“I pick up more shifts at work now. I’m self-isolated, I live by myself.
I haven’t seen my family for two and a half months. It’s because my parents are over 60 and my sisters have kids. I don’t want to expose them.
At work, I see a lot of people, especially the sick ones. After that, you go home and you’re by yourself. It’s a little tough. Yeah. I try to go out for a walk if I can.
I guess one coping mechanism is being at work. At least you have someone to talk to.
People are more understanding. Everyone tries to see how you’re doing – like to help. Patients are trying to be more cautious or understanding. On top of that, my landlady – she messages me every few days to thank me, which is the sweetest thing ever. She tries to cook for me, and she’s like 75. So you see there’s humanity through this tough time, so that’s good.”

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