
Let’s acknowledge the challenges of rural nursing

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  • diane andress says:

    Funny how the concerns voiced are the same concerns we have voiced so many times over the years with little to no change..I wish you luck in improving the situation. Perhaps someone will listen..as a now retired nurse who worked in the system for forty four years full time..often we gave up..just rolled our sleeves up and did what had to be done anyway we could

    • Tamara says:

      My daughter has been that patient in critical care, that patient that needs to be transferred. I am more then greatful to all the nurses at Timiskaming Hospital. It is so terrible that our own government doesn’t see how much help is needed in rural areas. Thank You Anna Foster you are an Amazing Nurse my daughter Lily and I are greatful to have amazing nurses that go above and beyond.


Anna Foster


Anna Foster is a registered nurse working in the Special Care Unit and Emergency Department at Temiskaming Hospital in New Liskeard, Ontario. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Toronto in 2018, and she previously completed a Bachelor of Health Sciences degree at McMaster University (2014) and a Master of Global Affairs from the University of Toronto (2016).

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