Saylah Strnad

Rosedale Heights School of the Arts

3152 Contributions
by Dilshad Kassam-Lallani Rano Matta

Turning 18 is not so sweet for young adults with disabilities

Reaching adulthood should be a celebratory milestone, filled with greater independence and possibilities for the future. But for the estimated 200,000 young Canadians with disabilities, turning 18 often feels like falling off a cliff.

by Ferrukh Faruqui

Quebec’s move to allow advance requests for MAiD ‘the worst news imaginable’

Quebec’s decision to forge ahead with advance requests for Medical Assistance in Dying could put the elderly and those with dementia at risk, critics say.

by Michael Borrie

Patients with cognitive decline deserve more than just sympathy – they deserve action

Prioritizing Alzheimer’s care isn’t just a health issue; it’s a societal imperative informed by research. We must invest in early detection, expand access to innovative treatments and craft policies informed by patient experiences.

by Maddi Dellplain

Are Canada’s clinical trials in need of reform? Experts weigh in.

Private companies in Canada are recruiting thousands of often financially desperate test subjects each year to participate in clinical trials. If we want to ensure safer studies for participants and improve critical research, what is the best way forward?

Bodies for Rent

Bodies for Rent is a documentary directed by Habiba Nosheen in collaboration with the Investigative Journalism Bureau

by Raghu Venugopal

I’m an emergency department doctor. It’s not all bad.

"Beyond the nihilistic headlines, much good can go unnoticed. A more fulsome reality is that there are successes leading to healthier and longer lives – even in my chaotic specialty."

by Bernard Ho

A publicly funded virtual care system would benefit us all

Virtual care and nurse practitioner care are here to stay; let’s publicly fund this care so that it’s accessible to all Canadians.

by Timothy Caulfield

Hey Canada, let’s stop the homeopathy lie

As Alberta ponders whether or not to bring alternative medicine into the provincial health-care system, Timothy Caulfield has a few words to share on homeopathy.

by Maddi Dellplain

‘I would still receive another rather than no vaccine at all’: Chronically ill people left with little choice

Canada will not be procuring the Novavax vaccine for the 2024/25 season, leaving those who would have preferred an alternative to the mRNA vaccine without another option.

by Laurie Proulx Zal Press Marney Paradis Dawn Richards Linda Wilhelm Maureen Smith

Where are the patient voices in Canada’s pharmaceutical system?

While federal health priorities focus on areas such as pharmaceutical use, data infrastructure and connected care, the central priority – patients’ experiences and needs – remains neglected.

by Blake Murdoch

Canadians deserve potentially life-saving early warning health-care AI

AI technology threatens to disenfranchise the labour force, further concentrate power and wealth and even destabilize democracy. But it's not all bad news. CHARTWatch shows how AI could be used to save lives rather than destroy them.

by Joss Reimer

Why we need to track health-care funding – and hire a chief accountability officer

There is a new momentum to rebuild Canada’s ailing health-care system. But we can’t fix what we don’t know. We must build better health-funding accountability measures.

by Marvin Ross

From hospitals to encampments – the devolution of mental illness care in Canada

Solutions to the mental health and homelessness crises are not easy. It will take years to improve it. But if we want to call ourselves a civilized compassionate country, we have to do it.

by Emily King Adam Benn Sandra McKay

Breaking the silence: Violence, harassment isn’t ‘just part’ of homecare jobs

PSWs understand their work to be physically and emotionally challenging. But it doesn’t have to be dangerous. Health-care employers can and must intervene.

by Alexandre Veilleux

Essential exposure: The case for mandatory palliative care clinical rotations

Clinical exposure to palliative care is not afforded the attention it deserves in undergraduate medical curricula. To rob medical learners of such experiences is a travesty.

by Maddi Dellplain

‘A plan to make a plan’: Experts speak out on B.C.’s involuntary care proposal

As B.C.'s provincial election looms near, Premier David Eby floats plans to expand involuntary care. Experts weigh in on the announcement.

by Simon Hagens

National Survey of Canadian Physicians reveals urgent need for digital health upgrades

We desperately need to reimagine and improve our health-care system. Clinicians know that digital health tools can be part of the solution.

by Christopher Leighton

No Minister Jones, pharmacists are not physicians

Pharmacists do not have adequate clinical training to diagnose and prescribe. Ontario’s physicians have ideas to boost family physician numbers. Premier Doug Ford only need ask.

by Canadian Medical Association

The CMA’s apology to Indigenous Peoples

This apology was delivered on Sept. 18, 2024 at a public ceremony in Victoria, BC, on the traditional territory of the ləkʷəŋiʔnəŋ speaking people of Songhees and Xwsepsum Nations.

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