
Pregnant women warned to avoid some pain-relief drugs

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  • Adam Jensen says:

    My sister told me that now pregnant women do not even look at contraindications. Many of her friends began postpartum depression and they drank pills without reading contraindications. I know that after giving birth to my sister, some drugs were prescribed, their course lasted 1 month. It’s scary that the medicine has such an effect on newborn babies. I remember that a year before the start of pregnancy, she was taking CBD ( as i remember this one because she was under constant stress. But as soon as they decided to conceive a child, she gave up everything. And it is right. Thank you for writing about this, because it is important to know, both for girls and guys who want to take care of their women.

  • Laurie Proulx says:

    As a patient and executive member of a patient group, I read with interest the warning issued by Health Canada. As you’ve noted, the concerns about use of NSAID’s in the third trimester are well known and we will stay tuned for what recommendations result so we can update our pregnancy resources accordingly – We weren’t impressed that the Health Canada warning was issued late on a Friday where patients would be unable to seek medical advice from their rheumatologist over the weekend.

    However I was surprised to see that broader issues elating to NSAID use in the first trimester were not noted. I understand that there is some data to suggest that NSAID’s may impact egg implantation at conception – do you have comments to make on this potential concern?

    • Carl Laskin says:

      NSAIDs have no affect on implantation. In about 10% of women NSAIDs may prevent rupture of the follicle necessary for ovulation. However this does not occur in the vast majority of women. The only way to diagnose this is to monitor a cycle. Unless there is a fertility issue there is no reason to monitor a cycle. When a woman plans a pregnancy and she is on an NSAID, if I am consulted, I switch to naproxen or ibuprofen which can be taken during pregnancy with dosage regulation.
      In addition, NSAIDs do not cause early miscarriage.

  • Janet Pope says:

    This is an informative article. I am a physician and recommend NSAIDs up to 30 weeks routinely in my patients with inflammatory arthritis or other joint pains if topicals, heat, tylenol are not effective. Women need to be able to function while pregnant and I see women with rheumatoid arthritis and lupus who have joint pain and swelling and need help while pregnant (even though many women will improve their inflammatory arthritis while pregnant). I am not sure how to filter this warning. I will await what Canadian experts recommend and what Health Canada advises. Janet Pope


Maeve Gamble


Maeve Gamble is a physician specializing in rheumatology and a current fellow in the Dalla Lana Global Journalism program.

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