
Breast cancer: how long does it take to get results after a lumpectomy?

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  • Jon says:

    what happens when your diagnosed with breast cancer and there is no one to help you because all the breast cancer surgeons are on Hollidays at the same time. No surgeons available because they all take their holidays at the same time. This is disgusting display of so called professionalism. You surgeons signed up for this, you got paid big bucks for what Ontario citizens pay for out of pocket. When its time when those people need you, your out spending your money having fun. You know its a sick world we live in. I realize that we all need a break. Sorry to tell you, peoples lives are more important than your time off. This system is a broke one. People need immediate care. Someone should always be available to keep the ball rolling and keep patients moving forward. Cancer doesn’t take a break, neither should our health care that we pay for. In case you wonder who it was that wrote this. I’m a 41 year old man. Our Canadian women deserve a lot better than what our Healthcare system provides. Lets just hope that Justin Trudeau doesn’t get breast cancer and have to wait like all the rest of the women or be told that his surgeons are all on holidays and no one can help him right now. Do you really think he would have to wait. This system is broken, this is a country in distress. I wonder if I should go out and hang my Canadian flag upside down just like our system did to Canadian women when they turned their backs on Canadian women with a sign on it that read on holidays. All you bastards owe it to a women for being here, don’t you think its about time we took better care of them. Disgusted Canadian.


Paul Taylor


Paul Taylor is a health journalist and former Patient Navigation Advisor at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, where he provided advice and answered questions from patients and their families. Paul will continue to write occasional columns for Healthy Debate.

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