Kimberly Williams


Dr. Kimberly Williams is a neuropsychiatrist at the University of Calgary.  She is the President of the Federation of Medical Women of Canada and a proud mom of three little girls. She is a former President of the Resident Doctors of Canada, the national organization representing more than 9,000 Canadian resident physicians. Prior to medical school, Dr. Williams completed a BSc in pharmacology and an MSc in Global Health from the University of Alberta. She also worked as an infectious diseases epidemiologist for Alberta Health and Wellness. She is a researcher in the areas of medical education, climate change, global health and neuropsychiatry.

1 Contribution
by Kimberly Williams

Body autonomy: Our right to health

"We, like men, want to have control over our bodies and our own health. I want that for myself, for my daughters and for the female and female-identifying patients I work with.​​"

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