Emily Foucault


Emily Foucault, based in Toronto, is a Patient Advisor and advocate, volunteering with support groups and contributing to health-care initiatives. Emily spent a decade in global agencies like MediaCom and Hill+Knowlton before founding ThinkHatch in 2017, offering fractional marketing support to startups. She has been named Female Entrepreneur of the Year by Startup Canada and was a Finalist for the Notable Woman Award.

You can follow her journey and insights on social media @emilyfoucault or her blog at emilyfoucault.com.

1 Contribution
by Emily Foucault

Along with millions of others, I live with MCAS. There is an urgent need for research and support

"Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a debilitating and often misunderstood condition. As someone living with MCAS, I have firsthand experience of its profound impact on daily life and the urgent need for greater awareness, research and funding."

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