
Why business hours are bad for hospitals

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  • Jason says:

    Thought provoking to someone that thought that hospitals based staffing and costs to peak needs of the patients as opposed to that of the staff. Next time I’m in need of urgent need I’ll make sure to time it accordingly.

  • Albert Matthies BA MBA says:

    What a delightful and well done article. I studied this during my MBA capstone from a business perspective. A couple thoughts to add: it’s not merely discharge as a milestone in the patient journey that doesn’t occur on the weekend, its also progression of care milestones for many other patients that also do not occur, including of course, the testing and integrated health supports mentioned. To consider a transformative change to seven day model, I would recommend looking closely at the existing resources – the capacity may exist and it has been scheduled into the business hour model – and we could simply re-schedule that capacity and those resources – without adding net new. In addition, I believe operationally, widespread 7 day service would seriously impact in hospital length of stay, indicating funds available to disburse in other areas, perhaps upstream with a health promotion approach, or to areas where additional capacity is needed despite re-scheduling.

    • Marilyn Paddle says:

      Thank you for a balanced view. Initially, I just thought this was more scare-mongering.

  • Kieran Quinn says:

    ‪Excellent article! Completely agree with the points made. I also worry about fixing only one valve in the faucet. Are post-discharge services (like home care) equally available on the weekend for patients discharged on a Saturday or Sunday?‬


Ngozi Iroanyah


Ngozi Iroanyah is a fourth year PhD student at York University in Health Policy and Equity studies. She is also the caregiver of a lovely father who is experiencing the Dementia Journey.

Zeeshan Ansari


Zeeshan has an MBA degree in marketing and a Bachelor degree in commerce and works in the areas of compliance and business. As a patient caregiver, he has experienced various aspects of the healthcare system and is eager to contribute toward its betterment.

Vanda McNiven


Vanda McNiven is a freelance journalist pursuing a Certificate in Health Impact through the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. She is also a senior resident physician at the University of Toronto.

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