The Personal Health Navigator is available to all Canadian patients. Questions about your doctor, hospital or how to navigate the health care system can be sent to
Question: I was just diagnosed with breast cancer. My doctor said I have DCIS with micro invasion on the right breast. What does that mean? I am very scared – and I’m especially worried about the possibility of needing radiation therapy after surgery. I’ve heard that treatment can be very difficult.
Answer: It’s totally understandable that you feel scared. No one welcomes a diagnosis of cancer. However, it sounds like you are in a very early stage of the disease and you should have an extremely good chance of being cured.
DCIS stands for ductal carcinoma in-situ, which means cancerous cells have started to grow within one of the milk-ducts of your breast. If the cells were still confined to the milk duct, you would be classified as having a Stage 0 breast cancer. But your doctor has indicated that some cancer cells have spread into the surrounding breast tissue – hence, the term ‘micro’ invasion.
You basically have Stage 1 breast cancer and that suggests you have an excellent chance of a successful outcome, says Dr. Frances Wright, a breast cancer surgeon at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
“A Stage 1 breast cancer causes tremendous anxiety among patients,” she says. “There is a lot of fear – which I understand – because who wants cancer?”
But, she adds, major treatment advances have been made in recent years and patients’ prospects are much more promising than they used to be.
In fact, the five-year survival rate for women diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer is 99 per cent, says Dr. Prithwish De, an epidemiologist with the Canadian Cancer Society.
“The five-year mark is usually used as the measure of a cure,” he explains, and the cancer is considered to be gone from the body. If a patient receives a cancer diagnosis after that period of time has passed, it is usually thought to be a brand new cancer, unrelated to the first bout of the disease.
Of course, this is the average survival rate for women in the population. Some individuals may have certain risk factors – such as genetic mutations– that make them especially vulnerable to cancer re-occurrence or they may be prone to aggressive forms of the disease. A woman’s age, response to treatment and previous medical history, can also affect her prognosis.
In general though, women diagnosed with Stage 1 – in which the tumour is two centimeters or smaller in size and the cancer has not spread outside the breast – can be fairly optimistic they will beat the disease.
The odds are also very good for Stage 2 in which the cancer has reached the lymph nodes. The five-year survival rate for this group is about 86 per cent.
Doctors divide cancer into 4 distinct stages – although you will sometimes see it broken down into sub-categories such as Stages 1A and 1B.
As you might expect, the chances of survival decrease as the disease becomes more advanced.
For Stage 3 – in which the cancer has spread to nearby tissue outside the breast such as the chest wall – the survival rate drops down to 57 per cent.
And for Stage 4 – in which the cancer has metastasized, spreading to distant parts of the body – the 5-year survival is about 20 per cent.
The encouraging news is that the vast majority of breast cancer cases in Canada – about 80 per cent – are diagnosed when they are still in the early stages, either 1 or 2.
By drawing attention to these rosy statistics, I don’t mean to minimize the seriousness of the disease or to downplay the huge upheaval it causes in the lives of individual women and their families. About 24,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in Canada each year and it’s responsible for about 5,000 deaths annually.
But it’s clear that significant progress is being made in the fight against breast cancer.
Back in the 1960s, the combined five-year survival rate for all four stages of breast cancer was 58 per cent in Canada. By the mid-1980s, that figure had climbed to 73 per cent. Today it’s up to 80 per cent.
Part of those gains can be attributed to the introduction throughout Canada during the late 1980s and early 1990s of population-wide mammogram-screening programs that have led to an improvement in early detection of the disease in many women.
Experts also point to a much wider array of effective treatments that tend to be less onerous than past therapies.
“For early-stage breast cancer, a patient can usually get a lumpectomy rather than a mastectomy, which used to be the standard practice several decades ago. So treatments are less radical than they used to be – but no less effective,” says Dr. De. “There is less pain, fewer side effects, and a faster recovery,” he adds.
(In a lumpectomy, only the tumour and a small margin of surrounding normal tissue are removed, along with a few lymph nodes for testing. A mastectomy involves the surgical removal of the entire breast and all the lymph nodes in the armpit.)
When it comes to drug treatments, or chemotherapy, some of the newer medications are tailored to deal with very specific aspects of the patient’s cancer.
For instance, many women have a form of breast cancer that’s fuelled by hormones, such as estrogen circulating in the body. After the initial surgery, tumour samples are examined in the lab for the presence of estrogen receptors. The results of these tests will determine if a woman would be a good candidate for a drug like Tamoxifen, which binds to the hormone receptors – and prevents the real estrogen from acting on the tumour. Tamoxifen can slow or stop the growth of cancer cells and is considered highly effective in lowering the risk of breast cancer recurrence.
(For post-menopausal women with hormone-sensitive tumours, doctors may prescribe a class of drugs known as aromatase inhibitors, instead of Tamoxifen. They work differently than Tamoxifen but generally achieve the same result; they lower estrogen levels.)
Herceptin is another drug that can help put the brakes on uncontrolled cancer growth. It is used in women who have a gene that leads to an excessive number of HER2 receptors on the surface of the cancer cells. These receptors pick up growth signals and spur on the tumour. By blocking HER2 receptors, Herceptin can slow or stop the growth of the breast cancer.
“The drugs today are much more targeted and treatments are selected based on the woman’s genetic make-up,” says Dr. De.
In other words, cancer therapy is moving towards a personalized approach. And the newer, more specialized, medicines tend to have fewer side effects than the earlier forms of broad-acting chemotherapy – which were disparagingly referred to as “slash, burn and poison” treatments.
There have also been significant changes in post-operative radiation therapy – which you raised as one of your chief worries.
Typically the radiation is focused on a smaller area, using a higher dose for a shorter period of time, said Dr. De. This approach helps to reduce side effects and limits the damage done to surrounding healthy tissue. “Usually radiation is tolerated very well by patients. The main side effects are fatigue and 1 in 10 women will get a ‘sunburn’ from the radiation,” says Dr. Wright.
Aside from the cancer treatments, we now know that adopting certain lifestyles can affect a woman’s chances of keeping cancer at bay. Two large clinical trials have shown that a low-fat diet and regular exercise can reduce the risk of recurrence and lower the chance of death in women with early-stage cancer.
“This type of information wasn’t available in the past, but these are things that we can now recommend to women as they are going through their cancer journey,” says Dr. De.
It should also be noted that not smoking tobacco increases the likelihood that your cancer treatment will work.
I hope this overview of improved survival rates and increased treatment options alleviate some of your fears.
As Dr. De puts it: “The arsenal of tools available for treatment has grown tremendously over the past several decades. And women with breast cancer today are certainly benefiting from those advances.”
Click here to download our Personal Health Navigator ebook for free.
Paul Taylor, Sunnybrook’s Patient Navigation Advisor, provides advice and answers questions from patients and their families. His blog, Personal Health Navigator, is reprinted on Healthy Debate with the kind permission of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Follow Paul on Twitter @epaultaylor.

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Thank you for the information it gives me hope. I was diagnosed in 2018 with stage 1 b breast cancer. I’m doing good.
Hello, my mom was told she had a very rare breast cancer Carcinoma Cystic or something like that, apparently it’s more common in throat area.
Of what I could find out is usually the prognosis are good.
Mom also told me her doctor said it was stage 1 and very small, she’s on chemotherapy right now and was told she might not need Radiation after surgery, but now apparently she might need some after all. Could you help me understand why? Wouldn’t it be easier to take that choice after surgery? What if they find nothing? Is all this for prevention?
Thanks for your time.
I was originally diagnosed 26 years ago in 1994, I started treatment for reoccurence in 2016. Exact same cancer second time around and not having much success with treatment till this point. Hopefully things take a more positive move soon.
Sandy, I wish you good luck. I am reading about sleeper cells actually they’re called stem cells which break off from a tumor and years later can cause cancer again. I’m not sure it’s accurate as some articles say that stage one can always be beat. They need to stop the sleeper cells. I was told once a tumor is .5 CM it starts to slough off cells.
I am a cancer survivor, 16 years ago I had a lumpectomy with radiation and chemo, the tumor was 1.4 I recently discovered a small lump on the side of the breast. A needle biopsy and ultrasound revealed it to be about 1.9
What would your treatment options with most recent technology.
My 42 year old daughter just had her first mammogram and she has ductal carcinoma situ. Since this is her first mammogram, how can they tell how long it has been there. Could the mammogram show anything other than the milk duct the xray showed. Does this type of cancer grow slowly, What if she has had this cancer in her for a few years, since the very first mammo showed the ductal carcinoma. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, very worried Mom
I had a normal mamagram in 2019 I went to get a mamagram in a different county.I didn’t have my last mamagram report so I was asked to leave until I fo uh nd it.a week ago iij n 2020 I had a mamagram that showed a lump on the right breast.Im mad at the a e that ask me to leave.Back then I told my insurance and I could’ve we t back but I never knew I wo yuh ld es ver have a problem ssf m I thought mamagram were every 3 years.Wgen did it change? If I had cancer 3 years is it curable.I dont even know for sure its cancer.They are do iij ng a biopsy July 8.Wish me luck.I love life and I dont want th o go
19/4/20@9.09p.m. This article was exactly describing my recent diagnosis of brast cancer. It was so helpful. my Lumpectomy was due Apr. 3rd. BUT because of this covid-19 virus was cancelled . Now I am worried how much longer will I have to wait? how much will the nodule(I think Grade 1)grow/spread? This is so frustrating. I hope I don’t end up worse than it was diagnosed after my mammogram Feb. 18/20. Jean V. Toronto I am an active senior feeling good at this time.
I found this information to be very helpful on stage 1 breast cancer.
I have stage 1 her2 negative no cancer found in the 7 lymph nodes found
Do I still need Radiation
I am diagnosed with DCIS estrogen/ progesterone positive. I vent through chemo/radiation treatment and mastectomy in 2019. I did complete hysterectomy and my oncologist advice me to use Tamoxifen 20 mg in the next 5 years.My question for you Doctor is what are the benefits of Tamoxifen if I don have ovaries? Please, explain to me, I am confused.
thank you I have stage 2 right breast cancer having 20 nodes removed Ct shows this has not spread
i have had surgery and now heading for radio therapy together with Letrozole 2.5 tablets
Your comments have explained much to me and given me hope for recovery
Due to Corovirus and my immune system being depleted on balance it was suggested Chemo was not used
i’m concerned that probably chemo may have been more help so still not confident with ongoing treatment
thank you
Thank you for the great info since I was just diagnosed with early breast cancer and do not tolerate drugs very well!
I also have type 2 diabetes!
71 year old and follow an active lifestyle; gym 5 days a week and eat very healthy. Removed all stress triggers from my life. Here’s my story
I’m 6 years out and cancer free. DCIS diagnosis in March 2014, followed by lumpectomy with sentinel nodesry lymph. Follow up was to be an aromatase inhibitor and radiation therapy, but instead I followed a naturopathic protocol of Indole 3 Carbinol, green tea, Essiac tea, vitamin C i.v. infusions with great results. Every 6 month follow up Ultrasound showed I was cancer free.
I just had my annual mammogram and I missed last year and the mammogram place called and left a message saying they were the docter at the mammogram place and I need to make an appointment next week I am a nurse at sunnybrook and I am nervous because I always get letters saying everything is okay. I now feel a lump I hope the stage is only 2 if you can feel it. What would be the next step after comfirmation?
My wife has been diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer and sent me the link to this article. Both of us found it very helpful and informative. It is extremely well written and addresses many of the questions that we have. We wish our cancer treatment facility had a personal health navigator!
I am so happy to have found this information as I am 69 years old and diagnose DC with RBC, not sure of type yet but between 1-4 cm, no suspicious lymph node yet.
Is there a book that may help better understand this disease?
Thank you.
My friend’s excellent doctor, Barry Breger, was suspended by the College des médecins in Québec because he was practicing integrative medecine. Which province should she move to in order to get a treatment that is integrative? She is refusing chemo without enzymatic tests and here in Quebec she cannot get a doctor to prescribe such tests. I am afraid she is going to die if she waits too long. The cancer is stage 3.
This was very helpful but, what is the life expectancy for a woman diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer? ( triple negative receptors). It didn’t spread to the lymph nodes and sentinel nodes and margins were all clean. Three axillary lymph nodes were removed and all clean as well. Tumors were 2.5 centimeters ( one on right breast & one under the right axillary. Please respond
Thank you for more information about breast cancer it’s very helpful for me coz I diagnosed with a stage 1 breast cancer.. I feel relieve and understand with your explanation… Thank you so much and God bless…
My girlfriend has having breast cancer and she’s already operation one time and take out then this time they feels like that is that possible to cure that the disease
Very useful information, I learned so much from it. I’m a stage 2 breast cancer patient and was treated with Chemo therapy, surgery and radiation. Now I’m getting Herceptin, perjeta, and Tamoxifen.
Q: I have a constant diarrhea, an it’s a very light color. What causes it?
Thank you
Very useful information, I learned so much from it. I’m a stage 2 breast cancer patient and getting treated with Herceptin, perjeta, and Tamoxifen.
Thank you
I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in May, 2019. I am 73 years old and had a bilateral mastectomy. My lymph nodes were clear. What is the outcome for the IDC spreading in other areas of my body and what is my life expectancy knowing the IDC could come back somewhere else. I was Stage 1 at the time my diagnosis was made.
Thank you for any reply regarding my IDC and what needs to be done IF it comes back?
I found that most helpful and has massively helped me after I discovered a lump and am waiting to see my go .
I have stage 2b with double massectomy including 4 positive lumps it was lobelular Her 2 pos. I have done 6 months chemo ,now 25 radiation treatments . I want to understand my statistics better can you help me .
I had a mammogram Oct., 2018, letter received after results, “saw something, not of concern at this time”. In April, 2019, another mammogram, then a breast biopsy, results were IDC, Estrogen +, Progestrogen + and HER2 +. WHY didn’t the radiologist in Oct. 2018 do a breast biopsy at that time, perhaps in April, 2019 I would not have been diagnosed with IDC, with a bilateral mastectomy and follow up cancer treatment will begin on June 7, 2019.
Please……I need answers which I am getting from my Health Provider. When I have asked questions why I was not followed up in Oct. 2018, I am pacified by my General Surgeon and Women’s Imaging RN’s and Radiologist. Please, please provide explanations why I was not followed up in Oct. 2018 when a suspicious area of my breast was not of concern to the Radiologist who did nothing other than an ultrasound to my right breast. Thank you so much.
Thank you for this article , for me it was very informative . The worse thing is to be left in the dark because then we all go to worst case Senaro so getting good balanced information allows us to know what’s happening and make the decision best for us
I need to correct in my comment, “I need answers which I am NOT getting from my health provider. Your reply was sadly very vague……someone please explain further why I did not receive the follow up immediately in Oct. 2018, just a letter to me “something was seen, not of concern at this time”.
Thank you…..Beverly Marking
Thank-you for writing such a clear and concise article which even a “lay person” like myself can understand. I am a two year cancer survivor on Letrozole.
guys my mum just got stage 1 breast cancer can it be cured? And is there any food products she must avoid and she can eat to help in the curing of breast cancer?
I am grateful for this clear explanation of early cancer. My journey with breast cancer has covered four decades, the last 20 years of which have been free of breast cancer. Getting cancer again now has been quite a surprise but having read the doctor’s explanation of current treatments, I feel reassured that with radiation following surgery and taking Tamoxifen I have an excellent chance of a complete recovery and hopefully staying cancer-free.
thank you for your answer I am a 2 year breast cancer survivor but still terrified of it coming back.
I had stage1 breast cancer and had surgery on January, 2018 – and 20 treatments of radiation – now the doctor said I need a bioposy for something they see under my arm – could this be cancer – it has been just 1 year – where do I stand
hi my wife is feeling something like a ball in her left breast can you help me what this can be a sign of.
Hello everyone, i am 31 years old and i have just detected a lumo on my left breast just as i have experienced pain recently. I am hoping that this can be healed immediately and i hope this is not bad news.Please pray for me for i have family to support. I will be going to my doctor tomorrow and i hope there will be a good chance of treatment without surgeries or other fearful things…thank you.
Can you give me information on breast reduction for for breast cancer stage 1
Does infection cause bleeding and will it hurt baby if I nurse
Hi I just need a security answer 3days now I have had my left Breast hurting ,went to Dr and they say its Infection I nurse my One year old ,but stopped on left side ,,I’m now pussing and bleeding is that normal? I do not fill lumps but it is painful ,,if I do have cancer or just infection the bleeding is worring me ,can I still nurse my child I’m scared to give him blood and puss ,Yuk ,,what should I do
18-20 year-old girl has to undergo how many months of treatment?
I just found out that I have breast cancer they can not do surgery u til the middle of October . I also am supposed to have knee surgery the 24th of September and not sure what I should do
I feel any discussion of breast cancer that only looks at 5 year statistics is doing a disservice to a women or man that is diagnosed. Especially when you are using “Cured” in the same report. The fact is that early stage cancers have risk of recurrence for 20 years.
This shows that in general risk of distant (metastatic) recurrence over 20 years is 13% for T1N0, 20% for T1N1–3, and 34% for T1N4–9.
The author of this article is NOT A DOCTOR.
“Paul Taylor is a patient navigation advisor at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto.”
“Paul holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto with a double major in economics and political science and a Bachelor of Applied Arts in Journalism from Ryerson.”
It’s been 6 years since my BC (stage 1a N0 plus clear margins with no family history of cancer). I did surgery, radiation and 5 years of AI. I did have a scare in my 2nd year ( I was told recurrences happen 2 or 3 years) . I didn’t know about oncotype DX testing or the newer gene testing which does cause me some concern. I take for granted all the local medical testing. I would like more information about the 10 year survival rate. I do know women with a recurrence after 8 years.
It meabs that invasive bdreast cancer in situ can be healed although in stage 2B?
thank you for the educational infomation. The feeling of fear is slightly relieve. I was diagnosed with DC and still waiting the final diagnosis…Im really scared.
does that swelling in the breast pains?
Why is it necessary to take tamoxifen after a double mastectomy? If there is no breast tissue, how can there be a risk of recurring breast cancer?
What happens if I decide to treat myself holistic. What estrogen stopper vitamins can I take?
I am having radiation (15 sessions) for breast cancer, which was grade 3. Doctor said it was successful.
My cancer was malignant..I am 72 years old. Can the cancer come again please? I am taking Letrezole tablets.
Thank you
This article is much too optimistic and glosses over a very simple fact that since 1935 the death rate of women from breast cancer was 26.2% and today it stands at exactly 26%. So no matter how you slice and dice the statistics this one fact alone is irrefutable and sad.
My wife was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer.
Invasive carcinoma grade 3 of 3
Infiltrative ductal carcinoma of right breast.
Breast was totally removed.
Lymph nodes not affected.
Tumor 1 4×1.1cm
Triple negative.
Is chemotherapy required ?
I had stage1 breast caught very early had my surgery this month my cancer was very small and ivtake tamoxifen I’m cancer free just waiting for my swelling to go and then have radiotherapy
Thank you for your clearly understood direct, easy to understand information about breast cancer!!! I hope to follow more of your communications!!!
i ave a question, all my friends who have had breast cancer end up living us after five years,all of them is it normal or what goes on.then i ave a friend who is going for chemotherapy and she has to be given injections that boost cell is that normal.
What is the 10 year survival rate in stage 2 breast cancer6
I had a lump in my left breast so I went and got it checked out. I had a mammogram and a ultrasound a couple days ago. Initially my doctor thought it was just the cysts that I usually have in my breasts but it felt different to me. I was told I needed a biopsy becausd the ultrasound showed a mass and the ultrasound tech said my lymph nodes were swollen under my armpit. What do you think it is, I will get my biopsy Monday. FYI my maternal grandmother had breast cancer in her left breast and left lymph node under her armpit. I don’t know if it is hereditary, please advise.
This is a great article. The started procedure for lumpectomy, brachytherapy and letrozole is just what my friend is doing and she’s doing very well.
Thank you.
My mother is diagnosed with breast cancer DCIS a month ago in right breast. She had a lumpectomy with axillary lymph nodes dissection. The tumor is 2 cm with margins clear with margins clear and all 18 nodes are cancer negative. BUT its triple negative. Her chemotherapy is going on and after that they will give radiation therapy to her. But she is really worried of reccurence anywhere in the body. What are the chances that it will never occur again? Will she be alright?
hello sister said that she got local hospital to diagnosed whether she has breast cancer or not since her left side breast show some sign of cancer but since the local hospital can not perform cancer diagnoses since the have no medical equipment she told me that she is going to send me sample blood to check here in Addis Abeba Where I am working as government employee.and since there is few hospital which perform such kinds of diagnoses,if the time to get the result takes up to 1 month can that disease get advance any more before medication?
Thanks for this good info confirmation that eating nutritional foods, exercise play very important part in your healing journey. Conventional treatment is changing for the better of the patients
Hi I was diagnose 11/17 my doctor said very early small spots together in the r breast I am r high risk strong family history took brac test was neg. concerned wanted to have mastectomy but dr. Performing lumpectomy said might b too much worried after biopsy three weeks now severe pain. What r the changes of spreading to the other breast?
I was diagnosis it’s Breast Cancer stage 2. I completed the surgery they did a lumpectomy and removed 5 lymp nodes. They are suggesting 1 year of chemo and 4 months of radiation. It’s chemo & radiation necessary.
Hi Jennifer, I would love to know what you chose as your treatment. I just had skin sparing bilateral mast. Now I have to decide about what to do for treatment. I dont want to do any chemo or radiation treatments. Please respond. Thank you!
I been diagnosed I have cancer in my milk duct.. And my doctor recommended me to have surgery and they can take it out.. And be all clear… I’m scared… Confused and in aching pain in my right breast.. How can this be cured without surgery… Plz help..
I asked a question over a year ago. No response to date. Whoever is in charge of this site does not seem to care. Why did I ever waste my time asking my questions!!
Hi Antionette, Sorry you feel neglected. We actually don’t provide specific medical advice on here – first because we don’t know your case, and secondly because Paul is not a doctor. I’d suggest reaching out to your doctor instead. Wishing you the best, Vanessa
This is an immensely motivating article that clearly defines
progress made to combat early stages of breast cancer.
hllo my had diagnosed with cancer having 3 lymph nodes positive .what kind of treatment will she get and which is the best for her
Thanks very much
I just recently was diagnosed with DSIC of the invasive type. I am 79 years young. Can you refer me to studies on breast cancer in the older woman?
Diagnoed with HER2.
I had bilateral mastectomy March 15. The stage was not 1 yet. Tested the pnodes around and have no cancer there.
Well the cancer was 3 mm and generally they don’t recommend unless the cancer is 5mm. The reason why we are in a stress is the my oncologist wants to do 12weeks chemo tax. + 1 year. Do I really want to put my body through
That’s is crazy . Chemo can give you cancer . In your case wouldn’t do that . Only my opinion . Please double check with other doctors .
Regime for Her + tumor is Trastusumab and chemotherapy for 6 months. Chemo does not give cancer, its used to treat cancer
Dumb answers like yours (“chemo can give you cancer’) is the reason people shouldn’t trust internet answers most times.
Thats the correct regime for Her+ BC
Adjuvant chemotherapy
Hello! I will like to know, How long it takes to cured breast cancer? Please, You must email me back. I am really appreciates this information. Thank, a millions!
Hello sir,
On Nov 28th Nov 2016 I have noticed that I have one small cyst in my right breast Dr asked me do needle test then I got report that DCIS. then we consulated Dr and now on 14th Dec surgery was done and the biopsy report says the tumour is in grade 3 and tumour as not speard for any of nodes and after the Dr asked us to do Her2neu FISH test even that report says nagative…
So please let me know the next procedures
I was hv a swollen veins 2013 to my right breaat nd now it starts my left breast is the any chances that I have cancer?
Stage 1A Grade 2 ER 5% positive PR- HER- Oncologist says chemo very matter of factly….a strong regiment for 4 months. When first diagnosed and after biopsy was told surgery and radiation only. I have had the lumpectomy and feel great now! Why would the suggested course of treatment change so drastically? Any ideas?
I feel warmth all over my breasts and pain every day for over four months Am I likely to hv breast cancer.judith
you better check it for sure
I got very good idea regarding breast cancer which ican share and use for me also.
I have purple veins on my one breast and feeling pain from last two months
I was diagnosed with R breast DCIS in 1999. Treated with lumpectomy and 7 weeks of radiation. 5 years Tamoxifen. This January, 2016, diagnosed with R breast invasive ductal carcinoma, stage 1A, negative lymph nodes. (ER positive and Her2neu negative) I was told because of prior radiation I had to have a masectomy… when I got in February. I’m once again pn Tamoxifen. Oncotype dx test score is 7
My questions are:
1) Is it ok to take Tamoxifen again? Won’t I develop a resistance to it since I took it 16 years ago? My ONC
didn’t sound convincing nor did my pharmacist when they answered “you shouldn’t”
2) Despite my early Stage diagnosis and low ONCOTYPE DX score, I’m still terrified of recurrence.
So, the low oncotype dx score tells me the chance of metastasis is low representing the cancer they removed via masectomy. However, I could develope a NEW cancer same breast and or in the other breast correct? I’ve been so paranoid, I lost 20 lbs in 7 weeks so afraid to eat anything. I am 62 years old and retired.
Thank you for your anticipated response.
I read your answer above and I feel better after reading it. My mother has been diagnosed with cancer yesterday and I still can’t digest it and I’m still in a shock. The doctor said its early stage cancer but the word still scares everyone . It’s about 2cm or less but the doctor said my mother will go through some tests tomorrow or day after which are a bone scan x ray of different parts of the body and maybe a few bloodiest then she will undergo the surgery . I wanted to ask will she be needing chemo therapy aswell? And is this curable ? Also will she be fully recovered and by how long . Thank you I’ll be looking forward to your answer
Can you please explain how the grade of a tumor effects prognosis?
Hi I have a breast pain nd a lump wt discharge does dat mean i hv a breast cancer?
You have to talk to a doctor to get an answer to your question.
could definitely bbe something wrong
hey Dr my mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer of stage 2 her cancer has not spread yet but she has gone for a surgery i want you to answer me that whether she can be permanently cured and how many years she can survive and let me know you Dr i love my mom a lot so don’t give useless sympathy ok
i want my answer right now
i am extremely sorry if i absent mindedly said you anything wrong this is not my case but my moms
Dear doctor. After one small surgery for my mum I received her report . In that they mentioned infiltrating duct caricinoma grade iii . Is this curable ?. Pls tell the solution
i had infiltrating ductal carcinoma stage 1 yes
hi doctor ma mom met wit brest cancer they told me it is intial stage im jus askng is it passile to cure that am alredy scared am the younger one in ma family you please let me knw the detils
November 28, 2015 at 9:24 PM
Sir.. My mom is suffering from breast cancer. The report says positive for malignant cells cytomorphology is consistent with ductal carcinoma. What does it mean. Which stage is this?
Hi Lucky:
Your mother will need to talk to her doctor to confirm, but from the details you have provided it sounds like she has a very early stage of breast cancer.
Here are some more details from the website of the Canadian Cancer Society:
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
With ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), cancer cells are found only in the lining of the breast duct and have not spread outside the duct into nearby breast tissue or to other organs in the body.
DCIS is the most common type of non-invasive breast cancer. It may also be called intraductal carcinoma or non-invasive ductal carcinoma. Nearly all women diagnosed with this early stage of breast cancer can be successfully treated.
DCIS is generally too small to be felt during a clinical breast exam (CBE). It is most commonly found by mammography, where it appears as microcalcifications.
Women with DCIS have an increased risk of developing an invasive ductal carcinoma. However, it is not yet known how to identify which DCIS will progress to an invasive cancer, and which will not.
DCIS may be classified based on what the cells look like when viewed under the microscope. There are 2 main subtypes of DCIS: comedo and non-comedo.
The term comedo is used to describe the appearance of DCIS cells. When examined under a microscope, the cells have dead material (necrosis) that plugs the middle. This material can be squeezed or expressed out of the cells, like a blackhead (comedo) on the skin.
Comedo DCIS tends to grow quickly and spread into surrounding breast tissue.
Non-comedo DCIS grows more slowly than the comedo type of DCIS, and is less likely spread into the surrounding breast tissue.
There 3 are different types of non-comedo DCIS:
solid DCIS
The cancer cells completely fill the breast duct(s).
cribiform DCIS
There are spaces and gaps in between the cancer cells and the ducts are not filled completely.
papillary and micropapillary DCIS
The cells are arranged in a fern- or feather-like (papillae) pattern towards the centre of the breast duct.
In micropapillary DCIS, the papillae are smaller than the papillae in papillary DCIS.
Need more information?
Call us toll-free at 1-888-939-3333
We have information on all types of cancer and support services. Tell us what you’re looking for, and we will email or call you.
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Hi there,
I am 49 and was diagnosed with stage 1a breast cancer in March and had my surgery in April. My cancer was estrogen positive and her2 negative. The tumor was only 5mm and detected on a mammogram. There was no cancer in my nodes and the borders were clean after excision. I opted for genetic testing and it was negative for any gene mutations.The recommended aduvent therapy is radiation and an aromatase inhibitor since I am in menopause. Will radiation and hormone therapy greatly increase my chances of preventing reoccurrence? I am not sure all of the side effects are worth the minimal (from what I have researched) advantage I would gain for survival.
Hi. I have same situation exactly like you I am getting radiation now. I am also worried about recurrences.
This was very helpful but, what is the life expectancy for a woman diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer? ( triple negative receptors). It didn’t spread to the lymph nodes and sentinel nodes and margins were all clean. Three axillary lymph nodes were removed and all clean as well. Tumors were 2.5 centimeters ( one on right breast & one under the right axillary. Please respond
My mum has started experiencing a boil under her left breast. Am worried, what is your advice?
Please I have a sister that have a pose on her breast also she has a back pain that even stop her from going to her office , some time ago her doctor told her she should cut off her breast but she didn’t because never believe she could have a cancer because she is a real christian and believe that she will receive miracles. but before now she has removed twice a lumps from her breast.please what is your advice is there any hope of saving her? Thanks
Thank you, this article has reassured me. I was diagnosed with stage 1a invasive ductal carcinoma 9 weeks ago. I elected to have a bi-lateral mastectomy for symmetry, I am undergoing reconstruction, but after removal they discovered DCIS in my right breast also. There was no lymph node involvement and my Oncotype DX score was 7. Even with all of these positives I still have scary days! Your article has given me something to hold onto.
I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer in my right breast . It is a new lump (i get mammo every 2 years) and less than 1/2 inch. I am having it removed along with the tissue around and a few lymph
nodes. Then some radiation and a pill for the next five years. I have been very scared. You have said everything that I have been told, that makes feel more positive about the outcome. Thank You
How are you doing now?? I was diagnosed on April ers 2019 went through chemo, surgery of right breast and 8 lymph nodes remived, 30 rounds of rad and now on xeloda for 18 wks.. 500 Mgs 3 in the morning and 3 at night.. Stage 3 grade 3 triple positive..i can’t wait to live a normal life again besides worry about this..
Hi I have been feeling some pains in my breast.amm just 22.what could it be
Hi Portia:
Sorry, but I can’t answer that question. If you are concerned about the pain, you should go see your doctor. If you don’t have a family doctor, you should visit a medical walk-in clinic in your area.
A doctor would be able to take your medical history, examine you, and possibly send you off for some tests – possibly a mammogram. That would be the best way to determine the source of the pain.
My sister went to see a doctor 2 years ago and they told her she has a lump on her breast and she must go to the hospital to be removed, but when the date came she didnt go. Now her breast has discharge coming out, the lump has grown its scary. Now i think its cancer but she says if she dies its would be on Gods will. I would love to help her but dont know how? What can i do?
I am sorry to hear what has happened to your sister. It certainly sounds like she needs medical attention. If she won’t take your advice, is there anyone else she will listen to? Maybe another family member or a local community leader. You mentioned that she says “if she dies it would be on Gods will.” I don’t want to read too much into that statement, but is your sister a religions person? Is she a member of a particular religion or religious community? If so, maybe you should get in touch with her local religious leader. Ask if that individual would talk to her. Her religious leader might be able to convince her that God would want her to seek treatment.
You may also want to contact your sister’s doctor and see if the doctor will give her a call. Certain patient confidentiality rules will likely apply — but those rules will vary depending on where you live.
And you may want to talk to a lawyer to see if you have any other options. The lawyer should be aware of the legal code governing a situation like this in your area. . But, in general, if is she is an adult and deemed to be mentally competent, she has the right to refuse treatment.
So it would be best if you, or someone else, persuaded her to seek medical help.
Is she alright now?
I hope she is
I am a born again Christian and have breast cancer. We live in a world governed by the “powers and principalities of the world,” many toxins and pollutions that godless corporations who prioritize mammon over life. Being a Christian does not mean we will never suffer again, but that we will never suffer alone. God will always in dwell in us and give us the strength to go on, even when it seems humanly impossible. God has blessed us with modern knowledge and treatments to live better lives. We know not to smoke, or overeat and to see doctors for help with quitting smoking and eating healthier. Also, doctors to fix our broken bones, provide glasses for eyesight problems and diagnose and treat our cancers. Quality medical care is a blessing from God.
Amen Elise. I was diagnosed with breadt cancer a month after we got divorced. I was encouraged to trust God for a miracle.,but somehow I felt that I don’t deserve a Miracle from God. I enrolled in a healing and restoration biblical teaching course,where the Holy Spirit revealed that I had a lot of bitterness and anger,unforgiveness ect.that I need to repent. As I repented I received inner healing. I could feel the heaviny yoke lifting and deliverence was my portion. I am going for surgery in next week. Without any fear,as I even had to repent that. I am looking forward to my future and believe and trust that my recovery will be complete.
Thank you.
Very informative and direct, however I would be interested in a hit more tech info and the results per stage and the personal plans as mentioned. Suppose the histology report will dictate such.
Amen, Elise! I hope all turned out for you as I see this was written a year ago. I believe a Spiritual belief, in my case God/Jesus, in healing is very important as well as medical treatment done early.
I just had a mammogram today and am doing a lot of praying. I’m getting older so I know our bodies won’t last forever. On the other hand, I do not believe that God wants us to suffer but to seek help. If something does happen i know where I’m going, to a beautiful place prepared for us by God
Sorry half my comment didn’t show up. I was just saying that I agreed with Elise about having God to help you through any illness. We are all Gods creations and He wants nine of us to be ill or suffer.
I found the information was very informative, I too was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma, stage 1, I just came through surgery. But I am still asking myself, why me. There is no breast cancer in my family, nor my family’s before me, bUT I still got it. I do not smoke nor drink, so why did this happen to me. I cannot seem to get my thoughts around this. I am a very private person, so I usually avoid talking about this with even my husband or sons. I do not think they would understand, it just upsets them.
my girl fren is diagnosed with breast cancer, this information has clarified some major doubts and given me a glimmer of hope…thanks for sharing it…
One aspect not mentioned in this article is the push to rename these “pre” and “non-invasive” cancers for precisely the reason brought up by the Questioner. “The big C” is a loaded word, and sometimes using it creates the wrong picture in a patient’s mind. (I wrote a little bit more here:
We are very lucky to have many treatment options for breast cancer and there’s new progress all the time. We’re also finding out that DCIS may not be as bad as we once thought. We do have to think carefully about how we view disease, early detection, diagnosis, and so on. There’s an excellent article from a patient perspective here:
Hi Jessica:
You bring up a very good point. I couldn’t cover everything in just one blog post. So thanks for providing the links to those other worthwhile articles,
Paul Taylor
What are the cure for breast cancer
Hi dear , I’m stage 1A I removed the tumor and had 16 rounds radiation .so I got depression from tamoxifen, so I’m not thinking anymore tamoxifen. Now I’m scared because I’m not taken tamoxifen ?
Talk to your physician and be very clear that you are having symptoms of depression. I had the same problem, (I actually became suicidal) and also know other patients who developed depression on Tamoxifen. Oncologists are very aware of that issue now, and they can help you by medication changes, adding an antidepressant, etc. You need the benefits of what that drug does, but you also need your mental health.