community care
NIMBYism? We’ll take that hospice, thanks!
Bridging the Gap: Compassionate communities are essential for care
Listening to communities is essential as we move forward
Youth have an important role to play in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic
Camille O.
Heather M
Ontario’s budget doesn’t look good for hospitals

Now that the government of Ontario has released its budget for 2016, we have a better sense of its health care priorities. This budget underscores the Ministry’s plans to focus on community-based care, hoping this will ease demand on more expensive sectors, including hospitals and drugs. Without a clear strategy for how to respond to …
Should registered nurses prescribe drugs?
Why nurses are the way of the future

Our health care system is based on an on-demand model of physicians and hospitals providing acute and episodic care. While this system works well for the vast majority of citizens, it is a poor match for many of those with chronic diseases. As a nurse and an academic, my particular interest is examining how health …
Lower pay hampers nurse practitioner recruitment in primary care

Nurse practitioners are a key plank of government efforts to improve access to primary care. However, a continuing gap in pay and benefits for nurse practitioners who choose to work in primary care compared to those who work in hospitals, limits recruitment and retention to community settings. From a zippy online campaign to an economist-authored …
Ontario’s plan for personal support workers
Controversies about Community Care Access Centres and home care

Shortened hospital lengths of stay, and a growing number of people living with chronic diseases has meant that more Ontarians than ever are receiving health care services in their homes. In 2010, the Ontario Auditor General raised concerns about the quality and value of home care services, some of which remain outstanding. Resolving these issues …