
Four for four: Candidates for CMA president on physician burnout

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  • sam plover says:

    I think one of the doctors hit the nail on the head. “the culture of medicine which urges us to never show our weaknesses”
    To not show weakness makes patients distrust you. To have burnout happens in every single job, but in medicine it is not seen as a mental illness? Yet a word such as compulsive personality is used.
    I often wonder if one in four people has a mental illness, that must mean that one in four healthcare people have a mental illness.
    Now first off, I do not believe for one instance in the DSM or the contemporary model of ‘mental illness’.
    What I do believe is that stress and our reactions to it is a universal malady and part of all animals and we are forever in search of how to lessen the stress.
    Everyone is affected, from children in stressful households, to dentists, office workers, assembly line workers, even your dog or fish has stress.
    For people, being authentic within themselves is a great stress reducer. But egos often fight with being authentic and tries to maintain control. This will lead to stress or a dishonesty within the doctor and does not help the patient.
    We really have to get away from the doctor/god system.
    No patient wants their doctor to be a god. They want them to be their honest hero. Not to save them, but be on their side, it would go a long way to have a satisfying end result for patient and doctor and in fact might result in doctors having to worry less about potential legal responsibilities. If you caused no harm, physically or emotionally, you have lived with integrity.
    I am not underestimating a doctors position. But I can assure that things are slow in changing, but change they will. We hope for the better for doctor and patient.
    What better life than to strive for an imperfect partnership, where a doctor does not see every single thing as pathological, but part of life, but strives to better life for himself and the patient.
    THose are my two ‘sense’ on this issue.


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