
65 articles:
by David Ponka

Even a child can see collaboration is essential to save the Canadian health-care system

Everything is related; solutions must once again be aligned, locally scaled and human centred. We need a more stable, unified approach in health care. We need more transformative models moving forward. Above all, we need primary care and public health to join forces to prepare us for the next big challenge – climate change.

by Doctors for Planetary Health – West Coast

Fossil fuels are the new tobacco. The health sector must take action

The health sector should treat the fossil-fuel industry as it has treated the tobacco industry – by revealing its health impacts, divesting, severing all financial and commercial links as soon as possible, and urging others to do the same.

by Sandor Demeter

Canada flexing its nuclear muscles in medicine, energy production and nuclear waste management

Canada’s nuclear industry is experiencing a renaissance after 15 years of setbacks and stagnation. These developments could prove helpful in medicine. But issues like finding a home for high-level nuclear waste site are not without controversy.

by Joe Vipond Jane E. McArthur

Toxic tradeoff: Disinfectants are ineffective for COVID-19 prevention and create harmful exposures

There are countless benefits to improving indoor air quality, not least of which is reducing the spread of this virus that has altered our lives. But cleaning surfaces with disinfectants could be doing more harm than good.

by Kevin Liang

MDI asthma inhalers come under scrutiny over heavy carbon cost

Small amounts of the propellants used in the familiar blue and orange inhalers can have an “outsized” climate footprint. Now there is a growing call for patients to switch to low-carbon dry powder alternatives.

by Kevin Liang

A plea from a family medicine resident: We must recognize the changing nature of primary care to prevent an exodus of doctors

The pandemic and climate crisis have put extra strain on the already evolving primary care system and worsened the B.C. family-doctor shortage. But the current structure of family medicine has not adapted.

by Doctors for Planetary Health – West Coast

Taking action

Our health-care system is very energy intensive and produces large volumes of solid waste and toxic waste. But this is, in fact, counter to our ethical duty to do no harm, which must include not harming the environment and the health of people and communities.

by Doctors for Planetary Health – West Coast

Health professionals have a role to play in ‘Our Planet, Our Health’

Canadian health professionals have a role to play in protecting and restoring the health of the planet, which is after all the ultimate determinant of the health of the population.

by Trevor Hancock

‘Our planet, our health’ – Making peace with nature

The theme for World Health Day reflects a growing global concern with the health impacts of massive and rapid human-driven ecological changes. While climate change is front of mind, having been recognized as “the single biggest health threat facing humanity” by the WHO as far back as 2008, the changes and challenges we face are far greater than that.

by Moses Der Arakelian Julian Surujballi

The plastic pandemic

Face masks have helped gain the upper hand against COVID-19, but if we continue to consider the needs of today above sustainability for tomorrow, it might not even matter.

by Stephanie Keeling

The carbon cost of clicking for health

The ease-of-use that has made autoinjectors a multi-billion-dollar global industry has increased the carbon dioxide footprint that comes with making them by the tens of millions.

by Jeffrey Mo

The paradox of CO2: Leading cause of climate change essential for food, drink – and COVID vaccines

Carbon dioxide is the leading cause of climate change. But when the U.K. experienced a shortage of CO2 last year, it drove consumer fears of higher prices for food and drink. At the heart of this paradox is that, for all the damage that CO2 does, it also has some essential uses in modern society.

by Trevor Hancock

Practising health care as if the planet matters

Canada has committed to developing climate-resilient, low-carbon health systems. But regrettably, Canada did not commit to creating a net-zero emissions health-care system. It's now up to provincial governments.

by Trevor Hancock

Doctors and nurses declare a climate and ecological ‘Code Red’ for B.C.

A coalition of health professionals recently rallied in Victoria, B.C., to declare a state of climate emergency in B.C. and lay out a plan for the transformative change that will improve the health of the people of B.C. – and the world beyond.

by Doctors for Planetary Health – West Coast

An agenda for action on planetary health

As physicians, nurses, and other health professionals, we are already seeing the devastating impacts of climate and ecological crises. Here's what the B.C. government must do to transition to a sustainable, just, and healthy society at peace with nature. 

by Carolin Kroeger Sara Rotenberg

Extreme heat is here to stay. Canada must adapt.

The extreme heat wave that recently boiled Canada is just a preview of what the future holds in store. It's high time we began preparing for dangerous heat in the future. Here are some ways we can start.

by Trevor Hancock

Planetary health: The missing priority in CIHR’s new strategic plan

The government agency CIHR released two documents meant to address issues important to the health of Canadians and direct research toward them. But both are unforgivably ignorant of the importance of the ecological determinants of health.

by Nazanin Meshkat

Pollution reduction: an all-inclusive vaccine

Almost 9 million deaths worldwide are attributed to the effects of air pollution on diseases such as diabetes, stroke, lung disease and heart disease. Now, there is increasing evidence of the relationship between air pollution and COVID-19.

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