
‘We should be embarrassed:’ Lack of plan for students with special needs raises concerns

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  • Grimalda says:

    Ontario has forgotten about children with complex medical needs. These children cannot physically be in schools because of an increased risk to their health. Without
    proper ventilation as well as inability to social distance etc. these families are left with only one choice, to do online learning. However the ministry of health has cut hours of nursing for these children because they are at home learning, instead of being in a school building! Not acceptable!! Support these families, with continued funds for nursing care.

  • Elliette Portal-Stanley says:

    I have felt very inspired and relieved to read your previous and lastest articles. Sometimes I despair that there is no one thinking and communicating the ideas that I have read in your articles. They are in depth, with quotes from the people you hope to hear from. You name the people you quote. We get as accurate as possible information with the format you have. You give me hope. Keep writing.

    • Madi says:

      You can’t know how much your comment means to me. I’ll remember your kindness every time the work gets hard and keep going.
      Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Madi Cyr


Madi Cyr is a Bachelor of Journalism student and former Healthy Debate intern.

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