I am sorry you had to wear a mask, I know it’s an inconvenience. It makes breathing feel stuffier; it muffles voices; it hurts your nose and your ears.
I know it feels like losing freedom, and I know it’s scary.
I am sorry you have to wear a mask, and that you had to stay at home.
I know it was costly. It cost jobs. It cost money. It cost more. I am sorry you couldn’t see the lives you saved by staying home. You did well. I am sorry you can’t see the lives you risk today.
I am sorry you had to stand six feet apart.
Just like the nurse was sorry, to tell the wife she couldn’t be in her husband’s room. I am sorry for her sobbing pleas, her cries. I am sorry for how they echo in the nurse’s mind.
I am sorry you had to wear a mask.
Just like I was sorry when the patient died. His family weeping on the screen of a phone, that the nurse held in front of his unseeing eyes.
We fought so hard. I am sorry we couldn’t save him.
And I am sorry you have to wear a mask.
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