
Ontario must rethink alcohol sales

Over the past five years, provincial legislative changes have made alcohol more accessible in Ontario. The structure of alcohol distribution has now become increasingly permissive due to the loosening of historical controls on a harmful substance. The trajectory of alcohol policy continues to become increasingly adverse to the health and well-being of Ontarians.  Consider the following recent developments:

In 2011, changes to the Liquor License Act included the significant expansion of licensed areas within festivals or public events, the provision of ‘all-inclusive’ vacation packages in Canada that included alcohol, and the allowance for other businesses, such as book stores and salons, to apply for alcohol licensing.

In 2013, the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) announced their plans for significant expansion across the province. According to LCBO spokesperson Heather McGregor, the aim was to increase access points, and “to enhance the customer experience”.   In addition to the inception of new and bigger stores, this plan has contributed to significant growth in sales.

In 2014, Vintner’s Quality Alliance (VQA) wine became legal for sale at Ontario Farmers’ markets as a pilot project.  With Farmers’ Markets more than doubling their number in the last quarter century in Ontario, the inclusion of wine into this sector creates many new alcohol access points for consumers.

Most recently and alarmingly, in April 2015, a plan was unveiled to reform alcohol sales and distribution in Ontario, beginning with the sale of beer in 450 grocery stores. Premier Wynne indicated the decision was financially motivated, stating the announcement was “a good day for our economy and for job creation.” In December 2015, 58 grocery stores began to sell beer throughout Ontario, with many to follow.  This will further expand alcohol access, and normalize alcohol among regular foodstuffs.

This series of changes has occurred in part due the widespread acceptance of alcohol in our culture; it is so entrenched that related harms are often ignored.  Increased alcohol availability brings with it increased harms, each a major expense to society and government. The harms of alcohol include an increased risk for chronic diseases such as cancer and liver disease; elevated risk for heart disease and stroke; crime and violence; alcohol dependence; injuries and hospitalizations; and tragically, deaths relating to disease, violence or impaired judgment.

In its report on how to reduce harms from alcohol, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health stated that regulating the availability of alcohol, along with controlled sales via centralized channels, is a key strategy for reducing consumption and harm. The strategy is evidence-based. Where alcohol privatization and deregulation has occurred elsewhere in Canada, alcohol availability has risen significantly, with subsequent increases in consumption and harm. In British Columbia, the Provincial Health Officer reported that partial privatization in 2002 led to a 40% increase in the number of liquor stores over a six year period, paired with a province-wide increase in alcohol consumption of 8%. Furthermore, a 2011 study from British Columbia published in Addiction reveals the direct relationship between rising density of liquor and beer stores and increased alcohol-related deaths, indicating that “a 20% rise in private store density increased alcohol-related mortality by 3.25%”.

It is possible that the Ontario government believes taxation revenue from increasing alcohol access offsets or exceeds the related costs. This is not true. A 2012 report from the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse quotes 2002-2003 data, indicating that health care, enforcement and other direct costs from alcohol cost the government $2.4 billion in Ontario.  This same report compares these costs to total alcohol revenue [Table 6] indicating a net loss of over $450 million (in a single year).

Losses from alcohol-related harm are being externalized to the province’s law enforcement and health care systems, whose budgets are the responsibility of the Ontario taxpayer. Aiming to sell more alcohol through heightened availability is a self-defeating economic strategy.  Beyond dollars, the price of increased alcohol consumption is paid for in incarcerations, illness, and impossible-to-measure units of human suffering.

Ontario’s new alcohol strategy

In September 2015, a coalition of health and partner organizations called for the development of a Provincial Alcohol Strategy, their aim being a comprehensive approach to balance economic interests with public health and safety.  The government responded with a recent announcement to design a multi-component Alcohol Strategy for Ontario.

This was welcome news; however, it is only a beginning.  It remains to be seen if the province will ultimately cease stimulation of sectors within the alcohol industry which furthers distribution, sales and consumption. If they continue, they would do so in disregard of clear evidence of commensurate costs, and damage to the lives of Ontarians.

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1 Comment
  • fred scarfe says:

    Time to sober up Canada-WHO reports Canada top drinker in world urging action to reduce the staggering harm chronic diseases-Cancers and over 60 diseases/conditions and top health and safety issue in Canada which is unsustainable and risking Canada’s future for health and safety and financially as the harm costs far exceed any revenues-Alcohol is a toxic class 1 Carcinogen and no safe level of drinking and the Government and health system has failed in it’s mandate and duty to educated prevent and inform the pub;ic which the majority is completely unaware that it is carcinogenic and unaware of the full spectrum of diseases and harms-Canada just has been named also the top drunk driving deaths country of 19 of the wealthiest nations.Sadly there are many Doctors and others in Health and Cancer agencies who also lack the training and knowledge which is unacceptable and a real disservice to patients and the public in general-Prevention is key and mos cost effective strategy for long term to reduce consumption and Cancers and other harms and yet is woefully neglected-Many in Canada from BC and Ontario and others have been calling on the Government to wake up and we need a National comprehensive strategy with strong leadership from Government Health and the community at large to act and lead to promote clean sober Alcohol/drug free living and especially for our children and youth and their future-They deserve better.Just looking at FASD and other birth defects from drinking alone is ahuge financial and systemic burden and a violation of childrens rights by failing to act and protect on a issue that is 100% preventable.This falls on Government and they must be held responsible.It is estimated over 5 million Canadians are at risk heavy drinkers and growing due to Government enabling more Alcohol and availability which translates into more deaths diseases and harm.Though Alcohol is a legal product it is the largest and most harmful drug of all combined and also mixed with other drugs and marijuana is even more deadly and harmful and again is unsusatainable.National strategy should include higher minimum prices taxes ban on Alcohol advertising graphic cigarette style warnings on all containers and a united and relentless education strategy across Canada in the Schools and the entire community with similar focus and action that has been highly effective in reducing smoking in Canada from the hay days of 80-90% smoking now down to the 15% range-Alcohol is the new smoking at the 80% range and growing due to Big Alcohol having a free reign to target children and youth to drinking painting it as a lifestyle fun and enjoyable which is far from the real truth.This must be stopped.JMF Research BC is a non profit research and consultant specializing in Alcohol and community advocate for health and safety reaching out worldwide and here in Canada to change this epidemic drinking culture which is responsible for extensive harm and costs to society and a real threat for Canada.We are working with others for National action as well worldwide and that time is now.Drinking affects everyone no exceptions and health and safety as been neglected for far too long at a very high cost and we must all come together and say no more and take these necessary steps and actions-I believe 100% when we do the implications are staggering in a very positive way both financially in savings relieving healthcare system-policing violence and assaults and chronic diseases and helping mental health liver diseases Cancers strokes heart diseases impaired driving deaths and injuries property damage loss of productivity dementia and brain damage poisoning and overdoses FASD Autism and other birth defects and other harms from Alcohol.I urge everyone to participate to make Canada healthier and safer and especially for future generations-Thank you F.A.Scarfe-Director of JMF research BC


Doug Ironside


Doug Ironside is a public health nurse who provides alcohol-based education and harm reduction messaging to diverse audiences. He is a primary writer/editor of Thirst and a special consultant to the Ontario Public Health Association’s Alcohol Work Group.

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