Morgan Lim is an Associate Scientist at the Institute for Better Health at Trillium Health Partners, she’s also an Associate Professor at the Institute for Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto.
Political propaganda, amplified by social media and unscrupulous actors, has become a weapon of choice, wreaking havoc on mental health, public safety and democracy itself.
Scientists and health professionals must rethink how we communicate or risk further marginalization in the public discourse, allowing falsehoods to shape policies, behaviours and health outcomes.
We live in a time when ideology-driven political leaders actively feed conspiratorial narratives about health and medicine. Ensuring that scientifically robust information is identified and valued has never been more important.
As rates of syphilis and HIV continue to climb in Canada, a dual rapid test recently was approved by federal regulators, making it the second of its kind to become available in the country.
Health misinformation is more than a communication challenge; it’s a driver of inequity. By addressing these disparities head-on, we can ensure that no one is left behind in our health system.
Non-profit virtual care has the most potential to not only improve health outcomes but promote health system sustainability. It's time for governments to protect virtual care that supports everyone.
As physicians our goal should be to reduce death, disease and disability, not to tell other people how to live their lives. Dual users deserve our praise and encouragement.
The RNAO is calling on the $112 billion Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan to stop investing nurses’ retirement savings in companies that are making the climate crisis worse.
The rise in HIV infections over the last several years might indicate that the public health system has failed in containing the virus. But the raw numbers don’t tell the full story.
Ontario’s health-care system is crumbling. We can cling to outdated ideals and watch our system collapse under its own weight, or we can rewrite the playbook.
For social media to be an effective tool in health care, there needs to be a balance between keyboard warriors and the rest of the population. The noise of some should not drown out the needs of many.