
Fake journals in the age of fake news: the dangers of predatory publishing

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Laurie Proulx


Laurie Proulx has lived with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis since she was 14. She is a part-time Managing Director for Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance and works with other organizations to bring patient and community perspectives to their work. She was the first-ever Patient Advisor to the Canadian Drug Agency Transition Office (Health Canada) in 2024.

Manoj Lalu


Manoj Lalu is an Associate Scientist at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and Anesthesiologist at The Ottawa Hospital.

Kelly Cobey


Kelly Cobey is an Investigator and the Publications Officer at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.

Donna Rubenstein


Donna Rubenstein is a Patient Partner with the Nova Scotia Health Authority and Building Research for Integrated Primary Healthcare in Nova Scotia, Dalhousie University. She is also Board Chair of Lake City Works, a not-for-profit and social enterprise supporting people with mental illness in Nova Scotia.

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