t hurt when I did it., & I just thought to myself…”oh I’ve got to be careful this doesn’t happen again”. Later this afternoon about 5 hrs after the ‘bump’, I got severe pain in my upper arm area, closest to the chest. It hurts terribly just by touching the area. If I move a certain way, the pain is excruciating, to the point where it makes me feel sick to my stomach. I’m scheduled for my weekly physio tomorrow & certainly will advise the therapist. Also, I have an appt. with the surgeon at the fracture clinic on Friday morning. Prior to seeing him, an xray will be done. You can be sure I’ll be informing the surgeon as to what happened & how excruciating the pain is. I sure hope I haven’t damaged anything. I’ve never experienced pain like this my entire life. Certainly, the pain right after surgery was nothing like I’m experiencing today. I just hope I haven’t undone all the hard work I’ve accomplished so far. It’s my left arm..& I’m left-handed so it really impacts my life.
Pam, I had rotator cuff surgery 01/25/19, and I am in excruciating pain right now as we speak! I have physical therapy twice a week, and I faithfully do my exercises daily. I go to my physician Wednesday, and I will express my concern! Something is not right! I know my body! Praying that you feel better! This recovery is no joke!
Hi Tonia, it is so frustrating, isn’t it! I had rotator cuff surgery in February. It is close to the end of December and I am still in pain. I am going to get a second opinion, but my original surgeon says we will do a reverse shoulder replacement. I wanted to see what has happened with you and how you are doing….. Gay
I had a very large tear on my rotor cuff and had surgery to repair it in December. last year
I was told after the surgery that although my surgeon managed to reattach it what with the pulling to get it to where it needed to be it had become very thin.
We are now in the middle of June and I still cannot raise my right arm.I was having physio and the the coronavirus happened and the hospital, quite rightly so we’re not seeing patients. I have carried on doing the exercises I was given but it hasn’t helped because I still cannot lift my arm, and now it’s getting very frustrating.
I was supposed to be seeing my surgeon today but they are still not seeing patients so I was told he would call me around the time my appointment time.
I am getting fed up now I can’t hang washing on the line I cannot reach into cupboards and if I do push it too far it’s very painful.
I had surgery on my other shoulder when I dislocated it a few years ago and the tear was much smaller and although it’s ok and I can lift it sometimes it plays up too.
Have you ever heard of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, also known as RSD? Or CRPS? It’s possible you may have that. It’s an excruciatingly painful neurological disease with no known cure. I’ve been through three failed surgeries before I was finally diagnosed. It’s ruined my like. I hope that you are able to find the answers you need
Another possible neurological problem.! It seems to me most ailments have no cure. do they know how to treat it, but they can’t CURE it. The mind boggles.