
Can cannabis reduce agitation in dementia patients?

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  • Louise Nicholson says:

    You are very closed minded. The reason more studies are not being done is because of the continuing “war on drugs”, which is keeping life and mind saving natural remedies from research and suffering patients. Almost every other study I’ve read this evening suggests the opposite; that cannabinoids are being shown to reduce agitation and anxiety in dementia patients. My former husband is being “snuffed” with anti psychotics, anti anxiety, anti depression and even morphine right now, that’s a lot more to be worried about than what “pot” might do to him. It’s all about the pharmaceuticals and money, and making the memory care staff happy.

  • Fred Ryan says:

    Anecdotally, it appears that cannabanoids offer remarkably helpful results to people with early dementia (and for their care-givers), plus those suffering bi-polar and other psychotic difficulties. Yet the researchers you quote all seem determined to dismiss this chemical because of various easy-to-resolve difficulties (uneven quality, etc ). Would not a genuine line of investigation seek to actually surmount these difficulties to get at the potential here for aid? Finally, the drug is legal and can be studied . . . but now faces prejudices among the researchers themselves?
    A neighbour (across the street here) has been diagnosed as bipolar (when it was called that) — has had two ambulance episodes to the hospital due to difficulties with his lithium prescription, plus family difficulties, until he decided to try cannabis (legally purchased). He — and his care-giving sister — claim he has not felt this capable and functional for years. One unofficial example … but such instances are ignored by researchers due to years of bad press and public disapproval. Is this how medical research should be conducted, swayed by researchers’ prejudices?


Paul Taylor


Paul Taylor is a health journalist and former Patient Navigation Advisor at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, where he provided advice and answered questions from patients and their families. Paul will continue to write occasional columns for Healthy Debate.

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