Gali Katznelson


Gali Katznelson is a fourth-year medical student at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, and a member of the communications team of CoverContraceptiON.

2 Contributions
by Gali Katznelson Katherine Zagrodney Mary Boulos

The need for no-cost contraception

Yesterday was World Contraception Day. Let's ensure that, by this time next year, Canadians have access to no-cost contraception. No one should have to ask, “Do I buy birth control this month, or food next week?”

by Gali Katznelson

MAiD debate must be paused until we have dealt with COVID-19

Rather than rushing to amend our Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) law, Parliament should be focused on expanding access to social services.

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