
Healthy Debate needs your support

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Why Healthy Debate?

We founded Healthy Debate with a simple goal: to create a destination where Canadians can go for credible, unbiased information about their health care system, and where patients, health care professionals and policy makers can come together and debate the challenges facing our system. We now need your support to continue to achieve our mission and vision.

Healthy Debate now plays an important role in Canada’s health care system. Our analysis provides a depth of coverage not found in any mainstream news source, making it the destination of choice for many health system leaders, including Ontario’s Minister of Health and numerous hospital CEOs. At the same time, our publications are open and accessible, which has earned us a substantial readership among the general public. Our readers include newspaper editors and journalists, and our content has informed health care coverage in the conventional print, radio and television news media.

Healthy Debate reach & readership

People are not just reading Healthy Debate – many are taking what they learn and acting on it in both their professional and personal lives. Our evaluation of Healthy Debate discovered numerous cases of patients who were motivated by what they had read on the site to become involved in improving health care in their communities. Others described feeling empowered by our Personal Health Navigator to bring up new issues with their health care providers. And these impacts are occurring at all levels of the system, including health care leaders who use our articles to inform their decision making.

Over the past three years, Healthy Debate has published nearly 400 articles, blogs and patient navigator columns. Healthy Debate has had half a million pageviews in the last year alone. We’re inspired by the successes we have had and we want to continue doing this work. But to continue, we need your support. 

Why we need your support

Healthy Debate’s editors and our opinion writers are not paid for their services. However, we do have significant expenses, most notably the costs of researching and writing our weekly feature articles, editing the opinion section, maintaining the web site and maintaining a social media presence.  We have two paid employees.

Canada’s health care system is at a critical juncture. More than ever, we need Canadians to engage with the challenges facing our system, and to do so, they need a source of unbiased facts and informed opinions to help them navigate a complex landscape. We need your financial support. By supporting Healthy Debate with a tax-deductible donation, you can help us continue to provide Canadians with this essential service.


Andreas Laupacis

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