
Pandemic highlights the need for homecare

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  • Janet Daglish says:

    Great article that really emphasizes the importance of home care as part of a robust health system. Families want to have loved ones remain at home as long as able but this requires investment from government, and priority for change by the health system with a vision for seamless care journey for patients.

  • Natalie Mehra says:

    What we heard from home care clients and staff through the pandemic was that some had no PPE at all. Some had some PPE, though inadequate. Some clients had to buy all the PPE for their caseworkers so they had some to wear in their homes. Since there is no tracking of home care clients that contracted COVID-19, the companies can claim anything at all and there is no way to test their claims. This reads like pure propaganda from a for-profit home care company that wants to expand its market share. How does it belong in Healthy Debate?


Maureen M. Charlebois


Maureen Charlebois is a Certified Health Care Executive and Registered Nurse with 30 years of leadership experience nationally and provincially and has served in senior positions across the continuum of care including Acute Care, Long-Term Care, Digital Health and Home and Community Care.  She is currently the Chief Nursing and Clinical Officer at Bayshore HealthCare.

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