This week on The Rounds Table we are trying something a little different: just the salient points from FOUR articles instead of two! Same time spent listening, twice the take-away! Dr. Michael Fralick, general internist at St. Michael’s Hospital, takes the lead on this rapid fire approach.
Even in the post-SPRINT era optimal BP targets are uncertain. A systematic review and meta-analysis examines the benefits and harms of intensive blood pressure control in patients over the age of 60.
Next, a cohort study examines the effect of combination therapy on adherence among patients initiating therapy for hypertension. Are patients more likely to take a single combination pill compared to multiple individual pills? Listen to find out!
What happens when a lung cancer screening program is launched in the real world? The third study examines the results of the implementation of lung cancer screening in the Veterans Health Administration.
Finally, a retrospective observational cohort study examines the relationship between tracheal intubation during adult in-hospital cardiac arrest and survival to hospital discharge.
What do you think of the Rapid Fire format? Let us know on Twitter @roundstable and tweet at Kieran directly @kieranlquinn and Mike @FralickMike.
The Papers
1. BP Targets in Older Adults:
2. Combo Therapy for HTN:
3. VHA Lung Cancer Screening:
4. Intubation and Survival:
Additional Links
1. Screening CTs and Risks of Cancer:
Music Credits
The Rounds Table Theme Music by Brendan Quinn, Creative Director and Composer, Vapor RMW