
Why palliative care, not feeding tubes, is best for advanced dementia patients

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  • Sandra Browning says:

    I totally agree. So help!! My Mom entered the hospital for diarrhea and vomiting as she was diagnosed with diviticulitus and had a stomach bug.
    Now the hospital has rammed a feeding tube in her nose traumatizing her and she had went downhill. She has mild dementia and was doing great absolutely even outpatient therapy to strengthen her gait, which she had been doing twice a week before getting this.

    I want my Mom out of this inept hospital before they kill her. I am her only child and her POA. She wants to fight and live. The hospital dr thinks she is god and is fighting me to remove her to Pallative care or a better hospital. I want her out but they let her lungs fill with fluid and today she is in a ventilator so I was told no transport until she comes off.
    There has to be a way to get out of a hospital that provided bad care to a dementia patient . Please if you know how to get us out let me know.

    • T says:

      Aww what ever happened is your mom okay….
      Im going through the same thing and its horrible…I dont understand how hospitals can make someone worse

  • Heather Maw says:

    Interesting informative read. Hopefully all caregivers and families are made aware of the kindness of Comfort Feeding…new to me.

  • D. McGraw says:

    I am a director of nursing in a mid sized nursing home. This discussion is held many times with our families. It is extremely difficult for a family member to allow their loved one to “starve” . thank- you for such a good understanding of the other side of the feeding tube issue. It is NOT always in the resident’s best interest to put them through that experience. we will use this extra information in future discussions with families.


Paul Taylor


Paul Taylor is a health journalist and former Patient Navigation Advisor at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, where he provided advice and answered questions from patients and their families. Paul will continue to write occasional columns for Healthy Debate.

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