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For those people whose relative are suffering from Tinnitus and maybe reading this, I find it hard that people are still ignorant of herbal medicine when it comes to treating Tinnitus. I have been through many phases over the last couple of years since my (audiological) exam/diagnosis, my tinnitus once buried me in a negative place where many of you are now – or have been. Believe me when I say, “I’ve been there.” I had sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL), losing 70 percent of my hearing up to 4,000 kHz. I began noticing a low level of tinnitus around 51 years old and the diagnosis changed my life in many ways, I spend most of the time in denial and I keep thinking the tests were wrong. But deep down I knew they were correct. The level spiked dramatically, spiraling me down into a pit of depression. I could not sleep or eat; I stayed in bed with sweats and shaking spells; I lost strength and considerable weight. My wife held me in her arms, trying to comfort me, and still I thought I was going to die.
Though sharing his story is very difficult. I was always very successful in being able to accomplish anything I set my mind on doing. Tinnitus is a bitch. I feel a need to express my thoughts and feelings about how it affected my day to day living and how its deteriorated since despite the help of some wonderful medics and medicine.
I remind myself how lucky to come across aparajita tan herbal medicine which is able to control Tinnitus without any side effect, I felt a moment of relief hoping that I am free from this ailment, and nothing compares to the healing power of nature. Now I believe almost every health problem can be addressed in one natural way or another. The only thing I wanted was for me to feel better. I’m proud to say am Tinnitus free. You can also contact him for advice and more info. aparajitatan@gmail.com
terrible buzzing in right ear=after I stayed in Toronto== to bad place they will get a medical law suit=please call after 1pm till 9pm thankyou==zack====
Dr Williams herbal medicine is really a complete and permanent cure to tinnitus with his herbal portion am now also free from the ringing in my ears .
It just comes and goes, Tinnitus, I want to find a Healthy medication that I can take to just bit by bit, takes away the sound.
Thank you
You don’t have to live with deafness! Nowadays problems of people with hearing problem completely solved and it is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hearing_aid hearing aids. At first I didn’t want to wear a hearing aid because I was afraid that it would be too conspicuous. When I was recovering at the hospital the doctor advised me to new almost invisible hearing aids Siemens Hearing Aid on http://www.audiologyisland.com/ or Oticon Haring at http // m.hear.com I’m more inclined to the Siemens aid, what do you advise?
Thanks for this Article, having suffered with Tinnitus for so many years with nobody being able to help me, I went to The Tinnitus Clinic. I felt very well looked after and at last there seems to be no chance of either improvement or cure, no herb could help until I met Dr. William, an herbal Doctor who uses his medicine to change my story, I am now permanently cure of Tinnitus. Here is his contact details for advice and possible solution (drwilly37@gmail.com)
What type of tinnitus did you have
I am looking into Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for my severe tinnitus, what are your thoughts regarding this procedure?
I did some research on it and it does look pretty positive for an reduction in the ringing, which is better than nothing.
Any recommendations for a safe medication for tinnitus?
Thanks a lot for sharing the possible treatments Paul :) Does they work for any type of tinnitus? I have the SUBJECTIVE TINNITUS
My husband has been bothered with hearing loss and tinnitus for a number of years. There is a genetic component that is associated with this but he also had a gas tank blow up about 15 years ago and that started everything rolling. I was wanting to know more about the magnetic therapy as it sounded like a possible solution to his tinnitus. Obviously there is no real or simple solution from what I have read from your blog.
At the time I wrote this blog, the published results for magnetic therapy in tinnitus patients showed a modest short-term improvement and only in a minority of cases.
Maybe further research will show better results. But, for now, you’re essentially making a leap of faith when you opt with this treatment.
I’m not a doctor so just inogre this post if you want to but if I were you I would go see the doctor you made an appointment with already and if he doesn’t help you might want to invest in going to see a different, non low income clinic doctor. If you don’t have the money for it now, save up. The only real medical advice I have is if your early morning headaches start to come with nausea, vomiting, or any neurological symptoms like poor balance(not caused by dizziness) or poor memory go to the ER. I really hope you can get some answers and relief soon. Hang in there.
Thank yor Paul Taylor, Using Vinpocetine for Tinnitus Treatment is good or not? and i also want more details about it can you tell me?
This is one of those “buyer beware” situations. This supplement is being promoted as a treatment for tinnitus. But I am not aware of any good scientific studies that back up that claim beyond a reasonable doubt.
Here is a link to one study that found it had no effect when compared with several other proposed treatments: