
Pilot project or surrender? Calgary hospital creates smoking area on its grounds

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  • Gerard Ryan says:

    This is a Canada wide problem. In every nook and cranny you’ll find smokers Puffing away in No Smoking Zones of hospitals , restaurants , all public buildings , etcetera.
    The suggestion of allowing vaping is ridiculous. The carcinogens created by those devices only irritates and angers those of us who have to pass through the cloud created by the contraptions.
    If Smoking is allowed in any format In any space , in Smoke Free Zones , You are disrespecting the masses who don’t want to be exposed to the carcinogens created or the Stink off the user.
    Make it a law and enforce it strictly.
    No exceptions.

  • Marc says:

    Foothills Hospital in Calgary seems to be bending over backwards for smokers…

  • Sharon Lee says:

    Is the Foothill’s Hospital providing smoking cessation aids (NRT/medication) and referral to behavioural support, to patients and staff? This will limit withdrawal and concerns about aggression and hopefully fewer people running outside to smoke.

    • Janice Paskey says:

      Hi, Sharon Lee. I am the writer of the story. Thanks for posting. Yes, there is NRT offered to patients, though the Schultz study have found it was not consistently offered, doctors not always available to prescribe, or patients prefer to still smoke. Staff have access to smoking cessation through extended health benefits. Visitors of course are out of this loop though anyone who enrols in Alberta Quits has free access to NRT, Dr. Friesen told me.


Janice Paskey



Janice Paskey is a journalist based in Calgary who volunteers with patient-oriented research initiatives.

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