social media
5 tips for writing a great health care blog
Have you thought about submitting a blog post to a website like Healthy Debate or KevinMD, but aren’t sure where to start? Have you written a few blogs and want to know how you can improve? We love receiving blog submissions (you can submit one here!) and we often get asked what makes for an …
Big changes coming to Healthy Debate
Dear Healthy Debate community, We have been working quietly on some big changes to the site over the last few months, and we’re finally read to unveil them! Over the coming weeks we are re-launching the website with a new look, lots of interactive features and a new design for mobile devices. But before we …
Hospitals begin to recognize social media’s potential to improve patient experience
“In Canada in health care we’re at a point where most hospitals accept the role of social media for branding and communication, but only the lead adopters are using it for patient engagement and for clinical use.” – Ann Fuller, public relations director, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Call up the website home …
What is “necessary” in health care?
Kishore VisvanathanIt must be a tough time to be an American astronaut. Since the US Space Shuttle program shut down a year ago, their opportunities for spaceflight are limited to hitching a ride with the Russians. It must be incredibly frustrating. Consider the years of training, childhood dreams, and self-sacrifice – all for naught. That …
Is Ontario health care ready for ePatients?
In the internet age there is an unprecedented amount of information available to anyone with access to the web. In health care, this is slowly shifting power dynamics, with patients taking increased responsibility and ownership of their health. What needs to be done so a health care system built in the 20th century can address …
Three reasons why patients should consider using social media
In November of 2011, I published an article in the Canadian Medical Association’s Future Practice journal on the benefits of the use of social media for physicians. Much of the feedback I received from healthcare professionals was positive. However, many commented on the lack of literature regarding patient use of social media. As a resident physician in Family Medicine, …