This week we are replaying our first episode of the season.
Originally aired on September 18, 2015, Amol and Fahad discuss:
1. A randomized controlled trial shows that a new approach to vagal maneuvers for supraventricular tachyarrhythmia was shown to be significantly more effective than traditional maneuvers.
2. A survey in California adolescents shows that there is an association between eCigarette use and subsequent tobacco use, raising concerns about a ‘gateway’ effect.
The papers
1. Vagal maneuvers (with video):
2. eCigarette use in adolescents:
K Born et al. Regulating the ‘wild west’ of ecigarettes, HealthyDebate, March 20, 2014.
Good Stuff
Music Credits (Creative Commons)
In your Robotic Heart – Nicolai Heidlas
Drive – Nicolai Heidlas
All tracks have been modified for the purposes of this podcast.