I remember the first official message I got about COVID on January 3rd describing an outbreak of illness in China. I had no idea how much our lives would be affected or how quickly.
There is a lot of anxiety on everyone’s parts. We are all reading the horror stories coming out of other places who are further along the illness trajectory.
I think we are all concerned that we might inadvertently infect a loved one.
Despite this I’m trying to focus on finding the silver linings. I’ve seen massive changes in the hospital that usually take weeks or months occur in a matter of hours or days. There is no such thing as “can’t” anymore. Everyone has put in monumental effort to expand capacity and implement new innovative methods to help care for our patients more safely.
Our residents have stepped-up and gone far above and beyond the call of duty during this time of crisis. It has been truly admirable, and I am so proud of everyone.There is a shared sentiment that we are willing to go where we are needed most, whenever we are needed with the shared goal of helping our patients through this pandemic.
This is what we trained for.

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