This is Wayne. He is a physiotherapy and occupational therapy assistant.
“Today marks a very terrifying day for me. I return to work after an 18 day absence following testing positive for COVID-19.
This is the career I chose and that puts me at risk, despite taking all the precautions possible. I was washing my hands so much my skin was peeling, traveling only to and from work, wearing a mask everyday, and constantly everything wiping down. Despite all of that, I still somehow contracted it. This means if I can get it, anyone can.
I had the mild version of this virus and thankfully made a full recovery, but it was a very challenging two weeks that put my mental and physical well-being to the test.
I’m so grateful to my parents and family for helping me get through this with constant love and support. I am thankful for my friends who were my emotional rock and video game companions when I was trapped at home.
My message is to reiterate just how important it is that we continue to stay home and stay safe. Even when things start to open up again, we need to do it in a safe and timely manner so we don’t have a second wave of this thing coming back. We need to come together to flatten this thing to the ground. We can do this!”

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