health human resources

Global health: is Canada part of the problem?

Philippe Couillard healthydebate blogger

Canada contributed 3.6 billion dollars in assistance to developing countries in 2005-2006. But we and other rich countries practice what has been called by some “foreign aid in reverse”: The recruitment of foreign health professionals from the developing world, a potential obstacle to the deployment of our initiatives in poorer countries. The WHO estimates that

How specialty positions are allocated for medical school graduates

CaRMS How Specialty Positions are Allocated for Medical School Graduates

Each year thousands of medical students across Canada apply for, and are matched to, residency positions in a variety of medical specialties.  The allocation of residency training positions among the various specialties is largely decided by academic doctors involved with medical education. Some experts believe that health system decision makers should exert greater influence over

Why are so many Canadians going abroad to study medicine?

Canadian doctors studying abroad

Over the past five years, the number of Canadians studying medicine abroad has more than doubled. Almost all of these medical students want to practice in Canada. Is it good for Canada to rely on foreign medical schools to train our future doctors? David Li, a family doctor in Oshawa, is one of Ross University’s