
Witnessing the closing chapter of many lives, I’m grateful for my sorrow

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  • Shankar Jha says:

    Beautiful article Sarah !

    As a future doctor, I hope to build a similar rapport with my patients.

    You are an inspiration to all health care professionals :)

  • Margaret says:

    What a beautiful, caring story. Sarah, I know that you are fully involved with all your patients and they are lucky to have you as their physician willing to care for them to the end. Take good care of yourself.

  • DM Connors says:

    Beautiful! Thank you for caring so deeply as a physician, a woman and community member.


Sarah Newbery


Dr. Sarah Newbery is a rural generalist family physician in the community of Marathon, where she has been for 27 years. She is also Associate Dean of Physician Workforce Strategy at NOSM University and a past president of the OCFP.

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