This is Chris. He is a paramedic. He is part of a community paramedic response unit and a special operations team where he supports frontline crews and responds to potential COVID-19 calls.
“Early on in all of this, there was one man who had some trouble with his breathing.
When we arrived at the scene, the gentleman made it clear that he did not want to be transported to the hospital and wanted to die at home.
What started off as a straightforward 9-1-1 call turned into me taking over the call and remaining on scene for over 8 hours. After that, I stayed by the family’s side while we tried to make him as comfortable as possible.
There were a lot of phone calls and improvising on the fly, but in the end it worked. We were able to facilitate everything and grant his wish so that he could be together with his family.
That’s stuck with me ever since and I look at that as a bright spot among everything else. Unfortunately, had he gone into hospital, he would’ve been isolated and would have died alone.”

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