Kaylynn is a neurology resident.
Being a resident right now comes with a lot of new emotions. I want to be in the hospital seeing patients and fulfill the physician’s role that I have been training for. At the same time, I also have a lot of anxieties. I’m worried what will happen to my team if I get sick; the thought of a co-resident falling sick and ending up in the ICU is very much on my mind. I also worry constantly about my family. They didn’t sign up for this, and I don’t want to bring this home to them.
Social media is another thing that fuels some worries. While it is a source of social interaction and news, the information that is being shared is sometimes contradictory to the actions of our health authority. It’s difficult to know which sources to trust.
I’m not usually an anxious person, but this situation has certainly been a source of stress. Drawing, riding my bike, playing with my dog, and spending time with my partner helps, though.
This sketch was a product of one of my drawing sessions. It was a medium for me to express all of the worries, conflicts, and emotions I was feeling. It also serves as a reminder of what being a resident during this pandemic was like.
Going forward, I hope that this experience will make us all residents better doctors, better people, and better members of society.

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