Emma Arkell


Emma Arkell is a Vancouver-based multimedia journalist whose work focuses on labour and social movements. Her reporting has appeared in Chatelaine, PressProgress, Briarpatch Magazine, The Breach and Xtra.

3 Contributions
by Emma Arkell

Connecting the dots: Standardizing EMR data essential to improving care, easing burnout

The developers and engineers at eHealth are aiming to ensure that as patients move through the health-care system, their information follows them. But there are still obstacles to the development of effective electronic medical records (EMRs).

by Emma Arkell

Beam me up, doc: Adding touch and feel to virtual reality

New developments in virtual medicine could soon allow doctors to "touch" patients and provide even more comprehensive exams remotely.

by Emma Arkell

‘A new way to move people’: Fewer back injuries for health-care workers, more comfort for patients

New improvements to lifts and transfer devices could reduce the risks of work-related injury in health care staff and improve quality of care.

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