
Why does the government appoint hospital supervisors?

In August 2011, a supervisor was appointed at the Niagara Health System to “restore public confidence” in the hospital.  The Ontario Public Hospitals Act  allows the government to appoint a supervisor to take over the administration of a hospital if it is considered in the public interest to do so.  While appointing a supervisor happens

How should hospital doctors be paid?

Doctors are a significant portion of the costs for the health care system. In 2009, almost a quarter of Ontario’s health care budget was spent on paying doctors. Most doctors who work in hospitals are not paid by the hospital directly, but by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan, which pays doctors for each procedure and clinical service.

Citizens participate in hospital restructuring processes

Citizens Participate in Hospital Restructuring Processes

Northumberland Hills Hospital in Cobourg, Ontario was facing a significant deficit. The hospital convened a citizens’ panel to advise the board about which services could be removed from the hospital. The experiment was successful – should it be used by other hospitals? took to the street in December 2010 to gather some opinions about

Are hand washing rates posted by Ontario hospitals believable?

Ontario’s hospitals are required to publicly report how often staff wash their hands. There is large variation in hand washing rates between hospitals. This variation more likely reflects how hospitals measure hand washing, rather than the frequency of hand washing itself. Ontario’s hospitals are required to publicly release information about how often staff wash their