
Why social workers are integral to end-of-life care

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  • Carrie Batt says:

    I added this article as a post on SEOL CARE,,offers end of life care for people with a disability,on FB. The words in the title caught my eye,as I do think that teams that have a vast array of skill sets are truely what patients hope for. The article was informative and usefull.

  • Sanna says:

    People so need people like you. Well done and compassionate.

  • Peter Dodek says:

    Bravo to you and your colleagues for all of the work you do behind the scenes and with the rest of the medical team!! I know that my work as an Intensivist was greatly facilitated by our social workers. Thank you!

  • Kathleen OConnor says:

    Excellent description to add to any budget increase request for an additional social worker for the team. May wish to add info about the team coordination/leadership that the social worker also often does.
    Kathleen O’Connor, DPA, MBA, MA, LMSW

  • Ann Guillen says:

    As a frontline RN working on a busy downtown kidney transplant/nephrology unit it is imperative that we seek the expertise of the social worker. Not only are social workers an integral part of the allied health team they have the incredible ability of tackling the difficult questions, the questions none of us want to ask. Social workers are the “glue” that allow patients to choose their plan of care with the outmost dignity, compassion and respect that each and every patient deserves.

  • Leora Wanounou says:

    It is great that no only the family but the health care team can receive guidance from the social worker in this difficult situations.

  • Kevin Barlow says:

    I really enjoyed reading this article. Goals of Care had historically and mistakenly been a one-time conversation that only designated people would have with the patient. Now it is a continued conversation with a team approach. Goals of care and patient preference should be an expectation of all therapies when it comes to chronic illness.

  • Larry says:

    Healthy Debate tends to have articles dominated by MD writers and MD-centric opinions. It is good to see the expertise and roles of other highly qualified regulated health professionals highlighted. I would like to see more of this.

  • Susan Sacchi says:

    I finished the article with a better understanding of the importance of the family’s wishes and concerns to be included in the planning of the patient’s care. It is such a difficult time for everyone and the social worker plays a very important role for all who are connected.


Courtney Sas


Courtney Sas is a renal social worker at St. Michael’s Hospital. She was granted an education leave in 2016 to pursue a masters in bioethics at Harvard Medical School.

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