Mollie Sivaram


Mollie is an incoming Obstetrics & Gynecology resident at the University of British Columbia and a graduate from the Temerty Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. She has blended her passion for storytelling, photography, and design with her interests in advocacy and women’s health through her involvement in Faces of COVID, The Affordable Meal Guide, and the Dear MD To Be Podcast. Her photographs have also been featured in various online news outlets and blogs including Elle Quebec, Architectural Digest, and Vice.

6 Contributions
by Mollie Sivaram

Emma – Resident Physician

by Mollie Sivaram Katie Dorman Melinda Glassford

Fighting food insecurity during and after a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted most facets of daily life, including what we eat. Long grocery store lineups, the anxious masked faces of essential staff at checkouts, the elderly carrying heavy bags to avoid public transit and empty non-perishable aisles have become common sights.

by Mollie Sivaram

Emma – Resident Physician

by Mollie Sivaram

Shazeen – MD

by Mollie Sivaram

Olga – Resident Physician

by Mollie Sivaram

Brian – MD

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