
Who am I protecting when I wear a face mask?

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  • James Steele says:

    But if we are double vaccinated, who are we truly protecting? Those that are unvaccinated, or seniors that are double vaccinated but need a third dose?

  • Ediriweera Desapriya says:

    Physically re-opening schools is an urgent priority and at the same time, it is utmost important that we bring every public health promotion initiative to enhance mask wearing behavior of our young children in schools. “Children are being encouraged to take on the superhero persona and help protect others. They do this in true average-person-as-the-superhero style by wearing a facemask alone, without any superhero powers or words. Just as wearing a facemask in public has been the norm for years in many Asian countries, it may become the norm worldwide. For this to happen, we need buy-in by the younger generations who are less likely to wear a mask in public but are equally likely to unknowingly spread infection. In this group, the ability to make a fashion statement may motivate them to give up their laissez-faire view of their personal risk of harm in favor of the ethically favorable and trendy decision to protect others.”
    Wearing masks
    Wearing masks alone is not sufficient and, practicing social distancing and good hand hygiene, and staying home when students are sick should be strictly enforced as part of school reopening protocols and guidelines. It is also necessary to increase awareness among school children, teachers, school staffs and parents care givers on how powerful everyday preventive actions are in reducing and keeping COVID-19 transmission low.
    Compliance with all hygiene protocols including the mask wearing should monitored by the school administrators with the help of class room teachers. Shared items in the class room should be cleaned immediately after use and disinfect more frequently as much as possible, with high touch areas (e.g., door handles or railings).There will be no one-size-fits-all approach for school reopening measures; however, every reasonable effort should be made to get children back to school as safely as possible.
    KevinMD-Medical education and engaging children in wearing masks [PODCAST]


Paul Taylor


Paul Taylor is a health journalist and former Patient Navigation Advisor at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, where he provided advice and answered questions from patients and their families. Paul will continue to write occasional columns for Healthy Debate.

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