
Can wastewater monitoring help inform future drug prevention strategies?

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1 Comment
  • Adam Smith says:

    More information does not mean better analysis. This sounds like a bunch of people running around with not enough work to do. “OMG, this weekend ecstasy rates went up”: bunch of people call an emergency meeting to scurry around. Next weekend, “OMG, cocaine rates went up”: bunch of people call an emergency meeting to scurry around and work on ecstasy is set aside. A few weeks later every feels burned out and people are clamouring for more resources to deal with this incredible overload of information that they created themselves!

    Why don’t we just have monitoring on everyone’s toilets? That’s essentially what you are proposing.

    Public health professionals have too much time on their hands.


Natasha Comeau


Natasha Comeau is an international development expert who specializes in global health. She is a fellow in global journalism at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.

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