
How to appeal a cut to your home care services

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  • Kim Fraser says:

    This appeals process is ridiculous and burdensome for an already stressed out exhausted caregiver. The home care system is seriously broke in this country particularly with the increased demand for services and growth in highly complex clients–and these highly complex clients can manage at home if provided the appropriate level of care and supports! Government has got to step up to the plate and reallocate funds from acute care and long term care rather than directing a care coordinator to find efficiencies in a grossly underfunded system!!!

  • Joy Reuvekamp says:

    How can we speak up in these consultations? am involved in the Appeal process right now with Central CCAC. They retaliated against us by withholding all services for two weeks. My husband is in the same position as the above patient.

    • Paul Taylor says:

      HI Joy:

      Sorry to hear you’re having a problem with the CCAC. It does seem that the CCAC’s complaints process isn’t very patient friendly.

      You may want to get in touch with your Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) which provides funding to the CCAC.

      Here is a web-link so you can find your LHIN:

      You might also want to get in touch with the office of your MPP. Politicians will sometimes go to bat for their constituents.


Paul Taylor


Paul Taylor is a health journalist and former Patient Navigation Advisor at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, where he provided advice and answered questions from patients and their families. Paul will continue to write occasional columns for Healthy Debate.

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