Heart Health

184 articles:
by Michael Fralick John Fralick

Episode 30 – SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 agonists in Diabetes

by Healthy Debate Staff

Heart & Stroke survey highlights growing concerns for patients and health professionals

People living with heart disease, stroke or vascular cognitive impairment are worse off – both physically and mentally – because they have not been able to access the care they needed during the pandemic, according to a recent survey.

by Michael Fralick John Fralick

Episode 27 – Rapid Fire Cardiovascular Disease!

by Lotus Alphonsus Stephanie Ryall Brintha Sivajohan

London’s supervised consumption site to fill ‘a desperate need in the community’

Drug users in London, Ontario, suffer from addiction-related health problems, like infectious disease, at a higher rate than the provincial average. But a permanent supervised consumption site, expected to open in mid-March 2022, could help.

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