
Nurse practitioners want fair wages – just don’t say the word union

The Ontario government recently tabled a budget which included a two year wage freeze for all public sector employees. This announcement has frustrated some Ontario nurse practitioners, many of whom have not had a wage increase for several years – despite increased responsibilities and significantly enhanced scope of practice. In Ontario, hospital-based NPs generally earn

Designed in USA, used in Canada

Rob Fraser blogger

Design does matter. It matters as much as where something is made – just think about the simple phrase that comes with most Apple products: “Designed in California, Assembled in China.” Recently, 10 nursing regulatory bodies gave away a significant right to the design and quality assurance of Canadian nurses to an American nursing organization.

The role of nurses in Ontario’s colon cancer screening program

Colon cancer screening is more effective than breast cancer screening, but uptake in Ontario is still low. Screening more individuals each year would prevent many needless deaths. Nurses can safely and effectively screen patients for colon cancer. Despite this, efforts to increase the number of screening procedures performed by nurses in Ontario are not widespread.