
The Saudi trainees’ resilience and professionalism make it even harder to see them go

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  • Siobhan says:

    Yes these are difficult personal circumstances for the individuals caught in the middle of a sudden diplomatic spat. But you could also easily tell a story about meeting Canadian doctors (trained in and outside Canada) who have been unable to match to a residency due to a lack of residency positions driven by a lack of supervision resources and funding. You would meet great Canadians who have worked just as hard as these Saudi doctors and are vying to return to Canada and their families and friends and relationships. They would also be amazing colleagues – if our system would give them a chance. We need to revisit our reliance on foreign cash and free labour going forward and instead focus our resources, supervisors and empathy on Canadian doctors waiting for a residency position.

  • Altayyeb Yousef says:

    Wayne Gold has always been amazing teacher and one of a kind human being. TGH and UofT is lucky to have him. I am proud to be a team 5 member (3 times)!

    Glad that my Saudi colleagues’ situation got sorted out!

  • John Fitzsimons says:

    why does the Cdn Government not train doctors to go back to countries which have dire needs? The Saudi Govt pays Canada to train doctors here , so it is “free labour” for the Canadian Medical system. Graduates who are Canadians or PRs who have trained overseas by going there or immigrating from other countries are blocked from accessing residency positions. By not training Canadians or PRs who can stay we have a shortage locally. This change by Saudi now exposes the status of using Saudi money for medical labour and neglecting access to immigrants and those who are Canadian and trained overseas or opening spots to other countries where we could be humanitarian and provide increasing care worldwide. The Canadian system is self serving and needs change, which will cost!, thanks to alienating a country and displacing hard working Saudi residents. We have created this problem and humanitarian wise we are not really doing that much for the wellbeing of the health needs of First Nations or worldwide developing countries- are we able to criticize Saudis of human rights issues when we are not reaching achievable goals ourselves. Hopefully this change will open up the debate locally and expose our own deficiencies. We are wasteful of the talent pool we have in Cdn and leave them to flounder by never getting access to post graduate training. That is as much an injustice as what we may allude other nations may do to their citizens for seeking freedoms. We have denied immigrants and returning citizens their rights to provide a medical career and needed care to the population- primarily to protect the existing medical professionals monopoly and keep remuneration to a smaller pool. The value of services provided for money spent is sub-optimal, which is another issue.

    • Naser says:

      It’s all about funding , Canadian residents cost over 60k a year each, Saudis cost nothing so if you want to replace Saudi residents by Canadians IMGs then you need to find a source to fund that which is not available at the moment,

      • Vera-D. says:

        Many Canadians who had to train offshore would pay the 60K or 100K themselves for the opportunity of a spot. My neighbour is a physician, her daughter had to go to the Caribbean for medical school. I’m sure she would pay the same as the Saudi rate to get a residency space in Canada. Instead she goes to the USA.

    • Jz says:

      The Canadian medical system would have much more room to train more doctors (from within or abroad) and provide access to doctors if they only had the funding to pay more doctors. Are we as citizens willing to pay more taxes? Or should we be grateful for the opportunity to train Saudi doctors while their government is paying us and providing their services. Hummmm

  • Dr. Abdurrahman Almurayshid says:

    Thanks for your supportive opinion and I really appreciate that. Your words reached my heart. As a Saudi doctor who had the honour training in Canada I must Say: Thanks Dr. Chris Kawala for the Golden words. I Hope you the best and all the success.


Chris Kawala


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