Welcome back Rounds Table Listeners!
This episode, we’re focusing on 2 papers recently released related to COVID-19.
1. Our first paper provides an overview of the clinical characteristics of a sample of patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19.
2. The second paper provides timely data to identify factors associated with ARDS among adults diagnosed with COVID-19.
And for the good stuff:
1. An online self-assessment tool designed by Alberta Health Services so individuals can determine whether they need to be assessed for COVID-19
2. An article from CNN on NBA players helping to pay the wages of stadium employees affected by the pandemic
3. An article on China’s efforts to support Italy as it deals with a significant burden of disease.
***COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving situation. For the most up-to-date information on what you can do to protect yourself, your families, and everyone else, please refer to your local public health agencies.
For those in Alberta: https://www.alberta.ca/covid19
For those in Ontario: https://www.publichealthontario.ca/en/diseases-and-conditions/infectious-diseases/respiratory-diseases/novel-coronavirus
Questions? Comments? Feedback? We’d love to hear from you. @roundstable